Designated Smoking Areas


Loopy's avatar

Already got one for ya, Ensign, second ride of the day after IJTC.

The smoking areas here are near each restroom and seem to work pretty well. There's a couple benches and a place to put your butts, usually under some trees. Other than the few people that are never going to follow the rules, there weren't that many smoking outside of the areas and none in any queues that I could see.

As for CF's re-branding, it seems as though it's pretty willy-nilly and worse the farther you get back in the park.

Ya, that's right, I said willy-nilly.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!



David, it's not absurd, its the truth. My statement does not represent, at least to my knowledge, anything close to a majority of smokers. I even know a few who could outrun a non-smoker. The point being is that there are those who are too lazy...and still go to CP, which involves walking. Whether you believe it or not, its the truth either way. As absurd as it might sound.

Owner, Gould Photography.



As a former sweep of a park just as riddled with smokers, the volume of other trash is not less than cigarette butts. Food trash makes up the majority of volume of trash. Sure there are more individual butts than other pieces of trash; but people,and i mean people, are generally lazy and don't much care if they litter in a park. Much in the same way you don't care about dropping trash at a baseball game. To single out those who smoke it rediculous. I would assume that you would blame all the smokers too for the underware that is left about in the park too. Those darn smokers are just so rude.

Also I say there is need to add more smoking areas if they want any possibility of getting people to go along with this thing. If i were a smoker i would be inclinded to just ignore the whole thing if i weren't near a smoking area. Hell, you are outside after all. It's not like this is in anyway a health issue for those not smoking.



Loopy's avatar

That's just ignorance and disregard for other people.

This has been beaten to death now, it's going to happen and it will be enforced, at least in another CF park it is. I witnessed at least two people being told to please put out their cigarette and go to a smoking area if they'd like to smoke.

No one ever said anything about smokers throwing other trash on the ground nor did they insinuate that either. They are singling out smokers because it's offensive and they have every right to. Deal with it.

*** Edited 4/1/2007 11:07:47 AM UTC by Loopy***

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!



cedar point has every right to tell people where and where not to smoke. its not their fault you made a bad decision and started doing something so stupid. think about it... you have a sick addiction, and all your doing is trying to stick up for it.



djDaemon's avatar

David Sagert said:
To say someone is too lazy to walk to a cerified smoking area is absurd, mainly due to the fact that you are at CP and all you do is walk.

That's somewhat accurate, but consider someone who has been waiting in line for a while, and is on their way to another ride that doesn't take them by an approved area. They'll be the ones breaking the rules. If CP had a couple more areas, that would help minimize that, in my opinion.




JohnMosesBrowning's avatar

djDaemon said:

David Sagert said:
To say someone is too lazy to walk to a cerified smoking area is absurd, mainly due to the fact that you are at CP and all you do is walk.

That's somewhat accurate, but consider someone who has been waiting in line for a while, and is on their way to another ride that doesn't take them by an approved area. They'll be the ones breaking the rules. If CP had a couple more areas, that would help minimize that, in my opinion.

I agree. Make it convenient to smoke in a designated area and more folks will comply. Reading this thread makes me want to go out back and enjoy a fine cigar!



The smoking areas at Disney aren't necessarily "convenient" and people use them. If its the rule, you should follow it. I don't really understand why people have such a hard time with that. You're in someone else's park - yes you paid for the ability to go inside, but that doesn't mean its yours.



Ok, there just haven't been enough posts from smokers on here. Yes, I'm a smoker. Let me say that I feel horrible for those of you who have had to deal with smokers who have no manners. But, not all of us smokers are like that. I would never light up in line and I know many smokers who are the same way. I am a little bummed about this new rule. But, those of you who are non smokers are missing the principle. Lately it seems that the government is just trying to regulate what we do too much. I understand in some situations where smoking should be banned. But, there are many places that are just taking this whole thing way too far (not necessarily cp). All of you have to think about this from our point of view. Everyone has something that's important to them. Now, how would you feel if the government started regulating everything you did? What if they started regulating when and how much you have to sleep. What if they started regulating when and what you could eat. Wouldn't you feel like your rights have been violated? Speaking of food, you know being obese is unhealthy too. I don't see the government or cp cutting out fatty foods or regulating where obese people can be or where they can eat. Obese people make me sick to my stomach and I consider them harmful to my health. I don't see the gov't regulating what they're doing. The point is. Those of us who smoke are sick and tired of being picked on.

And it's offensive for you people to sit here and call every smoker lazy and tell us we're the ones who litter! You don't know anything about us. You don't know us at all. So you have no right to tell smokers that they are lazy, litterbugs. Stop being so self rightous.



The government didn't tell Cedar Point they had to prohibit smoking in the park. They did that on their own.

Regardless of that fact, smoking directly affects the smoke of people that aren't smoking. It goes into the air and people have to breathe, so they breathe it in. So, your smoke IS harmful to the health of other people.

Obese people may make you sick, but them being obese isn't affecting your health. Obesity IS is great drain on the health care industry and insurance costs. But, someone walking past you that's overweight doesn't affect your health in any way.

The government tells me I can't get married. How's that for violating someone's rights? At least you're still allowed to smoke - you just have to do it in certain locations.



