MillenniumForceLover's Posts

Steel Vengeance

Started by: Jason Dark in General | Views: 479879 | Replies: 1772 | Last: by TwistedWicker77

Questions for past/current employees

Started by: ValravnCP in Employee Lounge | Views: 20419 | Replies: 78 | Last: by CoasterKyle1121

2018 Employees - Introduce Yourselves!

Started by: CJRiggs in Employee Lounge | Views: 10383 | Replies: 34 | Last: by haiderodes01

Process In date

Started by: LUVCP in Employee Lounge | Views: 6917 | Replies: 24 | Last: by CoasterCam

Early Entry Rides 2018

Started by: GigaG in General | Views: 9641 | Replies: 43 | Last: by XS NightClub

2017 Employees

Started by: AlexGillman in Employee Lounge | Views: 20170 | Replies: 76 | Last: by RCMAC

Out of state

Started by: Massguy26 in Employee Lounge | Views: 3321 | Replies: 9 | Last: by LunaD858

Most Embarrassing Moment As An Employee

Started by: Jake10 in Employee Lounge | Views: 5601 | Replies: 9 | Last: by Bluestreaker

Uniform Question:

Started by: RollercoasterLover in Employee Lounge | Views: 2976 | Replies: 3 | Last: by thedevariouseffect

Maverick Crew 2015

Started by: Gatekeeper2013 in Employee Lounge | Views: 3300 | Replies: 5 | Last: by MillenniumForceLover

Advice for newbies of 2015 season

Started by: Ayeisha in Employee Lounge | Views: 2437 | Replies: 3 | Last: by Bluestreaker

Area Supervisors for Rides?!

Started by: MillenniumForceLover in Employee Lounge | Views: 2391 | Replies: 1 | Last: by MillenniumSpork

Jobs available at Point? 2015 Summer season!

Started by: Dcleveland in Employee Lounge | Views: 2733 | Replies: 6 | Last: by MillenniumForceLover

Returning employee for 2015

Started by: MillenniumForceLover in Employee Lounge | Views: 1838 | Replies: 1 | Last: by ChrisC.

Mantis Future

Started by: Rcoaster10 in General | Views: 75008 | Replies: 627 | Last: by Walt

Introduce yourself!

Started by: MillenniumSpork in Employee Lounge | Views: 16796 | Replies: 85 | Last: by KevinH

Need to change date of my last day of work

Started by: MillenniumForceLover in Employee Lounge | Views: 1339 | Replies: 1 | Last: by campfreak06

Looking for all sweeps

Started by: MillenniumForceLover in Employee Lounge | Views: 1240 | Replies: 2 | Last: by MillenniumForceLover

Housing 2014

Started by: Gosia in Employee Lounge | Views: 1992 | Replies: 5 | Last: by MillenniumForceLover


Started by: MillenniumForceLover in Employee Lounge | Views: 2420 | Replies: 7 | Last: by MillenniumForceLover
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