Record-breaking Siren’s Curse tilt coaster to lure Cedar Point thrill seekers in 2025

eChameleon's avatar

But why? What's the rush?

99er's avatar

Could be legal, marketing milestones, sales, corporate, etc. They might not see a need to have anything inside the park just yet to market the coaster. If this was a last minute addition, which I believe it was, they may have needed to announce it so it does not interfere with another announcement yet to happen. Another marketing campaign may already be planned, printed, and about to be executed.

Last edited by 99er,

Also, on the 'last minute addition' theory, does this mean they had no specific plans for the cedars site and were just waiting for something to fit? or did we lose out on something planned because this was suddenly available?

CP seems fine with leaving a site empty for several years, do they have solid plans for millennium island, the SRF site, Shores, etc, or just waiting till something non-specific falls into place.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Right on! Did they clear out the cedars site years ago hoping six flags Mexico would fail to build their coaster? Fingers crossed they screw it up! Then we’ll be set for 2025? What was the original plan for this site?

Sit tight fellas ;)


Also, on the 'last minute addition' theory, does this mean they had no specific plans for the cedars site and were just waiting for something to fit? or did we lose out on something planned because this was suddenly available?

CP seems fine with leaving a site empty for several years, do they have solid plans for millennium island, the SRF site, Shores, etc, or just waiting till something non-specific falls into place.

My understanding is they typically have plans for specific areas/ rides several years in advance, but it can be a fluid process (e.g., taking bids from different manufacturers, for different coasters, with different layouts) and it probably gets more formally locked in 18-24 months in advance?

Here, they probably had something tentatively planned for that site, but given TT2 and that large cap ex, my guess is they did not plan anything for that site in 2025, but rather had a tentative plan for 2026. The guest survey from April of this year suggests they were already considering a Tilt Coaster, family coaster and Mack water coaster -- not necessarily for that site, and not necessarily the only rides they were considering.

But it wouldn't shock me if they were already considering a Tilt Coaster for that site, perhaps a true record breaking one that would hit 78 mph (per the guest survey that speed may not have been random -- the record breaking at Six Flags Qiddya hits 76 mph), but when the Six Flags Mexico hit a snag they snatched this one, and if TT2 is costing them more than they planned, it's possible they figured let's spend less on the Tilt Coaster, we can still make this smaller one a "record breaker" for North American (since there are only two!)

Jeff's avatar


The most suspicious thing of this project is the complete lack of marketing.

You mean except for the teaser, the press release, renderings and videos that I've seen all over the Internet? "Lack" clearly means something different to you. It's the first steps they've taken for most rides for the last two decades.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Regarding Cedars, as that was outside the park, my guess is that they may well not have had definite plans for what they would put in that space. It may well have been that they demoed it to save costs of maintaining and operating an antiquated structure, with the intent to use the plot for something undetermined somewhere down the road.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

“We’re going to Build a Coaster, and Six Flags Mexico is going to pay for it!” Make Cedar Point Great Again.

Last edited by Plague on Wheels,

Sit tight fellas ;)

XS NightClub's avatar

someone started drinking early today.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

99er's avatar


...does this mean they had no specific plans for the cedars site and were just waiting for something to fit? or did we lose out on something planned because this was suddenly available?

Cedars needed torn down before the Reagan administration, so it's removal was done because it was needed, not for future plans.

Jeff's avatar

I stayed in one of the "executive apartments" once when we had a GKTW fundraiser. It was... something.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Do you still have "the autograph" from that stay? lol

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

DRE420's avatar


Lights on the trains won't be working by the end of next season.

Same for the audio.

Jeff's avatar

I don't have it... it's only the stuff of legend now.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

magdrag95 said:

"The most suspicious thing of this project is the complete lack of marketing. This is unlike any ride announcement -- err, ever, in this park's history for a major ride."

How we forget. Truly you weren't around in the fall/ winter of 2002? I remember the 400+ foot tall towers slowly being built for TTD while the park was still open with ZERO announcement whatsoever. Ahhh, good times.

I think what's a little unusual, and maybe the reason for the perception of "lack of marketing" is that the announcement came out of nowhere, without any of the usual advance speculation. No survey markings, no mysterious footers, no trademark registrations or building permits uncovered. No "lagoon maintenance." No signage with hints covering a construction barrier, no rumors or track sightings. I suspect that is probably because obtaining this attraction was a last minute crime of opportunity. Aside from that, the marketing and the timing of the announcement seems typical.

XS NightClub's avatar

Or maybe the marketing department now has more important matters to attend to, post merger, than play guessing games with enthusiasts.

personally, I like this approach to announcement.
doesn’t build up any false hopes or ridiculous speculation.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus


that takes the fun out of it!

I had a BAD feeling about TT2 way before it opened for business. We see how that turned out. I don't have a bad feeling about this new coaster, but it all seems off a bit. Knowing that it a sort-of hand me down is odd for the park in these modern times. The placement of the ride is odd too. It partially obscures the train station view. It seems to be just crammed in there. Why not have the track go over the road to the dorms area and back again? That can't work since the track is already made, right? The name seems totally odd. Maybe something like Full Tilt would have been better. And as previously stated, the lights and sounds will work for maybe the first season. What does this tilt coaster with no theming have to do with a siren's curse?

Seeing all of the negative comments posted on the news stations websites regarding this ride: “hope it will work”, “it will only be open for a few days” has shown me that the TT2 fiasco is alive and well in the GP. I am now convinced that Siren’s Curse is happening to try to rectify CP’s damaged reputation.

Last edited by CPpsyclone,

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