What Is Next For The Point?

Kevinj's avatar

Which is exactly why this election is important. This is not something that every president gets to do...but it is likely that the next president will nominate 2 justices. That is a very big deal.

Promoter of fog.

djDaemon's avatar

True, but I think there is far more to be concerned about than the right to bear arms at this point in history. I mean, I'm as avid a gun owner as the next guy, but really, I don't see this being a major issue.

And besides, saying I can no longer have a gun is much easier than coming to take that gun from me. :)

Last edited by djDaemon,


JuggaLotus's avatar

I agree that there is more to be concerned with, but once a government can remove ONE of those guaranteed rights, there is nothing to stop them from removing the others. All governments do and should fear an armed populace.

Goodbye MrScott


bholcomb's avatar

Yeah - They can have my guns... Bullets first.

::rolls eyes::

I feel so sorry for the citizens of Canada, Sweden, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Japan, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, England, and Lichtenstein. What with getting regularly oppressed by their tyrannical governments because the people don't have guns. If only they had a few million automatic rifles, they'd be so much safer . . .

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Yep, because Ireland was so much safer with guns banned. I guess the IRA must have been using blanks.

And violent crime has gone UP in England since guns were banned. When people can't carry, a criminal doesn't have to worry about bringing a knife to a gunfight.

Besides, gun ownership in America isn't about crime or crime prevention. It is about being able to overthrow the government if and when it is necessary.

Last edited by JuggaLotus,

Goodbye MrScott


I'm reading "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" The militias that grew into the National Guard, which are state funded and controlled militias. Unless the state referenced is the country itself, but doubtful at that time as state gov. was more powerful until after the civil war. Not saying I disagree with jugga, that's just the text of the thing.

mermaidsair's avatar

Pete said:
I think the park really needs a flume ride, it seems somewhat incomplete without it. As far as removing WWL just to build another flume ride in the near future, people forget that Shoot-The-Rapids was removed for White Water Landing.

I think every amusement park needs a flume ride (shoot-the-chute rides don't count), it's a staple like a carousel, ferris wheel and roller coaster.

In my experience and it is limited, I have seen parks take away flume rides and not replace them when they have rides like timberwolf falls. They sort of seem to consider that the same thing. I prefer the other style, scenic non drencher ones.

I'm going out to get some air.

What about a fancy haunted house? KW just put one in after taking out 3 in the last 10 years or so. It could be a nice cool break in the summer and a centerpiece during halloweekends. Haven't made it for halloweekends yet myself, thoughts?

mermaidsair's avatar

I would love a haunted house! It seems indoor rides are not much of a focus anymore (outside of Disney) and haunted houses are not all that common. I would love one with a train or cars and we could save the walkthroughs for Halloween.

I'm going out to get some air.

That'd be awesome. The one at KW is one of those deals with the laser-tag guns where you shoot the ghosts and they keep your score. Kinda fun, kinda cheesy, keeps kids from getting scared, all the stuff they never bothered with when I was little, they just tried to scare the crap out of us. It was pretty sweet.


mermaidsair's avatar

There is also one at Kings Island (Scooby Doo's Haunted mansion). I am sure they are all over the place. If Cedar Point added it it would be popular. I like the one at KI better, it has better seats.

I'm going out to get some air.

Ensign Smith said:
Hey, it's an Intamin -- what's the worst that could happen?

I bet that was the selling point for Maverick, after the issues with TTD.

Kinzel probably replied: heck yeah! Let's build another! :)

Owner, Gould Photography.

Can't follow the link from here, what's it called?

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Frito Joe

Jeff's avatar

Ensign Smith said:
Hey, it's an Intamin -- what's the worst that could happen?

Quite possibly the most under-the-radar post-of-the-month. It has my vote. Unless I find out it has been hanging out with terrorists.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Jesz's avatar

Wow, this thread actually somehow made it back to a CP related topic. ;)

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

What goes around comes back around. :)

Let's Get Weird.

My posts only hang out with Joe the Plumber . . .

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

bholcomb's avatar

Joe the Plumber is from Toledo. I wonder if he knows what is next for Cedar Point? A restroom improvement possibly? ;)

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