What Is Next For The Point?

djDaemon's avatar

That's where you and I differ, I guess. As a member of a democratic society, I feel that its my responsibility to play a part in democracy. Just because none of the candidates (Ron Paul FTW!) represent the path I'd most like to see the Country take, doesn't mean that I shouldn't feel obligated to choose the best path being presented.

Again - I think not voting represents a lazy, ungrateful mindset. There are PLENTY of people who can't vote that would gladly take your place if given the chance. Perhaps you should start an I Don't Vote/I Can't Vote exchange program. ;)


Lazy and ungrateful? You are out of your mind. I am very grateful. My story is too long to tell but I have lived a good portion of the American dream. And, I have voted in every election, National, State and Local, that I have had an opportunity to vote in since turning 18.

And, I will vote in this election. But, if I choose not to pick either of the two (major) Presidential candidates then that certainly doesn't blemish my Patriotism. Generations before us have fought for our right NOT to vote as much as they have fought for the right TO vote.

So, if I go in to the booth and write in "Mickey Mouse" does that then fulfill this so-called "obligation"?

It isn't that I don't vote. It is that I may choose to not cast a vote in this particular case. I think there is a WORLD of difference between those two things and if you don't see it there is no sense in my continuing to try and point it out.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

JuggaLotus's avatar

Chief, you make a great point. There is a big difference between showing up and submitting an empty ballot (because you don't agree with any of the candidates) and simply staying home and being lazy.

The first is you exercising your right by choosing none of the above.

The second is just sad.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

I see absolutely no difference between submitting an empty ballot and staying home. Well, except for the waste of gas.


bholcomb's avatar

Some of us walk to our polling places, thank you very much.

djDaemon's avatar

Touche'. :)


e x i t english's avatar

tedfuzz said:
I'm not unemployed, and thank god for that. But even if I did lose my job, you're assuming that I would expect the government to be there for me, which I would not. I might have to drastically adjust my standard of living until I found a new job, but to assume that everyone has this sense of entitlement...

OK, assuming you did lose your job. Without a source of income, how are you going to afford the gas to get to interviews/apply for new jobs?

You could argue that you could walk there, but if you're in a suit and its 90 degrees outside, showing up covered in sweat won't get you past the front door.

I'm happy for you, that you would refuse to use the resources available to you as if that makes you the superior individual, but I've got news for you. There's a reason that companies fight unemployment so hard when they let employees go - it's because they are the ones who pay into the unemployment fund, from which the government cuts the checks.

I'm happy to be working during this tough time, and I feel sorry for those who've been downsized, but to say those people are "lazy" or "leeching from the government" is asinine.

tedfuzz's avatar

Add in the fact that he's not voting in order to show how much of a rebel he is, and, well... I should probably stop before I say something I shouldn't.

Who said I'm not voting? I'm actually voting for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

JuggaLotus's avatar

djDaemon said:
I see absolutely no difference between submitting an empty ballot and staying home. Well, except for the waste of gas.

Its not a waste. I am exercising my right to choose, from amongst the candidates listed, the one I judge most worthy to the post. Right now, that is E) None of the Above.

Goodbye MrScott


tedfuzz's avatar

Why do people always assume that if you don't vote for the Republicrats that you're not actually voting? I'm sorry, but I actually vote for someone I agree with, not just for the lesser of two evils.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Ensign Smith, not sure if you were referring to my statement regarding laziness...I recognize honest and hard working people are gratefully using the government resources..I was merely pointing out that there is also a large number who abuse the system meant to help those truly in need.

Owner, Gould Photography.

Hmmm? That was, like, two pages ago. I don't even remember anymore.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Jeff's avatar

I agree that the two-party system blows, but it is what it is, and there isn't much I can do about it. By trying to adhere to some kind of idealism by not voting, or voting for some fringe goof, I'm essentially indicating that I don't care enough to have a say. It doesn't matter if no one can completely meet my expectations, because no one ever will. In the case of the president, I'm not sure what kind of impact they truly have beyond figurehead and negotiator, but I still feel obligated to choose someone who can best fill the role.

I honestly don't find either candidate this year to be completely worthless, but one more clearly aligns with what I think is right. I suspect, especially after tonight, that things will go down hill quickly for the Republicans, because they picked someone clueless to be one very old man away from being president.

At the end of the day, no matter who gets elected, things can't get much worse, so unless they start banging interns, they'll have a legacy of "things got better on my watch."

