What Is Next For The Point?

JuggaLotus's avatar

^ - to be honest, I partly agree with the not voting. I'm leaning toward "not" voting in the presidential race. I will still go and submit a ballot and vote on local issues and whatnot, but I may not put a mark next to anyone's name in the "big race" because I don't feel that any of them are qualified.

About his other post, I hadn't seen that, probably because I just browsed through what I had missed.

Goodbye MrScott


bholcomb's avatar

I had considered not voting at all for President, but I found a candidate which has very close beliefs to my own (Bob Barr) and will be casting a vote for him - no matter how "meaningless" it may be.

Also, while you can't safeguard 100% against everything, you can significantly lower your chances of becoming a "victim of circumstance". If Matt got fired today, I am pretty sure he'd have money to get him through to his next job. That's because he's a cheap bastard and saves money like crazy.

Last edited by bholcomb,

I hate to say I'm with Jugga on this one. I haven't felt this disinterested in a Presidential campaign since I started voting in '88. I honestly don't feel like I can comfortably pull the trigger (fill in the circle/press the button/or whatever it is we will do in Florida this time around) and walk out feeling good about myself.

I'm a conservative who has always voted the Republican national races and often votes the Democrat local and state races. So, I don't mind voting for either party. But, I can't get excited about McCain/Palin and I suppose if McCain had selected someone competent that might have made me feel different. But I see little substance in Obama and I have never really liked Biden so I'm turned off by that side.

To me this is like standing in line for two hours to ride the Mine Ride or standing two hours in line to ride Iron Dragon. I'd rather do neither and just go to the Red Garter for a beer.

Some might call that apathy. I don't consider it that. I've been following this closely for over a year just waiting to throw my energy to one of these yahoos and I just don't see it happening.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

JuggaLotus's avatar

Chief Wahoo said:
I suppose if McCain had selected someone competent that might have made me feel different.

I have had a hard time with this issue. I can't tell if she's really as dumb as she sounds, or if she just has a hard time regurgitating the answers that have been pre-fed to her by her handlers. It would be interesting to know for sure if she's being allowed to speak her mind, or has been somewhat censored and given "the list" of talking points/answers.

And if anyone is interested in this for tonights debate, here are some BINGO cards.

Last edited by JuggaLotus,

Goodbye MrScott


At this point I don't think it is so much about Palin. But, look at the folks the Republicans passed over to pick her. I mean...what in the WORLD were they thinking? There were other Governors (Crist in Florida for one), Sentators and Representatives who they vetted and decided agains in favor of the Alaska governor.

You have to think at this point that it became an issue of..."maybe we can steal away some of those Hillary fans by putting this gal on the ticket." If that was the ONLY reason that went with her (since it wasn't her grasp of the issues, her wealth of experience, OR her ability to bring in some electoral votes) then they bungled it big time.

In fact, I'd say they had Avalanche Run when it was just McCain and they may have turned it into a Disaster Transport. It was interesting to look at after the Convention but now it just screams, "what were they thinking?"

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

djDaemon's avatar

I don't consider it apathy. I consider it treasonous, disrespectful and just plain lazy.


If you're a conservative and you don't feel like McCain is representative enough of your political perspective, there's nothing wrong with not voting. Or voting for Bob Barr if that does it for you. I am encouraging all my friends on the right to consider both options. ;)

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.


Actually, I do know the students, very well in fact. Know how? I work for the very college that I speak of. However, the fault is not so much with them as it is with the state of North Carolina, as well as the federal standards that determine how financial aid is dispersed.

So yes, the system is a joke, and yes, it's been on a rapid decline for awhile...more and more students are no longer able to afford school because A: the standards (income, etc. ) for aid are for some reason being raised higher and higher, and B: tuition rates have skyrocketed to a ridiculous level in the past five years. Someone also mentioned interest rates which is also a key point as well.

You would be surprised at how many students, don't give a crap about the fact that they got their education paid for. Missing class and poor grades don't seem to matter to them. Maybe its the demographics, I don't know.

Either way its a broken system. As is the WIC and food stamps program, and especially unemployment. Not sure how it is in other states, but here its ridiculous what they let people get away with.

I do recognize that there are lots of honest, hard working people who have it hard right now, but there are equal amounts of dishonest lazy people simply taking advantage of broken systems.

