Record-breaking Siren’s Curse tilt coaster to lure Cedar Point thrill seekers in 2025

djDaemon's avatar

It is, to put it as politely as I can, foolish to draw broad conclusions based on a few keyboard warriors on the Internet.

Not only is the Internet not real life - for every snarky complaint online there are likely dozens or more people who have thoughts ranging from neutral to positive - I suspect you are falling victim to confirmation bias, given your use of "fiasco" and "damaged reputation."


Plague on Wheels's avatar

Unfortunately we all live in our own delusion of what we think reality is. Alternative facts if you will. Moreso now than ever thanks to the internet. Although you would think that the advent of the internet would bring the exact opposite. It didn't.

Sit tight fellas ;)

jimmyburke's avatar

Some internet keyboard warriors would agree that "fiasco" and "damaged reputation" aptly describe the present Cleveland Browns.

Jeff's avatar

Present? How about all time?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

It has been interesting reading online comments this season vs what is actually observed and seen in the park. Had I not personally been to CP around 40 times this season and only read the comments online I would have certainly thought the park was deserted with rides being shut down all day and scores of people standing in lines chanting and demanding their money back. Mourners lined up at TT2 screaming and crying, no one having any fun and of course no one spending any money. What I actually witnessed in the park was essentially the opposite of the doom and gloom posted online.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

I would say the same for Springfield Ohio. But, don’t take my word for it, take Governor Mike Dewine’s op-ed in the New York Times. (Hint: they’re not actually eating the cats, like some are suggesting 😉)

Last edited by Plague on Wheels,

Sit tight fellas ;)

Would be surprised (and disappointed) if Cedar Fair was taking input from comment sections online in terms of making decisions about the parks. Many online outlets have disabled comments because of the cluster they had become. Though I expect that some posters here are regular posts on comment sections.

jimmyburke's avatar

Without a doubt they take input from online sources. How else would they have known of the dire need to complete a world-class renovation of the Magnumxl200 restrooms?

djDaemon's avatar

You mean, other than the smell? :-P

I figured one explanation for the odd nature of the SC announcement was because equipment was set to arrive and/or site work was imminent. Apparently there's some other explanation.


Once they made the decision to acquire the ride, I'd guess that they wanted to get the announcement out ASAP to capitalize on word of mouth and excitement during Halloweekends.


What I actually witnessed in the park was essentially the opposite of the doom and gloom posted online.

Agreed. And most importantly, ride operations have been consistent and focused on efficiency more than they have since before the pandemic. The weather policy still sucks, but there has absolutely been a renewed focus on getting trains out quickly again.

The TT2 thing was disappointing, sure. And walking through the TT2 plaza you would absolutely see and hear guests pointing and talking about the closed ride. But I don't think it ruined anyone's day. Heck, I overheard plenty of folks saying they were excited for the new ride next year (this is pre-Siren's Curse announcement).


...or site work was imminent.

I was thinking that as well since the park zoomed in one of the webcams to this area. Kind of silly to focus on dirt. Or maybe something really special is going to happen to that particular element on Valravn.

Who doesn't love dirt?

I wish it was a bit taller. Looks like a good ride regardless of course.

It’s always amazing to see how and where Cedar point is fitting a ride in. It’s like they can conjure up new space

djDaemon's avatar

The more I look at this angle, the more surprised I am how much this thing encroaches on the midway there, especially relative to Valravn's low zone. The stage's control booth, which currently sticks out a bit into the midway, look like it would be pretty deep into SC's infield. And, assuming the rendering is close to accurate, the new midway gets pretty close to ID's brake run. It's going to look a lot different over there.

The only thing I don't love is that this new midway won't have the RR station as a centered focal point. But then again this beats the hell out of a giant screen blocking the view.


Cool new Ryan the Ride Mechanic video explaining the mechanics of the tilt coaster:

Kevinj's avatar

Fishels :

I wish it was a bit taller.

I wish it was a baller...

Promoter of fog.


I just noticed today, and don’t believe I’ve seen it mentioned in this thread, that the park stated the ride is expected to open “early summer” 2025. I presume that means it won’t be ready Opening Day?

That does make sense, considering there is no activity at the site.

This is why I stopped going to the park in May. Nothing is ever ready or has frequent downtime and won't open. My bet is SC will be ready by July at the earliest.

also, not sure if it's been mentioned on here yet, I reeaally hope they get it right with those darn lockers with this ride. The park now has TWO reasons to get it right. If they add metal detectors, those lockers better be free. But fingers crossed they don't add detectors to start with.

MF as a human eager to talk about my home park!

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar


Fishels :

I wish it was a bit taller.

I wish it was a baller...

I wish it was a girl who looked good, I would call her.

I am a bit surprised that they're putting an underground tunnel for Siren's Curse. I was under the impression that they didn't want to deal with the hassle of building below the water table—at least, that's what I got from discussions regarding Valravn and why that ride doesn't have one.

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