GDdashROM's Posts

Early Entry Enforcement?

Started by: Josh M. in General | Views: 21978 | Replies: 96 | Last: by joshjv

CP Without a Car

Started by: the greatest alex in Trip Planning Q&A | Views: 7246 | Replies: 17 | Last: by Pete

Basic Question: What Exactly Are the Storage Bins/Lockers

Started by: Bobrot in Trip Planning Q&A | Views: 4693 | Replies: 5 | Last: by 45Wheelgun

How is kingda faster than top thrill dragster

Started by: Joshua W in General | Views: 3460 | Replies: 15 | Last: by Red Garter Rob

Ruined for the summer.

Started by: Captain Bob in Trip Reports | Views: 4753 | Replies: 8 | Last: by Zoug68

Larger women - 2015 - help!

Started by: FloridaGirl in General | Views: 13862 | Replies: 75 | Last: by jsmith7300

Voyage to the Iron Reef at Knotts...

Started by: Orlando Mike in General | Views: 21849 | Replies: 90 | Last: by noggin

Lots of Cedar Point news on this week's "In the Loop" podcast

Started by: bgiese in General | Views: 34732 | Replies: 149 | Last: by RideMan

Lines: D.J's VS. Fun Tv

Started by: cp_2012 in General | Views: 13978 | Replies: 66 | Last: by Paisley

Arrow Up

Started by: 3snoH un=l in Feedback and Help | Views: 4039 | Replies: 10 | Last: by 3snoH un=l

CoasterMania 2015

Started by: AlexGillman in General | Views: 41563 | Replies: 180 | Last: by TTD 120mph

First Ride Experience Memory

Started by: Pogues in General | Views: 1849 | Replies: 6 | Last: by accio_airtime


Started by: NateC2k in Trip Planning Q&A | Views: 2447 | Replies: 5 | Last: by GDdashROM

Dodgem been down all day

Started by: bgiese in General | Views: 4171 | Replies: 19 | Last: by Bluestreaker

Voting for Today show at CP....

Started by: Stacys in General | Views: 5375 | Replies: 19 | Last: by Thabto

spanish flamenco song at the park

Started by: Miss_Maverick07 in General | Views: 2297 | Replies: 7 | Last: by jsmith7300

2015 Dining Plan options announced

Started by: Thabto in General | Views: 40360 | Replies: 167 | Last: by thedevariouseffect

In what order?

Started by: linskypens in Trip Planning Q&A | Views: 4256 | Replies: 16 | Last: by GB

Do you even like Cedar Point?

Started by: GDdashROM in General | Views: 10327 | Replies: 53 | Last: by Pete

Cedar Fair New Trademark

Started by: Cedar Point GCI in General | Views: 42135 | Replies: 182 | Last: by TTD 120mph
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