MForce411's Posts

Are some people annoyed by the "obsession?"

Started by: CedarPtRage in General | Views: 6905 | Replies: 35 | Last: by gregdawg

Why not new tornado slide at Soak City?

Started by: George Krumpak in General | Views: 4681 | Replies: 23 | Last: by Jeff

CP vs. 6 flags... CP wins w/ Dragster and Mill.

Started by: Qs of cp ask me in General | Views: 2795 | Replies: 13 | Last: by MForce411

Cool Cedar Point Gifts

Started by: CedarPtRage in General | Views: 6801 | Replies: 35 | Last: by ohyeahrider

Dan Haverlock

Started by: Jeffrey Spartan in General | Views: 6623 | Replies: 21 | Last: by Dan

Why can't we get a fourth dimension "X" coaster?

Started by: disneydude in General | Views: 11131 | Replies: 51 | Last: by GAdv Gangsta

Open Land

Started by: airtime25 in General | Views: 5920 | Replies: 31 | Last: by sean_s_eagle

No 2005 Coaster?

Started by: ICEESRULE in General | Views: 83493 | Replies: 380 | Last: by Red Garter Rob

new attraction coming

Started by: causewaycruiser in General | Views: 12883 | Replies: 50 | Last: by Millennium_Force

End-of-the-season question

Started by: Boatman in General | Views: 1979 | Replies: 8 | Last: by MForce411
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