What Is Next For The Point?

Vince982's avatar

Dvo said:
^^^Have you been on maXair lately? Cycle times are great! Skyhawk is a different story, but it's fun nonetheless, and it's a walk-on during early entry.

I know maXair is great, but like I said, smaller flats like Scrambler, Ocean Motion, or Matterhorn barely get up to speed before starting to slow down.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Especially in the case of Scrambler, where getting up to 'speed' means 60% of the rpms for which it was designed and used to regularly run.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Kevinj's avatar

I guess in my mind I place just a much "value" on smaller flats (scrambler, Ocean Motion, Matterhorn, Cedar Downs, Chaos) as the large installations (MaxAir, Witches Wheel, SkyHawk); to me they are analogous to the coasters. That is, you need some for everyone (Woodstock Express vs. MF).

So regardless of what they may or my not put in as new, the long-term trend says something is coming.

Promoter of fog.

Shawn Meyer said:
A few of you have brought up an S&S Flyswatter or whatever it's called. Can somebody show me a video of what S&S Flyswatter looks like please?


Jeff's avatar

Kevinj said:
So regardless of what they may or my not put in as new, the long-term trend says something is coming.

OK, so let me frame it another way. You don't lay out your cap ex because it's what you've always done. That's like having a heart attack and continuing to load up on high cholesterol food because "it's what I've always done." This is a business, not a habit. Have you looked at the news lately? Unless something changes in the next couple of days, no one is going to be in any hurry to lend them money anyway.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Kevinj's avatar


I agree 100%. That still doesn't change the observation that it is certainly a "long-term" trend to install something new every year during the past 3 decades (big or small)...aside from 1984, which was my point...not wondering about this upcoming year.

I wonder what Cedar Fair's FICO score is.

Promoter of fog.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Ensign Smith said:
Especially in the case of Scrambler, where getting up to 'speed' means 60% of the rpms for which it was designed and used to regularly run.

And its not like we're talking about rides that have such long lines that the ride cycle would be shortened to improve throughput.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

Could it be that the shorter ride times are more appealing to a wider audience?

Not everyone is an enthusiast, believe it or not.


Vince982's avatar

No but when you ride Ocean Motion and the 5 year old behind you says "thats's it?" tells me that I'm not the only one thinking that the cycle is too short.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

djDaemon's avatar

True, but perhaps he's simply an enthusiast-in-the-making. I know that's how I was at a young age. :)

I'm only postulating with the shorter rides have a wider appeal concept.

Last edited by djDaemon,


The Scrambler at CP gives the shortest ride of any Scrambler I've ever seen, by far. It also takes the longest time to load. On the other hand once we were at a carnival and that ride op let the ride continue for about five minutes, I'm not kidding. I'm surprised nobody got sick, though many looked a little green after a while. Once he finished his cigarette he stopped the ride.

The economy is a given, but CP planned probably two years ago what they were going to do for 2009, not this week. I didn't expect much of anything for next year becasue it's probably going to take longer to cover the Maverick expenditure in these economic times. Also, I think with Kings Island getting what will be the most anticipated ride of 2009, there's no need for CP to do anything and compete with it.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

I personaly talked to Kinzel over the phone at around 4:45am on Monday morning. He has confermed a 600ft tall Coaster. It will have a Cable lift hill like millie and will drop you 605ft at 90degree angle. it will have 23 bunny hops and loops and twist. HA Actually Cedar point will get nothing new for a while.

JuggaLotus's avatar

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL said:
HA Actually Cedar point will get nothing new for a while.

Actually, this statement has as much validity as the rest of what you said.

Truth is, none of us (except LCG) know what is going to happen.

Goodbye MrScott


Cedar Point will add something new for 2009. It may not be a new ride, but I'm sure something will be added. Cedar Point always likes to improve to get better every year. Maybe if the Rumors are true Mean Streak will get a touch up in the off-season. Millennium Force like you guys said will get a touch up of paint. She deserves a new coat of paint. :)

Even during the Great Depression, the owners often attempted to invest in improvements -- even if it was something as meager as putting in a new picnic pavilion or painting a structure.

Let's not get too carried away yet. The stock market is still above 10,000, unemployment is still a fraction of what it was in thee 1930's, and there is still a good deal of wealth floating around the American economy. We're a long way from the park (or most parks, for that matter) doing absolutely nothing in the off-season.

I still don't expect a huge, new marquee attraction. But as I said earlier, I would be shocked if CP didn't do something.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

tedfuzz's avatar

I definitely agree that this year would be a great year for touchups. Millie and Draggie deserve their bright colors back. Also, did I mention Hotel Breakers needs air conditioning in the lobby. =P

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Ensign Smith said:
Let's not get too carried away yet. The stock market is still above 10,000, unemployment is still a fraction of what it was in thee 1930's, and there is still a good deal of wealth floating around the American economy.

There is a big difference in being carried away, and being realistic. No one here said anything about a depression, but the wealth you speak of? Yeah, it shows in, how many banks that have gone under? If there were plenty of wealth, the FDIC wouldn't have to raise the insurance to over 200,000. Unemployment is at a record high for this presidency, and maybe not to you, but to those who don't have a job, thats a major deal. And if you think that everything relies on the stock market's points, you need to go back and take economics again.

Yes, we're not going into a depression anytime soon. One would hope we're slightly smarter this time around. But let's not candy coat the economy either.

I believe that it would be prudent of CF to invest in minor-scale improvements...spruce up the park with what it has, rather than adding things in...it'll be a safer investment and is almost a guranteed no-fail for the park..you start adding new rides, buildings, etc...the gurantee goes out the window.

Owner, Gould Photography.

Jeff's avatar

I don't think it's "touch-ups" that people are expecting because of some non-existent trend. The park is in a continual state of clean up and general repair, but don't get your hopes up about any serious attraction.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

mk522, I don't appreciate your snide tone. Yes, it's a horrible economic situation, and I am personally in daily dread of its effects. Since you seem to act as if you know me, let me fill you in a little bit:

I work for a company that produces coatings and adhesives, primarily waterproofing for the housing construction industry. Our sales are down 70% over the last two years. In the meantime, the cost of our raw materials -- being primarily derived from the petroleum industry -- are up 200% and more. We've let go of 60% of our workforce, and the company is hanging on by a thread. Meanwhile, I've got a six year old daughter and a wife who's been out of work for years and now has a disabling injury that will keep her from ever doing so again.

Am I running scared in this economy? You bet your ass. So don't come out swinging at me as if you know me or understand me in the slightest. There is no call for this oh, so much more righteously indignant than me crap.

I wasn't talking about my situation. I wasn't talking about yours. I was talking about the country's, which, though it is quite ugly and may get much, much worse, is still in considerably better shape than it was in the 1930s.

By the way, I didn't presume that "everything relies on the stock market's points". I merely held it up as one piece of data in the discussion.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

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