Visionist's Posts

Live Web Cams

Started by: Staaber in General | Views: 381591 | Replies: 1563 | Last: by Paisley

Point Buzz User Map

Started by: TwistedCircuits in General | Views: 14728 | Replies: 67 | Last: by CPVet

Best Night Rides

Started by: Brendan71388 in General | Views: 6458 | Replies: 27 | Last: by 1000 years of force

Golden Ticket Awards: How Cedar Point can improve

Started by: CP FLYIN in General | Views: 29046 | Replies: 107 | Last: by Sollybeast

A ride that CP doesn't have & you wish it would...

Started by: CPfan1976 in General | Views: 128242 | Replies: 559 | Last: by CPfan1976

Platinum Pass perks at other CF parks?

Started by: Visionist in Trip Planning Q&A | Views: 2072 | Replies: 1 | Last: by haiderodes01

Steel Vengeance

Started by: Jason Dark in General | Views: 479859 | Replies: 1772 | Last: by TwistedWicker77

If you could change a ride layout?

Started by: Shawn Meyer in General | Views: 19647 | Replies: 103 | Last: by Skyhawk06

Can a 250 lb 5'10" man fit on the Steel Vengance ride?

Started by: CPClassic in General | Views: 15382 | Replies: 30 | Last: by TMAN264

Steel Vengeance "accident"?

Started by: Dispatch Master in General | Views: 38476 | Replies: 141 | Last: by Chuck Wagon

Next Defunct Attractions

Started by: CPB in General | Views: 81895 | Replies: 399 | Last: by Cargo Shorts

Cedar Point/Kings Island low attendance?

Started by: CoasterHawk in General | Views: 11455 | Replies: 34 | Last: by DSShives

Dragster queue line

Started by: JK125 in General | Views: 7623 | Replies: 28 | Last: by MrMeSeeks

Sandcastle construction area video

Started by: djcarl in General | Views: 2983 | Replies: 6 | Last: by Jake10

Cedar Point's Next Coaster

Started by: Its Noah in General | Views: 50408 | Replies: 209 | Last: by TwistedWicker77

TTD down long term?

Started by: Rugrats2001 in General | Views: 43300 | Replies: 148 | Last: by TheMissingLincc

Steel Vengeance's three amigos

Started by: Visionist in General | Views: 22445 | Replies: 84 | Last: by Skyhawk06

Power outage

Started by: DRE420 in General | Views: 11729 | Replies: 46 | Last: by Augustmueller

Cedar Point Beach/Boardwalk Expansion (2018)

Started by: LukeFury6 in General | Views: 18415 | Replies: 43 | Last: by 1000 years of force

What Hapened to 'Mean Streak Henry'?

Started by: Andrew CB in General | Views: 14411 | Replies: 26 | Last: by Cargo Shorts
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