Loopy's avatar

sunbutterfly said:
What if they started regulating when and how much you have to sleep. What if they started regulating when and what you could eat. Wouldn't you feel like your rights have been violated? Speaking of food, you know being obese is unhealthy too. I don't see the government or cp cutting out fatty foods or regulating where obese people can be or where they can eat. Obese people make me sick to my stomach and I consider them harmful to my health. I don't see the gov't regulating what they're doing. The point is. Those of us who smoke are sick and tired of being picked on.

I had to quote this particular section of post to make sure others could wade through crap of a paragraph that's above.

This has to be one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read on here, and we have 12 year olds posting. Nothing you talked about directly affects another person in any way. I don't care how much you say an obese person makes you ill, there's no medical proof of such. Just face the facts and understand that what you do is disgusting and does directly affect others. It is people like you that give smokers a bad stigma. I'm telling you this as a former smoker of 15 years.

And your last comment about smokers being picked on, what a joke. So there's no regulation on the consumption of alcohol? Where and when I can consume it and where and when I can be after consuming it? Get off your high horse and bite the bullet. You smoke and it's disgusting. The government can and will regulate it, just deal with it or quit. Simple as that.

EDIT: Welcome to PB!

*** Edited 4/3/2007 10:13:34 PM UTC by Loopy***

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Nice warm welcome eh?:)

This is reason number...uhh, I can’t remember what number it is.....but it's high. Anyway, it's another reason why I’m staying as far from cigarettes as humanly possible. After seeing the effects it has on people, both personality and financially wise, I’m convinced to NEVER touch a coffin nail as long as I live.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut


Good Grief...

Good Grief...'s avatar

Boy, the Welcome Wagon just isn't the same anymore. You used to get coupons & cookies ;)

Sorry Sunbutterfly but you did deserve that. Saying obese people make you sick is cruel. And no, I'm sure not every smoker flicks their butts on the ground, but enough do to make it a litter issue.

Good for you Loopy for quitting & Adam for committing to never start. You'll never be my patients!

randi <><
Peace Love Hope



I smoke, but have NEVER smoked in line. This new policy does not bother me at all.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point



Loopy said:

"No one ever said anything about smokers throwing other trash on the ground nor did they insinuate that either."

Is that so? What is this?

mk522 said:

"Furthermore, the people who smoke and are too lazy to walk, probably are the same people who can't walk to a trash can to throw away trash."

My whole point was followed pretty well by dj and JohnMoses. If you want people to play along then make it easy for them to do so. Pure and simple. I think you'll find that most people are willing to follow the rules if it isn't too big an inconvenience. Smokers or non-smokers. If you can't understand that then you must be a very angry person. Which it sounds like you are.

The thing that is lost in this whole second hand smoke thing is that the World Health Organization found in one of their very own studies that second hand smoke isn't statistically relevent in causing cancer. (and the last i checked they weren't run by big tobacco). Why is it so hard to understand that there is a relevent discussion to be made that second hand smoke isn't a threat; and that all the whining and complaining and condecending speachifying and berrating doesn't make people want to stop smoking. It makes them want to blow it in your face.

Take into consideration that the park is outside and what's the big deal? Someone's risk of getting cancer from another smoker by being in Cedar Point just doesn't exist.

And by the way, I don't smoke.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Someone's risk of getting cancer from another smoker by being in Cedar Point just doesn't exist

No offence gener but duh! You can’t get cancer just by passing through a smoke cloud a few times. You have to be around that person or smoke on a daily basis to even be eligible. In fact, I don’t think anyone has actually said that, or even implied that. What we're saying is that the smell of smoke is disgusting and not a very pleasant thing to run into when you’re in a congested line surrounded by people that are already either talking too loud or have BO or if you're enjoying the sights and sounds as you casually stroll down a midway. And, not to mention, it isn't a very good idea to be smoking in a place that has many families with children. In fact you shouldn’t even smoke around children period. This includes parents that area at the point that are smoking around their children. I mean you can’t think it doesn’t have some kind of long term affect on a child.
Ask my friend what I do when we pass by someone or are behind someone who is smoking. Most of the times I'll either start walking faster to get ahead of them, or stop completely to let them get ahead of me. I for one cant wait to smell less smoke and more boardwalk fries......cause that's all that really matters.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



JuggaLotus's avatar

Adam, that argument has been made several times, just not in this thread.

I can't argue you on the smell though. I am a smoker, but catching a whiff of someone else's smoke (especially when they smoke the super cheap cigarettes) is not good.

Goodbye MrScott




Gomez's avatar

The further away smoke is from me the better. That's all that matters to me.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick



Do you think they'd see a huge drop in attendance if they eliminated smoking from the park all together?

Along the same lines, do you think this will affect attendance at all?

The closest I think I come to having an addiction is Diet Coke, and I'm able to go an entire day at CP without it. I know that Diet Coke isn't nearly as addictive as nicotine, but is that something smokers could do without for an entire day, or not?



djDaemon's avatar

Well, that would depend. If there were no smoking allowed anywhere on the peninsula, then yes, they would lose a considerable amount of smokers, in my opinion. If one simply had to leave the park to smoke, it would likely be less of an issue.

And, no, most smokers would not go an entire day without a cigarette, based on my experience.



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