What Would You (Realistically) Like To See @ Cedar Point in the Future

99er's avatar

crazy horse said:I don't know how people can say they can relax at a water park.

I don't know how they say they can't.

Last edited by 99er,

CP rush said:
A tornado slide or something along those lines, would definitely be an added incentive for some people to splurge on a ride and slide ticket instead of a regular admission. Soak City is adequate for those with a platinum pass and those staying at the resort. I'd like to know the number of pass holders/resort guest who visit Soak City vs. those who do not.

Patience. After Geauga Lake's Wildwater Kingdom closes, you'll have all the updates your waterslide-riding heart desires.

CP rush's avatar

^Are there plans to close Geauga Lake? I've only been to the park once since it was downsized to only a water park.

First rollback=opening weekend '09

pointperson's avatar

CP rush... GL's Wildwater Kingdom is scheduled to open for 2010 on Memorial weekend. I really do enjoy the park, but I dont see much draw for many people (without passes). It just isn't big enough to really offer a whole day and doesnt have a lot of attractions that really draw intrest (except maybe the proslide tornado). The park although nice really needs to add something because you can't keep raising ticket prices if there is nothing to show for it. Atleast add a new slide tower or something. The park is very nice and actually has a nice atmosphere (other than a waste land across the lake) and I actually perfer it over Soak City.

Last edited by pointperson,

Visual Scan!
First Top Thrill Dragster train of 2011!
Rollbacks: 1st Triple Rollback of 2009!

OK this is an easy one. I envision a place where you can walk along the water on boardwalks and sit on benches and look at the lake. Tear down all the rides and build beautiful condos that we can buy to enjoy the area.Park areas and stores and make it like a small society setting that you dont need transportation to get around in.Ok maybe leave the railroad in to help the residence get from point to point.

Paths will be winding with trees lining them.Decorative lighting that cast a soft glow to allow people to walk in the evening and enjoy the clear night skies.Social events that bring the community together and provide a safe place for the old folks like me.

Hmmm think that was planned in the early 70s I believe?:)

Sorry just had to throw a totally out to left field post here.

Pete's avatar

crazy horse said:
I don't know how people can say they can relax at a water park. I do more work in 1 day at the waterpark, then I do all week at work.

I have to say I find Soak City very relaxing, but I don't go on the slides very often. I usually float on Renegade River or the lazy river (Main Stream?), or my favorite, just lounging in the water with a drink at Bubbles.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Get To The Point said:
I don't know if I would want a flying coaster at Cedar Point. I have been on many flying coasters (Slealth/Nighthawk @ Great America & Carowinds, X-Flight/Firehawk - GL & KI, Time Warp @ Canada's) and was never impressed with any aspect of the ride. To me, they are horrible on getting people through the line, short and rather uneventful, and uncomfortable. However, I have never been on one made by B&M (only Vekoma) so the ones at Six Flags or Sea World may be better. I think there are a lot better coasters out there to choose from than flying coasters.

Maybe it was the freshness (I've only ridden it twice), but I really enjoyed Firehawk at KI. True it wasn't particularly eventful, but it was more just the concept of "flying" and the slight unease that my life was completely depending on a harnass.

Traditional sit-down roller coasters like Millenium Force are great, but I'm as comfortable riding them as a park train. So, if B&M Flyers have that same feeling that the weight of your body is depending on a harnass, then I'd love to have that thrill at CP.

As much as I love Raptor, I've never felt the same about B&M after Mantis, so I guess I need to try Tatsu before making the call that CP needs one.

How about CP gives Mantis to one of its sister parks and replaces it with a B&M flyer? ;)

Here's something that CP and maybe Cedar Fair in general needs to get with the program with:

Big boy rows.

I think that area they showed on Monday where Demon Drop used to be would be the next ideal spot for a new coaster. It's big enough for a good size first hill. What do you guys think?

I'd have to disagree on that one. The area where Demon Drop used to be is not that big to hold a good size lift hill. But it would be big enough for a nice station for a coaster leading to a lift out toward an area of the parking lot near the service gate.

I think the Demon Drop spot would be a great place for a station for a new ride. A new coaster in the spot would look great at the front of the park as people are pulling into CP's parking lot and entering the park.

djDaemon's avatar

The area where Demon Drop was, combined with the area where Disaster Transport is... could conceivably hold any coaster in the park.


RideWarrior18's avatar

^Although, couldn't then technically build on top of the DT building? That way, you really wouldn't need to remove DT, as a lot of kids love it as their first indoor coaster. I think DT needs rethemed, kind of like how KI rethemed their dark ride, only better? Maybe? :)

djDaemon's avatar

I don't think the extra cost to build on top of that warehouse could be easily justified. Not only would you have to engineer the new ride's support structure around/through the existing ride, you'd also have to raise the new ride up above the existing one. Both considerations ain't cheap.

Keep in mind that CP, so it's been said around here, uses a rather simple formula to determine the cost-per-rider for a ride, and when that number gets low enough, the ride is considered for retirement (there are other factors considered as well, presumably). Given that AR cost ~$6.7 million (adjusted for inflation), and that the conversion cost ~$6.5, and that the ride's theming has been allowed to deteriorate in recent years... I wouldn't be shocked to see it go soon. But I also wouldn't be shocked to see it stay for another decade.

For my money, they'd be better off removing it and putting in a GG/GCI and a dark ride (to placate the OMG but the air conditioning!!! crowd). The combo of those would more than make up for DT's loss, in my opinion.

Last edited by djDaemon,


crazy horse's avatar

No, but there is a LOT of land behind disaster and wicked twister, that can be used.

Think of the staition and some q lines going where demon drop was, and a lift hill going up pointing towrds the beach. The first drop and maybe a few airtime hills and turns next the the water, and a bunch of bunnyhops back to the station. Kinda like magnum.

Or, there is plenty of room to put a dark ride in that area as well.

I would be happy with eather.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Maybe what they could do is build a double first hill like how you build them in RCT. For example. You could go 100 feet up, make a left turn and go up another lift hill maybe 40 feet and then you have your drop.I don't know if there is any coaster in the world that has done that before, but it would be neat.

crazy horse's avatar

Your talking about something like this...


It's the twister at knoebels park.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Something like that. I was thinking of a smaller turn after the first hill. I guess my example would be more of how Mantis does it's turn before the drop. Instead of the drop though it would enter another lift hill which would give the riders a thrill before going up the second lift hill.

You guys said it.

As long as DT has that AC going inside it, then people it will stay there until 2200. Unless the building falls down on its own sometime in about 2099.

In fact, the planet will disentegrate before this indoor coaster falls down on its own........:)

crazy horse's avatar

I have been in there when the air was not on in the middle of a 90 degree day, and there was still a 40 min wait.

I doubt that the ac is the main draw of the ride.

It's still a popular ride, ac or not.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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