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

bholcomb's avatar

Jeff said:
In the case of the president, I'm not sure what kind of impact they truly have beyond figurehead and negotiator

Well apparently, if you listen to some people, the last president caused Hurricanes, conspired to blow up the world trade center, hates black people, concocted a war in texas because it's fun to play war and I'm sure kicks puppies in his spare time. :)

Last edited by bholcomb,
Jeff's avatar

No, they can absolutely make up crap and start an unnecessary war, I just can't believe so many people went along with it. Our current president is absolutely a failure.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

bholcomb's avatar

But he masterminded the September 11th attacks!

Of course, that is from the same wackos that also think he's an idiot. An idiot and a mastermind. Seems like contradictory thoughts on a single person, but whatever.

No, Cheney's the evil mastermind. Bush is the idiot. You're getting them confused again.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

The two party system will continue to blow while we all keep buying into the idea that it will never change. It can change if people care enough. We just aren't there yet. If a state can elect an independent then surely a nation can.

I can't think of any other way to describe it. Hollywood produces a lot of crap. I can go to the movies a couple of times a month and buy tickets to the less crappy movies...or I can choose to not watch any of the crap and hopefully, sooner or later, Hollywood will get the message.

I follow Florida politics closely and I'm pretty up to speed on regional and local politics. The last time I voted for the guy I most aligned with it was Bush and I'm sorry I gave him my support. But, I wouldn't have voted for Kerry because I agree with him even less.

So, people are unhappy with the Bush supporters (seeing as he got a second term) but you all are saying it was ok I voted for him anyway since he aligned more with my views. Does that make any sense at all?

It doesn't make sense to me.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

MDOmnis said:

Jeff said:
There are two issues that annoy the piss out of me.

I'll tell you what annoys me. People living on government assistance and then crying about it at 1AM on an internet forum. Stop bitching that what you already get for free isn't enough and looking for more and instead, do something to better yourself. That's all I'm saying.

People buying crap they couldn't afford (and even government mandates to promote such things) is what got us into this economic mess and any sort of bail out is only going to prop things up for a period of time and then problems will arise again. The ultimate fix is for the government and the people in this country learn to live within their means. "Getting by" does not mean owning three cars, a huge house, three 50 inch TVs, etc. If you've worked hard, made money, you deserve that stuff. If you haven't, you should work to better yourself and strive for that, not sit there holding out your tin can.

First off like many other people have said in the previous post do you know my situation no.

I will state this I have no credit card debt as I did learn the hard way 10 years ago and have paid off all my debt. As i do not have a single credit card if I need to buy something it is cash. I have a savings account for that and I do not buy stuff I can not afford. I live on a very tight budget and my needs come first and my wants come way down the list. My priorities are Paying rent, car insurance, house insurance, my quarterly taxes as I am self employed, food, and so on for the basics of life. Heck this year may be the first year in a long time I have not visited CP due to the price of everything so not going doesn't upset me. I just cant afford it and I wont go. As my spendable income is being used up by more important things than just buying stuff I don't need. I own a 2001 S-10 truck which i need for my line of work as I don't own 3 of everything. Also I do not eat out heck it is a luxury if I go out to eat maybe once a month and that includes fast food. As I pack a lunch and snacks for work and bring my own snack food as I don't purchase any items from a vending machine. I use coupons and take advantage of sales at grocery stores. Also my cloths are the run of the mill basic not no insane pricey cloths just the ones I were and use everyday, also the shoes I own are not name brand shoes. Heck I have bought my work shoes and personal shoes at PayLess and they have lasted almost a year now. That is longer then a pair of name brand shoes have everlasted me.

MDOmnis said:

I'm sorry for your situation, but instead of crying about it on a Cedar Point messageboard and waiting on the government to fix the problem, why don't you do something about it? Learn something new by reading books or taking a class to better yourself, stop going out to dinner and pay off the credit card debt that is crushing you, sell the house or car that you never should have been allowed to "afford" in the first place and rent a $500 per month apartment or buy a used car, whatever. I don't make that much money and I don't find it to be all that difficult to survive on it.

BTW I am doing something about read my signature page. Also at the time I posted the message I was just getting home form work. The only reason I have posted on here is that I take offense to people just assuming the situation of another ones personal affairs before asking them and grouping all individuals into one category. I may be on food stamps but at this time it is a help for me and I don't plan on being on them forever and yes I am employed. Also I am going to school for Business Management and I do understand and have the knowledge of.living in my own means.

Again sorry Walt and Jeff for posting off subject.

Thanks for the preivious posters that have some decent respect.

Last edited by KHTOExtreme,
bholcomb's avatar

Well if you're so poor, have you considered getting a second part-time job?

Also, I would like a house, but I realize that I can't reasonably afford one right now. How is it ok for you to live in a house and eat off the government?

That's it. I'm getting a house. And government assistance!

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