What is THIS?

Ok Guys. After about an hour of analyzing photos and aerial shots... I came up with this. very VERY likely I must say! What do you all think??


Original: http://www.pointbuzz.com/Gallery.aspx?i=4725

Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
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That seems very possible to me.

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Yeah, great job.

Bow down, Bow down before the power of Santa, or be crushed, be crushed by----- his Jolly boots of Doom.

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Just got back from CP and the webcams are no longer doing the ride justice!!!! you need to see it in person, or they need a larger picture of the construction!

OHIOcpfreak. If you did see this new element later on in the day, what is it? So far ive heard zero-g roll and corkscrew.

Mechanical Engineer: Dont mess with us, we design your coasters.


What you have drawn seems possible. The thing that intrigues me are all of the "extra" footers that are in that area. I have a feeling this ride is going to make us all happy campers, and there is something big we are missing.

the extra footers, I have a theroy on them too. That will be the end of the ride, and right there at the end will be an overbank turn much like the one seen in Goliath at Walibi World.

As represented here... http://www.rcdb.com/ig1565.htm?picture=50

Or just a Final Bunny hill

*** Edited 8/24/2006 2:12:27 AM UTC by BGRooDoG***

Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
2008 - Mantis/MF/Skyride
2009 - ATL Raptor
2010 - TL Sweeps
2011 & 2012 - Area 3 Rides Supervisor

realmadrid311's avatar

I have to think that this ride will go through the turns before the hill and newest element. Only because those turns are so wide they seem to be for high speed. If they traveled through those at the end when the ride has lost speed I think it would be less intense.

If the ride is going slower you want to make the turns tighter. Just a thought...

And I had such high hopes for this ride. Oh well...

Kyurthich's avatar

I was there today yes it is a inversion... they were still working when I left at 8pm... it goes into a overbanked turn but then flips upside down..... to me

it looked like it dropped down to the ground while you were still upside down... like you travel on the outside of the corkscrew instead of the inside.

From what I saw when I drove past at 8 it looked like it flipped over then was still upside down at the bottom of the hill.... and thats all they had done when I left. *** Edited 8/24/2006 2:38:19 AM UTC by Kyurthich***

Definitely a corwkscrew, somebody on another site just uploaded good quality pics from the park today, and it inverts you a full 180 degrees. It's kinda oddly shaped for a corkscrew though, it's a bit higher off the ground with a steeper entrance to it.

What site?

101 on Magnum and counting...

Yeah that is kind of a weird corkscrew....its like an upward 1/2 helix into a corkscrew.

"lost in the corners of both blue eyes"

Over at the point online one of there members have pictures that CLEARLY show that this is FOR SURE a corkscrew.

That looks awesome!

dammit. I was there in the morning but I had to leave, cuz I had to work at 2. If I knew that they were doing that I would have called off. Now I am kicking myself. I left at one, and it looked like it was going to be a helix than.


Things seem to be getting interesting looking thats for sure.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

It's a corkscrew, I was standing at the wall while they bolted it in place. As of when I walked away at 7:30 tonight it was a perfectly normal looking corkscrew, so I don't know what all this talk is about it not looking right.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

If you ask me, the footers by the old Swanboat pond look more like a cobra roll than anything else, from that picture.

BGRooDog, Hey man you know I love the Idea of the ZGRs...

Zbusta said:
I think this hill is gonna be a zero G roll... just a thought...
http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m193/zbus12/mockupmaverick4.jpg *** Edited 8/19/2006 8:01:25 AM UTC by Zbusta*** *** Edited 8/19/2006 8:04:02 AM UTC by Zbusta***

....Thats what i posted in the mockup thread, but my thought of the ZGR was in the place of the hill, so iam just sayin I love it, keep the ideas flowin and the creative mockups. That new inverted piece looks exactly like the ZGR i was thinking of and it looks like it puts a pretty good "twist" on things!!! hey, by the way, what program did you use to come up with that mockup? Its pretty cool man!!!!!:) Im using just
plain old paintbrush :( LOL *** Edited 8/24/2006 6:44:12 AM UTC by Zbusta***

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