Record-breaking Siren’s Curse tilt coaster to lure Cedar Point thrill seekers in 2025

djDaemon's avatar


We've had 3 built in the past over a 3 year time span. Millenium Force in 2000, Wicked Twister in 2002 and TTD in 2003.

Not that it really matters, but according to my math that's 4 years?

2000 MF
2002 WT
2003 TTD

EDIT - I think I get what you're saying, that it was ~3 years between the opening of MF and TTD. But I don't think I understand the point you were making.


Hmmm, found this illustration of the Vekoma Tilt coaster that was going to Energylandia originally. Layout looks familiar.

Agreed that that looks to be the same, but the stats I came across earlier didn't line up with the stats advertised for SC. Were there stats listed wherever you found that illustration?

Last edited by djDaemon,


Plague on Wheels's avatar

Cedar Point's project 2025 is turning out to be way better than the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025.

Sit tight fellas ;)

^ Can we please not?

DJ...I can't find any stats online from what was going to Energylandia. But, the rendering looks identical when you visually remove the theming. That triple-down solidifies it. Plus, there is no more talk of Six Flags Mexico getting their tilt. I'm happy...this could have gone to Kings island in the Vortex plot, or Valleyfair's entrance where the Dinosaur's were, but CP is getting instead (though this would have been an incredible, overdue addition for Valleyfair).

That tilt gives me the willies a lot more than the lack of stopper on TT2's spike.

eChameleon's avatar

If you gave me five guesses as to what I thought today's announcement would be, this would not have been one of those five. A nice surprise to be sure! Like most though, I wish it had more theming.

The closest comparable experience I’ve had with the tilting and stopping is Gringotts at Universal. This past summer I had the misfortune of being stuck on that particular part of the ride when we were already in the suspended position. Combined with nothing but silence it immediately made that ride somehow terrifying. We eventually dropped but it was about 5 minutes later.

hopefully CP DOES add theming, as i can come up with about 20 different ideas for what they could do. c'mon, it wouldn't be that hard.

How late into the 2025 planning did this come about? I can't imagine they would have not announced this with their $99 season pass special if they had known, right? And no other CF/SF park could have accommodated this ride? I think that's why this is so surprising to me -- it just seems off brand from how they've teased/announced in the past.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

My ears are usually so filled with wax that I won't be able to hear the Siren's irresistible moans emanating from the on-board audio of the cars.

Sit tight fellas ;)

Kevinj's avatar

Just as surprised as anyone to see this at 6:30 in the morning.

Just a couple thoughts. It looks fun. I honestly didn't know they still made these tilt coasters. My last memory of them is from Roller Coaster Tycoon, and I think I saw a video of one (blue track?) operating in Asia. Like 15 years ago.

But, yes. It looks fun.

A hope would be that they take some time to add theming to it. I'm not expecting much, but supposedly this is a "shipping crane tower"? Again, it's early, so maybe there is more to it thematically, because right now it looks about as generic as generic can be.

Put some fog in that tunnel section and I'll be satisfied.

If I remember correctly, Gatekeeper was originally planned for Knott's Berry Farm. I would think behind the scenes ideas for one park get shifted to another more often than anyone ever catches word of. .

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

I don’t understand why people doubt it, but this was a PR move.

needs to be painted deep blue or dark green at least if this is going to be a "sea creature/aquatic" theme. So tired of reds and browns or grays.

MF as a human eager to talk about my home park!

I'm really curious to know how the mechanism to hold the train to the tilt track works, and what failsafe redundancies are in place. Rideman or anyone have info on this?

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Me thinks they're going for the world record of most feet of red track at a single park.

Iron Dragon: 2,800 feet
Magnum XL-200: 5,106 feet
Maverick: 4,450 feet
Valravn: 3,415 feet
Steel Vengeance: 5,740 feet

The total length of these roller coasters is 21,511 feet. Beat that Magic Mountain.

How it works: After the train reaches the end of the horizontal tilt segment, a hook grabs the rear car of the train. This holds the train in place during the tilting. As a safety precaution, a large block of steel at the front of the tilt segment prevents the train from rolling off the end should the hook fail. After the tilt segment is vertical and inline with the vertical drop, the block is pulled away and the hook is released.

As your doomed vessel reaches the end of the treacherous Siren’s Lair, a ghostly hook—enchanted by the Siren’s spell—snatches the rear of the train, trapping you in place as the sea begins to tilt beneath you. Suspended in the eerie calm before the plunge, a mystical barrier of iron, forged in ancient shipwrecks, rises at the head of the track, ensuring the cursed vessel doesn’t slip away prematurely. Once the full tilt aligns with the perilous descent into the abyss, the iron safeguard vanishes, and the Siren’s grip releases—plunging you into the dark depths below!

Last edited by Plague on Wheels,

Sit tight fellas ;)

Kevinj's avatar


this was a PR move.

Promoter of fog.

heric's avatar

Couldn’t agree more with the RCT analogy of “turn it till it fits.” This decision just feels so odd to me with less planning than we normally see from the park regarding a coaster announcement.

More red track/lack of theming, right next to another hold vertical track coaster, 2 trains operations which will be a capacity issue, lack of a marketing campaign, not worlds tallest like they normally do, etc.

Will this be a fun ride, yes - but this feels so much better suited for say Valleyfair or another park in the chain.

Again, not complaining (we’re getting another coaster) but so weird compared to previous coaster announcements and in my opinion not filling the gap in coaster type they should have went with.

I LOVE this addition!

First of all, I was super surprised -- I didn't expect a coaster in 2025 given TT2 addition (and especially considering it's non-addition this year).

Second, most importantly, I LOVE the idea of CF/CP getting into a relationship with Vekoma!! Although the tilt coaster isn't perhaps my favorite design, Vekoma are killing it with rides in Europe: super smooth, intense designs that give Intamin mega-lites (and others) a run for their money (and in some people's view, supersede them).

So, I most excited about the idea of other Vekoma designs getting in CF parks.

That said, this design looks super intense: very low to ground, high speed, great elements - looks like an airtime machine. Too bad about the vests, but I'm not sure if Vekoma's vests are more forgiving than B&M's.

Anyway, well done CP!!!

Last edited by veritas55,

I'm less worried about capacity.

If they can dispatch every 1:30, we are talking 1000 PPH. No reason they can't squeeze that to 1:20 because these don't have those ridiculously hard to check seatbelts like RMC trains.

CP used to be able to get Millennium Force out every 1:40 and did better with Magnum. They could do this, with the right staffing....

Maverick00's avatar

I will preface by saying that I’m not complaining here by any means, but if it is true this was intended for Six Flags Mexico, I wonder why Cedar Point and not any of the other 25 parks in the chain. Those are the conversations I’d love to hear!

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

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