What Is Next For The Point?

Kevinj's avatar

One would hope we're slightly smarter this time around.

That's what I was thinking about 4 years ago this time of year...didn't prove to be true, however.

One might suggest that the economy has certainly been on a downward "trend" lately...

Jeff may be right in saying that the state of things may interupt the observed pattern of installing some type of new attraction which has spontaneously occured every season for the past 33 years...but maybe not.

Promoter of fog.

bholcomb's avatar

Hooray for cushy tech jobs with companies that know how to make money in this economy.

Jeff's avatar

Amen to that. I'm thankful to work in an industry that's understaffed and over-paid.

Kevinj said:
Jeff may be right in saying that the state of things may interupt the observed pattern of installing some type of new attraction which has spontaneously occured every season for the past 33 years...but maybe not.

Oh my God dude... let it go. There is no pattern, unless you have some really strange definition of what an attraction is. Hotels and camp sites hardly pack them in.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Hotels and campgrounds are attractions. Attractions are anything that "attract" people and believe it or not, people will come to Cedar Point because they put in a new hotel.

JuggaLotus's avatar

^ - yes, they're called Gideons.

Goodbye MrScott


Jeff's avatar

They damn near brought down an Impossible Mission.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

djDaemon's avatar

Given the not-so-subtle indication by a certain "Co-Webmaster", I'd say its pretty damn obvious there aren't any major new attractions coming in '09.

Not that such a fact will stop some from contemplating what the major new attraction(s) coming in '09 will be.


Chuck Wagon's avatar

I think if Halloweekends is crazy like it has been the last couple of years, they will invest more money and attractions into it in 2009. Does that count?

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

djDaemon's avatar

Probably not in the eyes of those having wet dreams about that brand new GCI or whatever. :)


Like everyone else, I'd love to see a new rollercoaster. I expect if any ride is built it'll be something similar to whitewater landing.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

^Haha good one. :) I can see Halloweekends getting a lot more stuff next year if the crowds are good this year.

Let's Get Weird.

tedfuzz's avatar

It's unfortunate that our government taxes the fruits of our labor and then spends tens of trillions of dollars policing the world and running our lives. I've about had it with the "two party system". More like a one party system. There's no way I'm voting for McBama. If the government didn't rob us, spend all of our money and then some, send the bill to the Fed which sends the bill to us via inflation, maybe we could actually afford more. My family and I are tired of having to give our money to a tyrannic government that either blows it on wars or gives it to lazy people. Thank God I know how to hedge against inflation and have a tech job (customer support for a web hosting company). So yeah, maybe we won't see too many new rides for a while, but then again who knows with CP.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Jeff's avatar

You're 25, you haven't made enough or done enough yet to be "robbed" by the government.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

bholcomb's avatar

The amount of money that goes to taxes each check is robbery to me. Paying for my own groceries while the hoodrats in front of me pay using a bridge card - that is paid for out of tax dollars paid by me for them to go load up the groceries in their escallades with spinning $%@#%!#@$@ rims is robbery. Legalized robbery.

I had a mutual fund that was pretty successful in the late 90's and got hit with taxes big time not only on that, but the freaking $35/week paper route I had at the time too. Give me a break. That stuff is ridiculous!

If you don't feel like you've been robbed each paycheck there is something wrong with you.

Jeff's avatar

I live a pretty good lifestyle. I'm not inclined to cry about life being unfair.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

bholcomb's avatar

I guess that's where we differ. I'm not against paying taxes because I realize there are things we need to pay for (NASA, NOAA, DOT, Education system, and some other necessities) that are just better done with public funds. I know people that live off the government completely and almost completely and are able bodied and not willing to work. I also know folks that are 'poor' but aren't willing to do anything to better themselves.

Why should wealth I make be redistributed back to them? I spent my high school and college years learning all I could instead of going out partying and drinkin. Why should the benefits I am rewarded be redistributed to those who have not been so 'fortunate' (or motivated which is how I look at it....)?

tedfuzz's avatar

Not made enough or done enough? I work hard and take care of my family and I also do freelance work on the side. I do this knowing that others are getting a free ride off my tax dollars while I pay for everything myself. If that's not robbery than I don't know what is. The income tax and the 16th amendment are unconstitutional and must be repealed. Why should I have to share the fruits of my labor? We were not founded as a socialist or fascist nation and it sickens me how tolerable some people are of these policies.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Are you suggesting that you yourself have never benefited from the taxes that other people pay? What, you were born in the Alaskan wilderness and you shave your beard with a whale tooth?

If you're going to rant, at least have some working knowledge about your chosen topic. The 16th amendment, as you must have come awfully close to understanding, is an amendment. A-mend-ment. It's an amendment to the Constitution granting Congress the power to levy income taxes independently of the states. As such, it's a lawfully enacted change to the Constitution. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it illegal or wrong. Unless you're somehow suggesting that there was some crime associated with its passage, then you have no rhetorical leg to stand on.

By the way, I think you meant tolerant. You said it sickens you how tolerable some people are of these policies, but I think you meant tolerant. Get a dictionary and look up the difference.

And thanks for paying for everything yourself. I often supposed I would one day meet the one person who pays for everything. I feel like I've finally achieved one of my life goals.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

tedfuzz's avatar

Well, I'm sorry that I made a grammatical error. But why should I have to pay for other people to go to school and receive health care, especially those who are here illegally, which is becoming very common around here.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

My apologies, Ensign Smith for coming across as snide..my intent was not to sound like a know it all, its hard to discern true logic, (yours) and the pile of crap shoved in our faces from every newspaper and newsstation...but you're point is the very point I was trying to support..

I don't pretend to know anyone or think I know better, but there are hundreds of thousands of factors, and it seems that most of the blame shifts onto Wall Street...I don't know everything about the economy either, but it seems to me the blame is on lots of sources...

The banks went under because they gave anyone and everyone limitless credit, and a few years later are wondering what went wrong. Both of our candidates don't offer much in the way of long-term solutions, but heck, let's throw another 700 billion in to save the banks from their own mistakes. That mentality is what got us here, and is the same mentality that will continually shift the economy into recession mode...

But now back to the park discussion, its too easy for me to talk about the crap economy.. :)

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