Record-breaking Siren’s Curse tilt coaster to lure Cedar Point thrill seekers in 2025

My guess is that they had the opportunity to get it quickly and on the cheap, and it fit into a plot of land that not a whole lot else would fit into that is missing from their lineup (log flume, dark ride), and doesn't obstruct waterfront views a-la Disaster Transport like a dark ride would.

eChameleon's avatar

Yeah, I won't say that they moved it to Cedar Point 100% because of the TT2 closure, but I'm sure it wasn't a non-zero factor.

I don't think it had anything to do with the TT2 closure, just my opinion, unless..

a) they had another attraction planned for 2025 that they bumped to 2026 due to TT2, and subsequently...

b) this became available cheap and was a last minute addition.

yeah, I'm in the camp of "this was an opportunity to get a good ride cheap (although I don't know what we mean by "cheap" since it was already purchased by a park in the same corporate parent, but possibly for accounting purposes it was a 'sale' from Six Flags Mexico to CP?")

More likely, it just had more utility at CP and it's possible that Mexico's permitting fiasco (if there was one) might have delayed it beyond 2025, so the company acted quick and relocated it to a park that otherwise had nothing already planned....

I don't think this had anything to do with "making up for TT2" -- to the contrary, TT2's re-opening in 2025 made it less likely there would be another new coaster in 2025. I'm guessing just a good opportunity to snatch.

Last edited by veritas55,
Kevinj's avatar

I'll let you all dissect the hows and whys and theories of how it ended up in our backyard. I'm sure it's an enticing tale of love, deception, greed, lust, and unbridled enthusiasm.

And I will personally hand-bread your chicken tenders if you get that reference.

All I know is that I woke up at 6:00 AM to get the kids out of bed and saw a message from a friend that said "Holy **** on that announcement!" (that's a quote).

And that's honestly all I care about. Holy **** on this announcement.

I'm the idiot who thought this was going to be a waterslide, and instead we have a completely unique coaster with a seemingly kick-ass layout after the tilt-drop (which is something I'm guessing none of us have ever experienced).

The last time I rode something in this plot of land it was a shark-themed monster truck. Level-Up.

Now if there is no fog in that underground element there will be hell to pay....

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Maverick00's avatar

I don’t know how surprised I am, but that midway is going to look nothing like it did when “Celebration Plaza” was created a decade ago.

Last edited by Maverick00,

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Cedar Point has officially become that fever dream park you create in Roller Coaster Tycoon. They’re now adding coasters just to add coasters!

First off it looks like we have a new area themed to mythical beings, iron dragon, rougaru, valravn and now this.

2nd.. I know I'll get bashed but I have to say it...

Some of y'all are the reason I hate saying I'm an enthusiast, like the constant complaining about every single thing makes me wonder how yall are in real life?

"Why the announcement so early?" Wasn't TT2 super early in the am?

"Why did it come here? This is an rct ride, why are we getting a reject from Mexico? This is a cover up for tt2! Why isnt the color different??" So on and so fourth...

Like chill, we are getting a new right regardless of where it was supposed to go, this is a great thing. I'm 1000% convinced that people will find something wrong with every single ride that goes in.

I remember people complaining about mavericks height when announced.... Crickets now.

This is why invites to media announcements are heavily scrutinized, because everyone is an RCT ceo and knows how to run a park that never goes in the red. They could've really used you at HRP back in the day.

Ride on or go visit your local fair...

Plague on Wheels's avatar

I think they cleared out this cedars lot several years ago, just to have a backup plan if TT2 couldn’t perform its first year. They had a place to plop a coaster real quick to appease the masses. They planned this quick response over the course of several years 😉

Sit tight fellas ;)

djDaemon's avatar


It looks like the Celebration Plaza stage is going to be totally removed.

It’s an awful venue for both the performers and the audience. So it’s not a loss. Will something else replace it or were live entertainment received further cuts?

There's a suitable empty plot of land to the east of the north Sky Ride station, where Matterhorn and Scrambler used to be. Centrally-located, but maybe a lateral move at best as far as being a bottleneck.


What you’re looking at in the rendering are the regular queue line and the fast lane line.

This is my assumption as well. This announcement seems like it was rushed, so I wonder if they don't quite yet know how or where the exit will be routed.

Last edited by djDaemon,


I don't think this was a direct reason of TT2 closure. I think they had an opportunity to get this ride and install it for 2025 as a "distraction" if you will. I believe the uncertainty about when TT2 will re-open made a factor in why they brought this in. Best case scenario is they open both next year. On the other hand you open SC and get everyone's attention on that while they continue working on TT2. I definitely don't think the closure had any negative effects this year, but CP felt it could in the future.

It will certainly be interesting to see which ride people will rush to first next season, Siren's Curse, or TT2? Will they both be early entry rides, or just one, or neither?


Not sure I'm a fan of the loading and unloading on the same side of the station.

Where did you see that? I agree that seems like an awful idea and totally unnecessary on a new build, but I haven't seen anything that indicates that's how it will be set up.

