Mr. Potato's Posts


Started by: net in General | Views: 35041 | Replies: 182 | Last: by Miss_Maverick07

This Friday - 9/7/12

Started by: Bret in General | Views: 7864 | Replies: 59 | Last: by Devs873

An New Idea - Dancing

Started by: acrossthelake in General | Views: 10039 | Replies: 55 | Last: by Ride On_17

2012 Improvements, Additions, and Changes. Leaks and Announcements

Started by: Morté615 in General | Views: 102724 | Replies: 710 | Last: by 99er

How long are the rides closed if there is rain?

Started by: SSL488 in General | Views: 12222 | Replies: 17 | Last: by Jeff

Bonus Still?

Started by: MillenniumMagnumAce in Employee Lounge | Views: 1281 | Replies: 2 | Last: by MillenniumMagnumAce

smoking and littering problem

Started by: Ty Z in General | Views: 42660 | Replies: 268 | Last: by Mr. Cedar Point

how many years will it be until CP builds something worth riding..?

Started by: SSL488 in General | Views: 27803 | Replies: 172 | Last: by Miss_Maverick07

Muddy Rivers song?

Started by: Connor W in General | Views: 1210 | Replies: 2 | Last: by Mr. Potato


Started by: RAPTOR MANIAC in General | Views: 7346 | Replies: 48 | Last: by djDaemon

Cedar Point 2012

Started by: SSL488 in General | Views: 203631 | Replies: 1470 | Last: by Walt

Cedar Point 1978

Started by: cp_2012 in General | Views: 4348 | Replies: 15 | Last: by Chuck Wagon

Windseeker Testing

Started by: jo linn in General | Views: 60833 | Replies: 421 | Last: by Ralph Wiggum

How are the fries this year?

Started by: Tim McKinley in General | Views: 2705 | Replies: 10 | Last: by jwalk03

What's New for the 2011 Season?

Started by: Ffej in General | Views: 13043 | Replies: 87 | Last: by Clevelandkid
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