What Is Next For The Point?

Jeff's avatar

Rapids 77-78 said:
I'm confident that the Point will do something to promote the next season. It is a longstanding tradition to having something new or changed each year.

I don't understand where this idea comes from. When you really get down to it, there aren't any long-term trends that signify anything. Remember back in the day where everyone said it was "tradition" to build a coaster every other year? That theory fell apart, particularly in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Racks right up there with the three-coaster contract that everyone said the park had with B&M (nevermind that it would've been asinine from a business perspective).

I just wish people would stop looking for trends where there aren't any, and further salt the theories with the fact that we're in very uncertain economic times.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

The question may not be what Cedar Point is getting...but what it is losing. I still say they have WAY more food locations than they need. Eliminate some of those locations and you eliminate some staffing needs.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Walt's avatar

Or eliminate, and move the staff to other locations.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Jeff's right. If I were a park owner, I would be very prudent about how much I invested in this off season.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Jeff said:

Rapids 77-78 said:
I'm confident that the Point will do something to promote the next season. It is a longstanding tradition to having something new or changed each year.

I don't understand where this idea comes from. When you really get down to it, there aren't any long-term trends that signify anything. Remember back in the day where everyone said it was "tradition" to build a coaster every other year? That theory fell apart, particularly in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Racks right up there with the three-coaster contract that everyone said the park had with B&M (nevermind that it would've been asinine from a business perspective).

I just wish people would stop looking for trends where there aren't any, and further salt the theories with the fact that we're in very uncertain economic times.

What are you talking about, people NEVER try to look for trends that aren't there...

Kevinj's avatar

What are you smoking, Jeff? Every year since 1975, aside from 1984, something new has opened at Cedar Point. (Well, 2004 saw "Splash Zone" at Soak City open, so maybe that doesn't count either, but it is still something new beyond "general improvements").

That's not a pattern?

I would call a 33 year history of adding something new a long-term trend.

That "long-term" trend also includes the installation of 15 coasters, accounting for a new coaster every 2.2 years...making the "every 2 years" suggestion fairly accurate, give or take a year every so often.

Cedar Point visitors expect something new every year...because they get something new every year, at least in my lifetime.

Now that said, I too would be surprised, given the state of the economy (in all aspects) if something new arrives. If that is the case, it goes against the trend.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

tedfuzz's avatar

It wouldn't be a bad idea to do some renovation to Hotel Breakers. Make all of the sections at least "normal" hotel quality and add some air conditioning in the lobby! It's ridiculous how hot it gets in there sometimes for such an expensive hotel.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Phantom 1898's avatar

This is what I see for 2009

Repainted Millennium phase 1 (lift to first tunnel, second tunnel to station)
Referbished Millennium trains. (sandblasted and repainted)

Repainted Dragster tower

Retracked/reworked Mean Streak

tedfuzz's avatar

^ Amen to the whole Millennium paint thing. :)

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Vince982's avatar

There's a lot more things I would ask for before a repainted Millennium or Dragster. While the paint may not look like it did 8 or 5 years ago doesn't mean the rides are any less fun.

Longer flat ride cycles (see Scrambler or Matterhorn)
Foodservice improvement
WiFi and general improment to the resorts, make my $200/night worth it
Finish off the improvement to the Season Pass system
I would love to be able to use resort room key (or Season Pass if possible) to pay for purchases

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

tedfuzz's avatar

If we were to get a flat ride, not necessarily this year, maybe an S&S Sky Swatter. That thing is intense, especially in the back row. But please CP, next flat ride you get, can we please have a long ride cycle? :)

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

^^ Along with the season pass improvements I would like to not have to walk into the guest services building and then back out only to go back into the park... Why cant the just scan my pass when i go in like a normal ticket?

im a freak for cp

Dvo's avatar

^^^Have you been on maXair lately? Cycle times are great! Skyhawk is a different story, but it's fun nonetheless, and it's a walk-on during early entry.

Last edited by Dvo,

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

What all is wrong with the season pass system?

Jeff's avatar

Kevinj said:
What are you smoking, Jeff? Every year since 1975, aside from 1984, something new has opened at Cedar Point.

Yeah, so additions like Ocean Motion, Chaos, Lighthouse Point, Breakers expansions, go-kart tracks, etc., those are just packing them in right? Give me a break.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

A few of you have brought up an S&S Flyswatter or whatever it's called. Can somebody show me a video of what S&S Flyswatter looks like please?


Not a video, just a photo. Looks pretty fun!

Kevinj's avatar


Ah, but back in the day they were added, I would argue Ocean Motion was as significant of an addition as MaxAir today; that ride used to be packed (im sure you remember the "less filling"/"Tastes great" days).

I didn't say (and am not counting on) something huge; Planet Snoopy isn't that big of deal either unless you're 4...so I would look for something along those lines.

I simply meant that there most likely will be something beyond just general improvements. Will it be small? Most likely...at least it would seem that way, but chances are, if the long-term trend holds true there will be something.

I for one would vote for food improvements across the board.

Promoter of fog.

Based on the very poor and quickly worsening economic conditions, I'd say the most we'll see is a Millennium touch-up...beyond that, I'd actually anticipate them to cut stuff back rather than add more...there's no incentive to add anything new next year, it'll be tough enough keeping the current visitor base that they have let alone spending more money on an attraction that may or may not have an affect on attendance...that's a gamble that, in my opinion, even CF won't want to take...

Owner, Gould Photography.

e x i t english's avatar

Kevinj said:

I didn't say (and am not counting on) something huge; Planet Snoopy isn't that big of deal either unless you're 4...

Or, if you love dogs/beagles/Snoopy, and have tattoos of him and Woodstock.

Just sayin'.

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