The ride won't have great capacity, but to be honest, I doubt Raptor, Gemini, Valravn are doing much over 1,000 riders per hour these days even though they are capable of much more without constant stacking of trains. If they can have a 1:30 interval on this thing, it will put them in the same ballpark as many of the other rides. Some rides like Maverick and Steel Vengeance have to be run pretty efficiently to hit 1,000 per hour while others are woefully underperforming if they are only getting 1,000 pph. Heck, it almost seems like management is purposely trying to make every ride run at about 1,000 pph even if they are capable of much more. Stacking seems to be a requirement at Gemini, Raptor stacks all three trains way too often, Magnum often is running only two trains and sporting a 30-45 minute wait that is totally unnecessary, etc.

Overall, I was excited and surprised by this announcement. It was definitely more than I was expecting yesterday. I'll be honest though that I do agree it looks like it was just plopped in there by circumstance of it being available and it might be sort of a hedge just in case they end up having to cut bait with TT2. Assuming it was just extra leftovers from Mexico or whatever and they were confident TT2 would open next year as expected, I think they'd have sent this to another park.


Plague on Wheels's avatar

If the tower is 160 feet tall, how high is the back row after the tilt. Is it 180ft?

Sit tight fellas ;)

I have a faint wonder about how that first drop will feel.

also, I'd say around that high. maybe a tiny bit lower.

Last edited by millenniumpotato,

Plague on Wheels:

If the tower is 160 feet tall, how high is the back row after the tilt. Is it 180ft?

My guess is the tower is not 160 feet tall. Why? Because the top speed of 58 mph doesn't suggest a 160-ish foot drop (and the animation looks like the drop gets pretty close to ground level -- i know, it's just concept animation)

I'm sure the math whizzes out there can do the actual calculations, but if the tower were 160 feet, and a 6-person train is, what, 50-ish feet in total length (?), on the tilt track that would put half the train above the tower line (~185 feet) and the other half below (~135 feet), but I think the physics works out to the maximum drop velocity effectively being a 160 feet drop because the train is essentially mid-line at tower height.

But even 150 feet drops from other coasters (e.g., Medusa as SFDK, Scream at SFMM, ~Banshee) well-exceed 58 mph on those drops, typically hitting 65 mph on those drops, even with the likely larger drag coefficient with inverted and floorless trains. (Rougarou's lift is 145 feet, the drop is 137 feet and its top speed is 60 mph.)

My guess is the actual tower is 120-130 feet high, and the maximum height from the tilt track adds ~40 feet and that's where the 160 foot comes from.

As someone else pointed out, and Yoda supports, "size matters not" -- in some instances.

Here, this feels like a Maverick-like design. The elements are snappy and low to the ground, and, consistent with most next-gen Vekoma rides, I think this ride will be intense and no one will be complaining about speed/height.

My guess is closer to 120-130 feet(?), and the tilted back portion adds 40-ish feet to the "overall" height (but it's really the top height close to the back car.

Last edited by veritas55,

Almost all other rides are already carrying some momentum from the lift hill though too which boosts their acceleration down the first drop whereas this literally begins at a stop which would affect top speed at the bottom of the first hill.


The ride won't have great capacity, but to be honest, I doubt Raptor, Gemini, Valravn are doing much over 1,000 riders per hour these days even though they are capable of much more without constant stacking of trains. If they can have a 1:30 interval on this thing, it will put them in the same ballpark as many of the other rides. Some rides like Maverick and Steel Vengeance have to be run pretty efficiently to hit 1,000 per hour while others are woefully underperforming if they are only getting 1,000 pph. Heck, it almost seems like management is purposely trying to make every ride run at about 1,000 pph even if they are capable of much more. Stacking seems to be a requirement at Gemini, Raptor stacks all three trains way too often, Magnum often is running only two trains and sporting a 30-45 minute wait that is totally unnecessary, etc.

I haven't been to CP lately, but I was watching the webcams fairly closely during TT2's debut and I didn't see Raptor typically stacking 3 trains -- usually 2, somewhat briefly. But man that would be sad, because Raptor can be a people eater and used to run at great capacity.

Same with Magnum -- it's a shame if they are only running 2 trains on crowded days because that thing routinely could hit 1,500 pph (and more).

I don't see this beating 1000 pph, but if the Vekoma harnesses are easier to check and there is not seat belt issue, there is zero reason they could not get a 1:30 dispatch, and hit 1000pph regularly. That's decent -- not great on a big summer day, but not Maverick/ TTD / Steel Vengeance numbers.

And BTW, the Steel Vengeance capacity issue is ridiculous -- those RMC train designs and the seat belt are just capacity killers and I remain shocked that CP wasn't able to get them to engineer something easier to check.


Almost all other rides are already carrying some momentum from the lift hill though too which boosts their acceleration down the first drop whereas this literally begins at a stop which would affect top speed at the bottom of the first hill

Fair point. But Dr. Diabolical cliff hanger dive coaster at Fiesta Texas also stops, even hangs a bit down its 142 foot drop (so the total drop is probably closer to 132 feet?) and still hits 60 mph. Baron 1898 dive coaster drop about 123 feet and hits 56 mph. Again, this dive coaster probably have a slightly higher wind friction coefficient (not sure if that affects much speed on drop)?

So, I'm still guessing the tower is substantially lower than 160 feet tall (and if it were 160 feet tall, I can't imagine CP (or any park) not adding the additional height onto it by the tilt track....)

Perhaps the 160 feet is the tip of the tilt track in the vertical position.

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