Record-breaking Siren’s Curse tilt coaster to lure Cedar Point thrill seekers in 2025

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Did they already pour the footers in Mexico? If so, that could save some project time as the concrete is already cured. Just dig em out and jackhammer em in up in Sandusky.

Sit tight fellas ;)

jimmyburke's avatar

^Too heavy and cumbersome to lift over the wall. Could send on a ship through the St. Lawrence but the Ports are on strike.....

smuggle them in!

With mules.

djDaemon's avatar

Gonna need a lot of them. Maybe, say, 2,000?


We've got plenty. Millions of them. Hundreds of millions. Maybe even billions of them. And they are all beautiful.


The park is being quite clear that this ride won't open with the park in May,

But have they really said that? "Summer 2025" could mean that they aren't guaranteeing it will open with the park, giving themselves some wiggle room. Perhaps they will try to underpromise and overdeliver if they are able.

Plague on Wheels's avatar


Gonna need a lot of them. Maybe, say, 2,000?

Whoa, whoa. We're not trying to spread debunked propaganda here. Just jokes about the way certain leaders would talk if they were head of a theme park corporation ;)

Sit tight fellas ;)

djDaemon's avatar


"Summer 2025" could mean that they aren't guaranteeing it will open with the park, giving themselves some wiggle room.

Summer doesn't begin until the third week in June, which, to me, suggests the project timeline extends beyond May.

But again, why the desperation to read too deeply into this? Even if they've broken ground this past week, they're still way behind their typical cadence, and they not only have to erect a ride, they also have to relocate a road, which is no small task in and of itself, relocate the stage, which isn't as simple as picking it up and putting it down elsewhere, and reconfigure and rebuild the entire midway in front of Iron Dragon.

Given all of that, I'm not sure why anyone would think it's likely to open before sometime in June at the earliest.


Year after year it seems like Cedar Point struggles with staffing in May as it is, Sirens Curse opening on day 1 would most likely result in the delayed opening of some other ride or rides throughout the park. Opening in May or June the same people will complain about it.

They struggle with staffing in May because their labor pool isn't available until mid May at the earliest. Has been that way for decades. There are a few colleges and universities where the classes end in mid May (these are the same institutions that start in Mid August). Up into the late 1970's early 1980's there wasn't that much of an issue opening everything up on opening day. That's because the park didn't open until Memorial Day weekend. About the time that the bankers started controlling things (this happened after the passing of Emil LeGross, and the retirement of George Roos) the brilliant idea of opening the park prior to Memorial Day came about. They figured that if they already had the early people there to help prep the park for opening, why not just open the park then.

Yes, I understand what causes the staffing issues. I like the park opening in mid May, as long as you know what to expect when visiting CP from opening day until staffing arrives in early June you can have some great early visits to the park. All that aside some folks love to complain, thus my comment above that the same people who will complain about Sirens Curse not opening until June are the same ones that will complain that more rides than normal are closed as they had to shift the available workers to the new ride.

kylepark's avatar


they also have to relocate a road, which is no small task in and of itself

And I'm guessing the work to re-route the road won't start until the season is over, allowing full time employees to drive a detour through the park.

- Uncle Jay

Bottom-line is that apparently no one not connected to CP or Vekoma knows when this is likely to open.

I agree the signs so far point to an opening later than opening day because of (1) summer 2025 announcement and (2) they are behind their typical coaster construction schedule.

As I mentioned earlier, the fact this is a relatively smaller coaster construction project (even when accounting for the road re-rerouting) does not necessarily indicate a substantial delay from opening date because (1) the construction/prep time frames for something the size and complexity of, say, Gatekeeper is not necessarily indicative of what needs to occur here and/or (2) they could perform the work in an expedited basis (not that you can/want to work evenings in the Winter in Sandusky).

But, if I were a betting man, i would bet no earlier than early-to-mid June.

There is finally some visible progress. A wall is up around the 'inside the park' site. It runs from the stage control booth to the restrooms and does have a somewhat narrow choke point that'll be fun to navigate while the shows are running.

Several food trucks are back and just slightly moved from the old location, and the little beer tent is now closer to the railroad station.

Didn't get a look at the cedars side yet, but I'll try to get a pic tomorrow if reddit hasn't already beaten me to it.

Edit: I did get pics, but reddit also beat me to it. Based on the crowd today, I think everyone was there to see it in person anyway.

Last edited by Hudson,
djDaemon's avatar

It makes sense that they're blocking that area off, as that sounds to be about where the tilt tower structure will be, and that's probably one of most time-intensive parts of the ride to build.


My guess for the late start is due to the rerouting of the road.

They aren't going to be able to move that until after the season when its use is limited. And the contractor tasked with prepping the land and pouring foundations is going to want to do it all at once which would line up well with them starting around now. They can do work on the part of the site out of the roadway area and by the time they finish that the park is closed and they can tear out the road.

It's a relatively flat piece of land. Old Six Flags started building Vekoma's X-Flight at Six Flags Worlds of Geauga after the season ended, announced it after Christmas and had it open around Memorial Day. That included rerouting Perimeter Road and restriping/organizing the parking lot, almost 20 years ago. I've got no worries about this project.

Last edited by jonC,
Aaronosmer's avatar

Maybe I’m missing something, but couldn’t they start building the new road now? Once it’s finished, they could open the new road and then tear up the old one. If they wanted to, I don’t see why that would have to be a constraint.

I wouldn't be surprised if they used the opportunity to repair more of the road than just the small section they're moving. I believe they did recently resurface the section near Maverick/SV, and the nearby parts could use some attention.

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