Owner, Gould Photography.

Jeff said:
There are two issues that annoy the piss out of me.

I'll tell you what annoys me. People living on government assistance and then crying about it at 1AM on an internet forum. Stop bitching that what you already get for free isn't enough and looking for more and instead, do something to better yourself. That's all I'm saying.

People buying crap they couldn't afford (and even government mandates to promote such things) is what got us into this economic mess and any sort of bail out is only going to prop things up for a period of time and then problems will arise again. The ultimate fix is for the government and the people in this country learn to live within their means. "Getting by" does not mean owning three cars, a huge house, three 50 inch TVs, etc. If you've worked hard, made money, you deserve that stuff. If you haven't, you should work to better yourself and strive for that, not sit there holding out your tin can.


Jeff's avatar

The dude was not crying about anything, and you keep making assumptions about his spending habits. How is that OK? How can you even make that a generalization about people who lost their jobs? You're trying to connect dots on different pages.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

djDaemon's avatar

I don't understand why people think its OK to not vote. Ignoring the whole fact that a LOT of people have sacrificed more than any of us could ever imagine to make sure we have that right, its still ridiculous.

If someone comes up to you and gives you two choices, to be kicked in the nuts or hit in the head with a 2x4, and those are your only options, then those are your only options. You'd do what you felt was in your best interest.

That's basically what we're dealing with here - if you don't vote, go live somewhere else. Seriously - there are a lot of people who would LOVE to be able to vote on who leads their country. How difficult is it to choose one candidate who you feel best represents what you think this Country needs? Is it that difficult?

Last edited by djDaemon,


I'm being "treasonous" if I choose NOT to vote for either one of these knuckleheads? You've got to be kidding me.

Yes, that is the same as selling information from Los Alamitos to the Chinese.

It is "tresonous" that THIS is what we have to choose from. Our country should aspire to something greater.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Those two yahoos are NOT my only choice. I have the right to vote...or not vote...for whomever I please. I will vote on election day, you can be sure of that. But, I choose to skip the Presidential candidates and move on to other matters I have every right to do so.

The two party's have the responsibility to put up candidates who are qualified and can do the job. I don't see that in either of these guys...yet...so NOT voting is, in my opinion, making my feelings pretty clear.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

djDaemon's avatar

The definition of the term "treason" is not limited to selling secrets to an enemy.

  1. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign,especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or byconsciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
  2. A betrayal of trust or confidence.


So, if I choose NOT to exercise my RIGHT to vote (notice it does not say "responsibility") than I am acting to aid the enemies of our country?


I have complete allegiance to my country. If I was asked to serve today I would say, "where are my boots?" My father was in the Marine Corps and I have cousins in Iraq this very moment. I am a flag flying American who still buys American made vehicles even though they are largely inferior to foreign built cars. Oh...one more thing: in my entire life I have never ONCE complained about paying my taxes. Ok, maybe I've complained about the chore that paying taxes requires but I have never complained about my responsibility to pay them.

BUT...I have NO (or very little) allegiance to either one of the two major parties and that is far different than having no allegiance to one's country.

Frankly, these two parties are betraying MY trust and confidence.

Last edited by Chief Wahoo,

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

djDaemon's avatar

It could easily be argued that not voting is acting in a way that makes you a poor steward of your nation. That is, you're ignoring your obligation to help choose the best path for the Country. As such, it could easily be argued that, despite your flags, readiness to serve and what-not, you don't have "complete allegiance", as you assert.

Don't get me wrong, its swell that you pay taxes and all that, but giving 90% simply isn't the same as giving 100%.


JuggaLotus's avatar

The last 2 elections, I voted for the lesser of 2 evils. I'm done with that. I consider my "non-vote" not as avoiding, or not making a choice, but as choosing e) None of the Above.

Goodbye MrScott


CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

It does not really matter. This country stinks and continues to go down hill. I prefer Obama over McCain, but in the long run, they're just a figurehead. Our government will always be corrupted and dishonest. Just have to live with it.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

bholcomb's avatar

Bob Barr! :)

Voting is not an obligation or a responsiblity. It is a right. I also have the right to free speech. I don't have to exercise that right every day to be an American.

In fact, I'm going to exercise the right at this moment.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

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