In other news, Short Circuit isn't being rebooted by the director of the recent Alvin & the Chipmunks movies because the studio wants to promote the arts.
The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.
Build over the parking lot? How about just building under it? :)
-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop
To answer the title of the thread, I think next year will be the year, so 1 year.
Now having just visited Kennywood & Kings Dominion last week, one of the things that I've been thinking about is that although CP needs another good wooden coaster, I don't want them to get one (unless it's Intamin pre-fab).
Why? I'm becoming convinced that wooden coasters just don't last at Cedar Fair parks (and most parks). They're great their opening years, and a few years later, they're the source of every complaint.
Kennywood's wooden coasters are decades old, and they're running smooth as can be (with some of the largest waits in the park). But take a trip to King's Dominion, and ride Grizzly & Hurler...or even Beast based on my last ride. They're making Mean Streak feel like one of the most cared for in the chain.
It appears that beyond the height of Blue Streak, wooden coasters get really rough and are hard to care for. Even Voyage is starting to suffer. So, I hope Cedar Point skips a good wooden coaster and just brings a new genre steel coaster as their next.
Chuck Wagon said:
Build over the parking lot? How about just building under it? :)
I saw that on the discovery channel. It actually looks like a very cool ride.
Considering the parking lot only sits a few feet over the water table, that's probably not going to happen.
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Just think guys most of the Six Flags parks are getting or have already made new thrilling attractions for 2012. What does CF parks get? Dinobore Alive upcharge attractions and lame 301ft. tall lawn ornaments that look nice at night, but can't run in winds stronger then 20mph. across the whole chain. Except of course for CW.
Oh, and a recycled coaster at Dorney. Way to think outside the box CF.
It does seem like an an awfully uninspired and uninspiring roster of new attractions for the chain next year. Not counting Leviathan.
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Corkscrew Follies said:
What does CF parks get?
So sorry you had to cancel your cross continental Cedar Fair park trip for next summer. ;)
King's Island installed a $22,000,000 mega coaster in 2009.
King's Dominion installed a $25,000,000 giga coaster in 2010.
Canada's Wonderland is installing a $28,000,000 giga coaster after installing a $26,000,000 mega coaster 3 years ago.
Carowinds installed a $23,000,000 mega coaster last year.
Worlds of Fun installed an $8,000,000 wood coaster in 2009.
Cedar Point installed an $11,000,000 water ride last year, after installing a $21,000,000 coaster in 2007.
That's $164,000,000 in major new ride installations in the last 4 years right off the top of my head. Say it with me... one hundred and sixty four million dollars. And I know that I'm leaving out tens or possibly hundreds of millions of smaller or less marketable attractions they've done in that span.
Go back through the last 5 or 6 years and you're probably looking at ride & attraction installations to the tune of a quarter BILLION freaking dollars!
That's not enough? What a spoiled, entitled attitude you have.
^ Couldn't have said it better myself.
+1 Sir.
Season Pass holder since 2008
2011 Visits: 17
2012 Visits: 1
Hey, my close park Six Flags over Texas is getting some new shows. Bore me to death. I'll take Dinosaurs.
Hit it a little close to your nerves on that one, huh DJDaemon.
And by the way I am not spoiled or have an entitled attitude unlike some of your posts in the past have proclaimed you to be.
No, you're not spoiled or anything. You're just complaining that a quarter billion dollars worth of new attractions in the last half decade (or so) isn't enough to keep you entertained. Right, you're not spoiled at all!
The reason for my harsh response has more to do with this thread, the tone of which you managed to encapsulate perfectly with your post. Being disappointed in next year's attractions is one thing. Whining about how you'll be stuck riding CP's enormous collection of world class rides next year is another thing entirely.
DJ, were you dressed as Dr. Evil just then? :)
It's all relative. The year your park gets a "home run" in your eyes, it feels're're watching're watching construction workers pee behind buildings...
But when you see Six Flags installing new, innovative rides while your park gets some animatronic dinos, maybe you feel left out? In the cold?
I don't know, but the positive thing is that we are seeing some unique installations FINALLY happening in the United States, after what I think is a rather quiet period. Green Lantern at SFMM, the new Superman M-S installation, the wing-rider at SFGA and maybe even Dollywood, and then we see B & M build a giga, and Intamin is trying something new at Hersheypark.
What a great year for new coasters. Seriously...and what a great excuse to travel a little bit and visit a park you have never experienced before.
And let's be honest, there is a relatively good chance that CP will indeed build something slightly more thrilling than Dinos for next season, and guess what? The spotlight will be mostly CP's, with all that is going on at other parks.
Promoter of fog.
djDaemon said:
That's not enough? What a spoiled, entitled attitude you have.
Booyah! FTW!
I don't see what the amount of money Cedar Fair spends overall has to do with the topic. Cedar Point could spend millions on attractions that aren't rides (starlight and dinos), or millions piled on top of millions on rides that some might say aren't "worth" riding (StR and WS).
Yes, Cedar Fair still dumps a lot of money everywhere, including Cedar Point, but that doesn't mean they aren't capable of wasting money either.
And while I'd love a huge coaster, what I mean is I would find an attraction like Boo Blasters at KI much more "worth" riding than something like StR; Or a quality, smaller woodie over something like WS.
People are capable of having a difference of opinions without being a complete 400' coaster fanboy. I would agree, from the time StR had to increase its height requirement (adding at least a year to the age of young children in the family market they are/were targeting), to the expensive and troublesome (and IMO... lame) WindSeeker, that CP has missed the mark.
If Cedar Point were to add a little more turning into STR, it would make the ride much better IMO. I'm 17 years old and when I go to Disney World , I still find myself riding the Winnie the Pooh honey pot ride. Its about a 1 one the excitement scale. But the theming os just fantastic.
I don't see cedar point going that crazy with the theming. But even the smallest details could make a huge difference in the appeal of a ride.
What I can't comprehend is why there is zero theming on Sir Rub-a-Dub's Tubs. For pete's sake, spend a few thousand dollars on the thing. It looks butt-ugly sitting there, all bare and empty of purpose.
How about a rock wall with a pretty waterfall? Maybe a short tunnel covered in ivy, with strings of white lights? How about some nice plantings? How about some dedicated music? We're not talking the impossible here, folks. It's not like I'm suggesting they cover some bobsled coaster and turn it into a poor man's Space Mountain or anything...
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Ensign Smith said: It's not like I'm suggesting they cover some bobsled coaster and turn it into a poor man's Space Mountain or anything...
They made the impossible possible! Well... sort of...
Hint of sarcasm? Yes.
Season Pass holder since 2008
2011 Visits: 17
2012 Visits: 1
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