What Would You (Realistically) Like To See @ Cedar Point in the Future

Yeah I've been to Kalahari numerous times and can't remember one time where their water coaster was running at all.

11 years.

It is down a lot, but a lot of the times I have been there is has been working. Others, not so much.

Kyle2154's avatar

I heard a wild rumor today, take it for what it's worth...

GCII woodie, station, queue, and lifthill where demon drop was, extending out towards the beach. Some of the parking lot will be removed and the woodie will fit nicely in a small footprint.

If it were a take it or leave it, I would take it. Who knows what is going in that space and I'd rather that than have nothing. I don't see where GCII builds any woodies much higher than 100 feet though, kind of a bummer.

Granted GCII coasters are usually not too tall, they pack a punch and deliver fast paced rides. I was blown away when I rode Renegade for the first time. I think a GCII coaster is exactly what the park needs. Lord knows CP is in dire need of a world class woodie.

-Chance M.
1. Magnum XL 200 (trimless)_____1. Voyage
2. Maverick_____________________2. Boulder Dash
3. Millennium Force_____________3. Prowler

If that rumor was real, they would have to remove the picnic pavilions and maybe the front restrooms on that side. There's a whole lot of land right there in that area and I could see that happening. And they could save money on queue rails because they can just rip out the ones that Mean Streak doesn't use anymore and just shrink down their queue.

RideWarrior18's avatar

Taken with a grain of salt (or sand, whichever you prefer), I think that the GCI rumor is a great one. I firmly believe that we'll get a woodie, and it pretty much comes down to Gravity Group, Intamin (PreFab), or GCI. I personally believe that GCI makes amazing twisters, which is exactly what is needed at the Point. These woodies are cheap (roughly speaking, compared to investments in the steel coaster industry), and Millennium Flyers as well as the maintainance services that GCI provides could be the best thing CP has going for them.

^I don't think, with the proper planning and engineering, that anything more than Demon Drop would have to be removed. You could always build on or around what is arguably the most popular restrooms in the park.

As for the parking lot bit, I think that this had been expected, however I still love the idea. Going under the parking lot (like Hades @ Mt. Olympus) is probably out of consideration, as there's a lot of sand to dig up, which could cause major problems. I'd love to see a structure build over the parking lot, or just have the coaster go over the parking lot without drasically reducing the number of spaces.

crazy horse's avatar

I think the intamin plug and plays are the best. El Toro is one of the best coasters I have ever been on. Intense from beginning to end.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Here's what I would love to see at the park:

1. A nice boardwalk (as stated in the very first post of this topic) because Cedar Point has that boardwalk look and feel to it since it is on a peninsula. There is so much beach going to waste right next to the parking lot! They could for sure expand on that.

2. I want to see Mantis' entrance put back where it originally was.

3. In between Millennium Force's last overbank turn and CP&LE Railroad's station (where Giant Wheel's location used to be), put a Huss Top Spin in it's location. Now I know a lot of people are going to disagree with this, but I think Top Spins draw a lot of attention, and that area isn't even used anymore. Atleast within the past 2 years when I have gone, that concrete slab hasn't been used for temporary queues for Millennium Force. Something there would be nice

4. I'm saying this next one because I'm not a water ride person, but since we have STR this year, take out SRF and TC. I want to see another B&M in the park, possibly a sit down like Kumba, or a new floorless design. Have it start out over where SRF is and then go underground underneath the frontier trail and do all of it's other stuff where TC is and then back underground to finish off before leading into the final break run and heading into the station. I know in my head how the coaster would look, but I can't descirbe it.

5. I would love to see them utilize the old Ballroom to have private parties, or after hour entertainment.

6. A tram in the parking lot up to the Entrance would be nice!

7. Extended seatbelts on all of their rides (ie: Millennium Force and Dragster) for bigger guests because it must be embarrassing for them to get kicked off a ride after waiting in line for hours

That's all I can think of right now

If CF goes with a woodie it will be GCI. The last non-GCI woodie that CF bought was in 1998 from CCI--which is now out of business. Every woodie since (Renegade, Prowler) were from GCI.

I can't say with certainty how high the water table on a "point" out in the middle of Lake Erie is, but I'd bet it's high enough that any tunnel under the frontier trail would have flooding problems. Also, I like Thunder Canyon and water rides, generally. I do agree with 1,3,5,6,&7.

