Record-breaking Siren’s Curse tilt coaster to lure Cedar Point thrill seekers in 2025

Walt's avatar

Siren’s Curse promises an electrifying, first-of-its-kind tilt coaster experience, drawing thrill-seekers into a twisted tale of Lake Erie’s legendary sirens.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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djDaemon's avatar

Copypasta from the previous thread:

Based on this view, it does seem that Siren's Curse does extend out into the midway a fair bit further than Valravn, so perhaps they will relocate the stage.

And I do wonder if this ride was originally destined for somewhere else. It just doesn't look like it was designed specifically for this plot, considering the relatively vast open space between SC and Valravn, and between SC and the railroad back of house stuff. I would think a custom design would make more efficient use of the area. It kinda looks like something I'd rotate until it fits, then plop down in RCT.


Plague on Wheels's avatar

Three years. Three coasters. What is next for 2026?

Sit tight fellas ;)

Definitely agree that this feels like a cookie cutter “if it fits it sits” addition. Renders show almost no theming not even an entrance sign. The logo feels like a generic one they’d use as the example in a sales pamphlet. Only thing that leads me to think otherwise is the first time at Cedar Point on board audio and integrated train lighting packages. But that also could be something cookie cutter that just comes with the ride as default.

MichaelB's avatar

The working theory is that it was originally destined for Engerylandia. That plan got canned. Then it ended up at Six Flags Mexico. Yet again, it was canned. And now Cedar Point gets it. Third time's the charm?

There was a tilt coaster announced for SF Mexico then canceled, and red track was spotted on site there. Probably not a coincidence.

Last edited by MichaelB,
Cousin Eddy's avatar

Wow, did not see that coming at all....looks pretty sweet!

That there Clark is an RV.....

Skyhawk06's avatar

^I'm with you on that one, Cousin Eddy. I think it looks awesome, but I wish they could've done more with the themeing. Though it wouldn't be the first time Cedar Point went with some twisted mythos for a coaster name.

Steel Vengeance rides: 222

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

I was never expecting this - also that's one heck of a mouthful of a thread name!

... and i have never been happier

Cousin Eddy's avatar

That heart line roll looks amazing.....what we could have had on Maverick we are finally getting!

That there Clark is an RV.....

^ Two rolls!

So a 160 foot tall filler coaster! Not too shabby.

When I first saw the video, I thought this was going into the SRF plot, and I was really unhappy, because I really want to see a flume there. But cool thar they fit something into the old wildcat/Cedars area. Who is the manufacturer of this contraption?

very likely that the manufacturer is vekoma, it matches their new-gen coasters pretty much perfectly.

do love me some good support structure!

Venoma is correct.

Thor's avatar

This is not what I thought Cedar Point would build next or when I thought they'd build it or where I thought they'd build it.

I've been looking at the satellite images, and it actually seems to be a pretty ingenious usage of land. Seems like they're re-locating a section of Perimeter Road and putting it where the dorms used to be. Which...are there new dorms somewhere at the park? I haven't been there in a few seasons so I'm not sure. That's in and of itself really interesting.

Undomesticated equines could not remove me.

No new dorms. Cedars were taken down several years ago.

djDaemon's avatar

New dorms were built to replace Cedars, but they are on the mainland.


I’m excited for this! While it does look a bit generic those light-up trains will look amazing at night. They finally solved the bottleneck of the stage area (I’m sure the stage is moving somewhere else), and this was likely always the plan for this area, at least it’s probably been planned the last 3 years or so.

Now this does make me even more hopeful that we will be getting a new water ride of some kind eventually for the SRF site, but I see that being 2026 or 2027.

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