Record-breaking Siren’s Curse tilt coaster to lure Cedar Point thrill seekers in 2025

GL2CP's avatar

While we’re fixing roads, let’s add a middle reversible lane to causeway and widen it just a bit. And get those roundabouts put in. And get off my lawn.

First ride; Magnum 1994

djDaemon's avatar

So, this is only tangentially related to SC, and I'm not sure of the veracity of this (courtesy of Reddit), so grain of salt and all that. The flat, unused area behind Wild Mouse always looked to me like the victim of a last minute budget cut, given that it was a sizeable area with nothing but grass installed on it. If the below layout is legit, then it seems that, at some point, that area was going to be home to a stage and viewing area. It'll be interesting to see if that's where they end up relocating the stage.



I'm not sure of the veracity of this

This is true. It was posted on the portfolio page of BDR Design Group, who designed The Boardwalk.

XS NightClub's avatar

Any idea on what the Evac procedure is for a tilt coaster if there's a failure that holds the train in the tilted but not released position?

Such as a failure for the sensors to allow for a release of the train... I would assume there's a system to return the tilted track back to level position and then evac from there.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Kevinj's avatar

Couldn't there also be a manual override to release the train to simply let it run the course?

Promoter of fog.

One of the videos that was posted here (think it was the ride mechanic guy) said that he expected if the ride made the tilt but the train failed to drop for some reason (such as a failed sensor that didn't show everything to be in order even though it was and thus the system wouldn't allow the train to drop), the safeties would re-engage (other than the claw which would still be engaged otherwise the train would have dropped) and the tilt would reverse and take the train back up to level. He also speculated that train would be backed up off the tilt track to the flat part of the track after the lift chain at the top of the hill. Then the train could be evacuated on the flat portion of the track (presumably with a walk down either the lift hill or some type of stairs down the tower). His speculation but makes sense to me at least.

Mentioned that he thought they could put a block at the top of the track but if there was a failure of the tilt track and safeties to engage to accept a train, the best place to stop the train would be still on the lift hill. Rather than having it move to the flat portion/tilt portion of the track without safeties being fully engaged.


The flat, unused area behind Wild Mouse always looked to me like the victim of a last minute budget cut, given that it was a sizeable area with nothing but grass installed on it. If the below layout is legit, then it seems that, at some point, that area was going to be home to a stage and viewing area. It'll be interesting to see if that's where they end up relocating the stage.

I thought the exact same thing with that area. Very out of place. I hope this area does get the stage and water features. I love the boardwalk area currently, but these would add some great touches.

jimmyburke's avatar

So I, a charter member of "Lagoon Maintenance " have this bold take based upon this fancy sign on the wall.

It would be ignorant to think that they are "winging it". "Oh, just reroute the road & utilities when the park closes. Start pouring footers now, etc....."

There is likely a very precise and thorough Construction Plan in place for every aspect and detail, even the details us experts haven't yet mulled over. Shipping dates, permits, contractors, inspectors, insurance, advertising, all that jazz. The result is the sign which points to an opening date of July 1st 2025.

djDaemon's avatar

Did anyone suggest they were "winging it"?

And yes, the teams know and understand the project tasks, milestones, etc., and importantly, the critical path to completion of the project. But that critical path has a minimum duration, and they're getting a late start, hence the ambiguous "early summer" estimate.

All that said, I would imagine there's a desire and urgency to get this thing running by the July 4th weekend, but there's only so much they can do to affect the duration. But I hope you're right.


Plague on Wheels's avatar

I miss the old days, when Cedar Point would rethink the name of a coaster because it suggested bad things (death). Now they just openly embrace curses.

Sit tight fellas ;)

Has CP ever planned for a ride to not be ready by opening day? This seems very Six Flags.

Does Slingshot count?

I don't think this Potentially later, opening date as a reflection of them shifting to a Six Flags model.

I think it's just that Cedar point called an audible here when the ride became available because of Mexico zoning difficulties and so things are gonna be pushed back a little bit.

Despite the lack of progress, I'm still gonna be surprised if it doesn't open sooner than July 1

Moving the road once the park is closed is not very difficult at all and could be done quickly. The utility work that might need to take place to prepare the site is what could take some time and of course they would not be able to start this process until the park is closed for the season. A prime example of this would be the electrical feeders for Maverick, they run under Perimeter Road and those rectangular structures you see on the roadway are the pull boxes for the cables.

Ultimately, the delay in the ability to start site preparation is most likely what is causing a potential opening in June/July rather than anything related to the new company.

Last edited by JUnderhill,

I really hope it’s open early June. As someone who doesn’t know anything about construction… Is that completely unrealistic?

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