Cool interview and Tony seemed very cool and upfront about it all.
Log flume would be awesome -- something next generation-ey.
I continue to be amazed at how much this thing sticks out into the old midway. It'll have quite the presence.
That really is a stark image, considering how wide that midway was. It will certainly be imposing.
384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot
It certainly will have quite the presence & looks to be imposing.
Much better than this former structure in that area.
Can't wait to see how they configure the queue area. This ride is the perfect test to see what the park's "motive" is for new rides
MF as a human eager to talk about my home park!
I can’t imagine it’ll be much different than what we’re used to.
Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!
What happened to the dude with the drone?
I'm not seeing construction updates like we had for TT2 & the Pavilion. Those were awesome.
Well the TT2 "dude" (whoever it was) with the creepy A.I. voiceover was given a cease and desist. And he ceased.
And desisted.
Maybe they found whoever this was and tossed him in a cofferdam.
Promoter of fog.
And he ceased.
Lame. If he wasn't violating FAA rules, it doesn't matter who else objected. That said, by posting it on YouTube and potentially making money, that means he was flying commercially, which requires the (not hard to obtain) FAA license. I suspect that's what really grounded him.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Luckily for him the FAA may not exist much longer so maybe we’ll get more videos.
First ride; Magnum 1994
And, at this rate, no law nor judges to enforce anything even if the FAA does manage to survive.
If this has been shared, apologies. But the park is now officially saying that TT2 is scheduled to be open on opening day, which is a good sign. I think that aligns with what I would expect. But the real question is if it does indeed open with the park on May 3rd, will it still be operating come mid-summer...? One hopes. Also one hopes for free in-queue lockers. But let's crawl before we walk.
384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot
If you haven’t already, check out Peninsula of Thrills on IG. They have some cool drone footage of the SC area almost daily.
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