Last edited by Captain Hawkeye,

This Isn't A Hospital--It's An Insane Asylum!

^ I took that into consideration when thinking about what I would like to see. There is a coaster (I don't remember where at) that goes underwater. It's going to have a tunnel around it and everything. I don't know, it probably will never happen but one could imagine. And thanks man, I'm glad you like some of my ideas.

coolkid2345's avatar

^ The Seatbelt is that way for a reason, I might be wrong but I thought if the seatbelt wouldn't fit, it is a risk that the lap-bar would release. I am all for safety on the rides.

It would be really cool to see the Giant Wheel move close to its original spot again. The maybe could move the screen to where Giant Wheel is and make a new night show. Hot Summer Lights in my opinion is really stupid.

Another thing that really makes a ride stand out at night time are the lights. It would be amazing to see Cedar Point replace the bulbs on the rides with LED lighting. If anyone has been to Busch Gardens Williamsburg yet, their wave swinger looks really good with the lights they use now and it also cuts down on their electricity now. It also makes the ride stand out.

The last thing that everybody is going to dissagree with me on is integrating a fast pass system that works.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time: http://pep.si/bTTsfc

RideWarrior18's avatar

If Intamin could make a plug-n-play twister, I'd say do it. As for the guy who said something about GCIs being the only recent additions to CF parks, I'd say that CP is the place where CF tries out new technology and usually fails the first year or so, but then gets it back on track (exception: Mantis, MF).

^I love the LED idea. Great for costs, the environment, and their brighter. Great idea. Gonna have to pass on Fast Pass, seeing as I really do enjoy the old "wait or your screwed, you don't get special treatment" style. I'd be all for a single-riders line on the bigger coaster though, kinda like how I-232 and Diamondback are. I'm also thinking that the Giant Wheel is where it is to stay.

EDIT: To the person with 7 ideas: most of them were pretty good. Trams is the best idea ever. I'm not sure if any of those are attainable though.

Last edited by RideWarrior18,

"6. A tram in the parking lot up to the Entrance would be nice!"

This. Didn't they have this at one time, or was that Kings Island?

The only way I would ever want CP to start a FastPass style system is if it were EXACTLY like Disney's. In other words, it would have to be FREE and have merge points with the standby line (no stealing peoples' seats right before they're about to get on). Disney's is the only line cutting system that works worth a damn - that doesn't piss everyone off that isn't using it. However, CP would never in a million years drop that kind of cash to set up the machines and ticketing system and staff a couple extra ride ops per location that uses it. Because of this, I NEVER want to see a FastPass system in place at CP.

Californian in Ohio
'10 - TL Magnum XL-200
'09 - ATL Top Thrill Dragster
'08 - Magnum / Corkscrew crews
'07 - maXair / Magnum crews
'06 - Wicked Twister / Skyride / Millennium Force crews

CoasterChris's avatar

I would agree with adding a GCI twister. Prowler is by far the best woody I have ever ridden and very much surprised me for only being about 100 feet high, and 50 miles per hour. I would love to see one at Cedar Point. A boardwalk type of theme would fit in well over by where DD used to be.

2010: Magnum XL-200 Ride Host

Pete's avatar

Yes, there was a parking lot tram for many years at CP.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

RideWarrior18's avatar

^There also was an excellent one at KI. I used it so many times while I was there. The one I distinctly remember was the campground shuttle, which was super helpful at the end of a long day.

Kyle2154's avatar

CoasterChris said:
I would agree with adding a GCI twister. Prowler is by far the best woody I have ever ridden and very much surprised me for only being about 100 feet high, and 50 miles per hour. I would love to see one at Cedar Point. A boardwalk type of theme would fit in well over by where DD used to be.

I'm feeling more and more confident about the GCII I was told about. I don't know why I trust this guy I met at Kings Island but I do.

Speaking of which I would love to see a twin coaster to Diamondback. After riding that thing like 12 times this past weekend (yeah, I got my coaster fix!) I still couldn't get enough. The airtime is stellar.

99er's avatar

Kyle2154 said:

I don't know why I trust this guy I met at Kings Island but I do.

I don't know why either.

Last edited by 99er,
djDaemon's avatar

LOL :)


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