Steel Vengeance

Mitchell Williams

Is anyone else wondering what the heck is going on with the construction gallery that was promised to be posted very soon in blog entry?? Here we are almost 2 months later and still no construction pictures. Tony Clark tweeted it was up a week ago and said they were having technical difficulties with it. If only they had enough time....cough work out all the kinks of posting a picture gallery of a ride that has been under construction for well over a year.



Skyhawk06's avatar

Here's the September update:

I am pumped for SV!

Steel Vengeance rides: 224

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024


Mitchell Williams

lol this is the blog entry that refers to a Construction gallery coming very soon.



djDaemon's avatar

To be fair, with track work complete for a while now there really isn't much notable progress to share.




The ride was almost complete by the time the announcement was made, but Tony did say in a blog entry shortly after the announcement that there would be further entries detailing the construction process. I’m guessing these are the pictures they’re having technical difficulties with. I’m curious to see them too, but it’s not really my place to call out Tony on a public forum. I’m sure he’s a very busy guy.


Mitchell Williams

Just ever since the construction of Millennium Force every Ride/Roller Coaster has had a Construction gallery of the process of it being built. I guess I just expected the same thing for Steel Vengeance. I am not necessarily looking for anything new because we all know that there really isn't anything new to report or be seen but how about official deconstruction/construction pictures of the last 380 days. Im not trying to call anyone out just seems weird.

Perfect example:
Kings Dominion and Rocky Mountain Contruction post Construction Pictures/Videos/Stories almost daily on Instagram of Twisted Timbers. Tony was the one who said they have been taking a plenty of pictures of the whole process I guess we just have to wait til it opens to see them.

Last edited by Mitchell Williams,


There is still plenty of offseason left. I’m sure we’ll see them before the park opens back up.



Skyhawk06's avatar

Don't you think they might also post the testing of the ride? Like, offseason videos of it in action? Keep in mind, this is only november, and we have a lot of time on our hands.

Oh yeah, Tony posted the date for winter chill out: Saturday, Feb. 24th.

Steel Vengeance rides: 224

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024



^They usually turn the webcams away for testing (probably to avoid an embarassing situation if the ride valleys) then release a video soon after it has made the test run.

SV won't be testing until April, by the way, just like other new coasters in the past.


XS NightClub

XS NightClub's avatar

Perhaps Tony is busy editing 🖐🏻out the construction crew members urinating before posting them.

A random 🖐🏻 Over a part of a photo might seem odd.

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus



Skyhawk06's avatar

XS Nightclub, what?

Steel Vengeance rides: 224

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024


XS NightClub

XS NightClub's avatar

It was a reference to an incident during top thrill dragster construction cam times.
And to the hand they put over images at the photo booth at the ride exits

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus



Maverick00's avatar

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!



Maverick00 said:

Funniest thing I have seen all day


Shane Denmark

Did they mention anywhere what Steel Vengeance cost?



Frog Hopper King

at least 20 dollars


Shane Denmark

Frog Hopper King said:
at least 20 dollars

Wow that’s expensive... I was thinking more like TREE-FITTY.



CP Maverick

That’s how much Busch Gardens spent on their interlocking loops.

Maverick since '99


Frog Hopper King

Just saw some photos of a tour of Cedar Point. There was a photo of some concrete rocks next to steel vengeance. Looks like the base for the new sign. Looks pretty good if you ask me!



Bobb-z's avatar

There will be other cool things next year (new movies, music, and coasters), but when the clock ticks into January 1st 2018, the first thing I'm gonna think is... "This is the Year of Steel Vengeance".


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