Record-breaking Siren’s Curse tilt coaster to lure Cedar Point thrill seekers in 2025

This will probably be a back-row only ride.

Honestly my biggest disappointment with this announcement has nothing to do with this ride exactly. But the fact I have had this site in my head pinned as the absolute best location for the Point to finally to put in a Gerstlauer launched Eurofighter or Infinity Coaster.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

You're right. Aint no way the tower is 160. On the vekoma website the specs are listed for the Cliffhanger Model.

"Riders in the back lift to 45 meters high". (About 147 feet, the tip of the track behind the last rider is probably the 160ft Cedar Point is claiming). I heard they had to keep it short and stubby so the boaters in the Marina could see the fireworks.

Last edited by Plague on Wheels,

Sit tight fellas ;)

Jeff's avatar


Almost all other rides are already carrying some momentum from the lift hill though too which boosts their acceleration down the first drop whereas this literally begins at a stop which would affect top speed at the bottom of the first hill.

Not really. Because when the chain disengages from the train, there's no force acting on it in the same vector. Gravity steps in at that point. Sure, the track redirects the train downward, but whatever momentum there was is negligible.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

imadj's avatar

What is making me shake my head is the people who keep saying they are adding coasters just to add coasters. This ride is like no other at the point. This really adds a positive to the coaster lineup. I cannot wait to give this one a try, unique first element tilt, awesome layout after. thrilling and with the minimum height, dare i say family coaster. Keep it up CP!

Ahhhhh C.P. My Happy Place!

Interesting that in Cedar Point's guest survey from April 2024 that included a potential Tilt Coaster, it had the speed at 78 mph! Not that those surveys are biblical canon, but I do wonder if they initially were considering a bigger Tilt for 2026, and then pounced on this version as it became available...

Sparty42's avatar

I've seen a few of the YouTube talking heads talk about the placement of this ride next to Valravn and I find that interesting as a complaint.

The only similarity is the vertical drop and you get held there for a few seconds. However, Maverick and Steel Vengeance both have vertical (or beyond vertical) drops and are directly next to one another.

The other complaint I've seen is that this should've gone to Kings Island or someplace similar. That's silly, though, given what's speculated about the origins of the ride. If it wa ls already fabricated before Six Flags purchased it, they would need to find a park with a relatively flat plot of land. Kings Island is anything but flat.

Anyway, I'm excited for this. I think the airtime and snappiness helps complement the surrounding rides and gives a fantastic view from the midway.

My one nitpick is the color scheme, but I'm guessing the park had zero choice on that during the purchasing process.

It's not too late to repaint. Easier to paint before assembly than after completed.

Last edited by Bluestreaker,
Kevinj's avatar

Since the paint/color keeps coming up, I'll just copy paste what I just posted over at C-Buzz to the same discussion. Apologies to the crossovers like myself for reading it twice.

Siren's Curse is themed to a shipping crane tower. I suppose there are red crane shipping towers out there.

See? Red. With some gray.

Actually I kind of get it. You're climbing the crane tower and it tips over sending you flying as you "escape". I guess if you're imagining the layout after the drop as "water" then red seems odd down there, but I think red/gray fits fine for a crane. And the tower upon which it sits.

If I was king, we would put some foggy fog below the drop and have the rest of the track a different murky color.

And more fog in the short underground section.

Promoter of fog.

Maybe they will put lake water in the bottom of the (barely a) tunnel section. And they can put lake perch in the water.

Kevinj's avatar

Since there is no laugh button I'll just let you know that made me laugh out loud.

Promoter of fog.

Sparty42's avatar

I definitely get the concept for red and gray and agree that fits well.

The thing that makes zero sense to me is why the trains have pink and green LED lights and green restraints.

Oh well, it's going to be an awesome ride and at the end of the day, a color is just a color. Cedar Point just has some very great looking rides and a chance to diversify the pallette a bit was missed. *shrug*

Last edited by Sparty42,

Pretty sure mantis’ colors weren’t anywhere remotely close to green. A color is just that, a color. None of that matters at the end of the day.

Sparty42's avatar

Right, that's what I said.

To the point about Mantis, though, yellow, purple, red, and black are complementary in some fashion and look nice together.

Red, pink, and lime green will not be found together as a positive example of complementary colors. There's a science and art to it.

Lights on the trains won't be working by the end of next season. So, does it matter what color the lights are? ;)

Maverick00's avatar

I just noticed today, and don’t believe I’ve seen it mentioned in this thread, that the park stated the ride is expected to open “early summer” 2025. I presume that means it won’t be ready Opening Day?

That does make sense, considering there is no activity at the site.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

99er's avatar


Pretty sure mantis’ colors weren’t anywhere remotely close to green.

That's because Mantis wasn't the original name when the track was painted.

That does make sense, considering there is no activity at the site.

Or the park finally realized that if you say "early summer", you don't have to retract anything when the ride isn't ready on opening day. Something they should have done years ago.

CP is likely stuck with the Harley Quinn paint scheme and train colors, which is (I believe) the theme for Six Flags Mexico. My guess is if they intended to repaint it, they would not have shown the same colors in the video -- I think it will carry the same pre-existing paint scheme.

It does, however, make you wonder why they chose this theme / name. And I think it's a great theme and name: imagine everything in dark blue with light blue water accents, rocks and water all below, with misters creating fog -- it could be an amazing looking ride. I suppose there is some small chance they add theming below, but I somewhat doubt it... I might have saved this name/ theme to what they put in the Snake River Falls, assuming that may be a water-based (Mack?) ride....

But, I don't get the complainers on this one... this is an unexpected win

Last edited by veritas55,

The most suspicious thing of this project is the complete lack of marketing. This is unlike any ride announcement -- err, ever, in this park's history for a major ride.

I was there Thursday and zero banners, fliers, posts about the ride onsite. No renders, "Future home of Sirens Curse", nothing. Maybe I was early?

When all other rides were coming, there were in-park activations.

99er's avatar

They may have just not had a chance to print anything yet. Marketing could be working on their own schedule that does not line up with the sign/print shop. Getting the announcement out to the public may have been the priority first.

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