What Is Next For The Point?

No, I should not replace debt with responsibility. They go hand in hand, but are not one and the same.

Some of you are missing the point here...our system, our economy has put so much emphasis on credit/debt/insert whatever word you want, that as we speak, our government is now staking itself in nine of our major financial institutions...this plus the initial billions going back into the finanical system to.....unfreeze the credit market, and get banks to lend again! Wow!

Yes, we get it, people live beyond their means, you all act like this happened yesterday...guess what, people have been living beyond their means for much longer before this economic "crisis" hit. Other factors, like, oh say, the housing market, employment, oil prices, etc...contributed to a panicked market that ran to the worst possible resource to bail them out.

Common sense is responsible use of credit...but until, and read carefully: until our whole economic system decides to get away from its credit addiction, we're s.o.l. Those who are responsible need to continue that lifestyle, but you can't change those who aren't. We can hope though, that we learn from the mistakes of the past. But I wouldn't bet on it.

Owner, Gould Photography.

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

Jeff said:
Seriously, what the hell? How many people here want to be moderators? You know what the thread has become, and if you're not interested... wait for it... DON'T READ IT.

Yet, when any other topic gets off hand and changed into something else, it's immediately closed.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

What's next for the point.....I think something new will be coming. And I bet it comes next year. Just throwing that out there for everyone.

djDaemon's avatar

JuggaLotus said:
Also, it would be nice if Electoral Votes were divied up on a district by district basis rather than on a statewide basis.

That doesn't surprise me, coming from a West-Michigander. ;)

The amount of McCain/Palin support out that way was staggering. And embarassing.


JuggaLotus's avatar

B - you're telling me. Of course, there is nothing in Federal Election law that tells a state HOW to determine its electoral votes either. AND a representative doesn't have to vote for whom the voters told him. The voters could vote for Obama, and every elector could place theirs for Barr.

Goodbye MrScott


Kevinj's avatar

Let's just hope there isn't a recount in MI, eh Jugga? ;)

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987 said:
Yet, when any other topic gets off hand and changed into something else, it's immediately closed.

It's not your burden to worry about. Let it go and move on.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I'd rather the voting system go by popular vote. Period. I think its certainly a more accurate picture of who people want in office..

Owner, Gould Photography.

bholcomb's avatar

Really? I don't agree with you. The big cities have most of the population, but what is good for them isn't always good for everyone. The system we have now works fine. I don't get why we need to change it.

mermaidsair's avatar

Well there was a Canadian election yesterday, very complex here with many candidates. Mine lost. Only 60 percent of people voted and the speeches were in French and English. Oh and here all of our candidates are intellectuals.

But I wish I could vote in your election.

I think the park will add a new flat, maybe to the side of Mean Streak in the part which is unused. I guess that is the middle so they can't do that.

Anyways, I think flat or small coaster.

I'm going out to get some air.

Ben, I was basing that off of the time when people knew what the heck they wanted...

An election determined by what the people want was lost a long, long, long time ago...

Owner, Gould Photography.

Kevinj's avatar

I think some people know what they want.

For instance, if you want to take away a woman's right to choose to have an abortion in this country, then you will vote for McCain, and have your wish granted in about 3 years time.

I'm not sure what you mean by saying "a time when people knew what they wanted", exactly...

Promoter of fog.

So yeah, I'm thinking B&M floorless....

mermaidsair's avatar

Kevinj said:
I think some people know what they want.

For instance, if you want to take away a woman's right to choose to have an abortion in this country, then you will vote for McCain, and have your wish granted in about 3 years time.

I'm not sure what you mean by saying "a time when people knew what they wanted", exactly...

I have been ignoring most of the politicallness of this thread but I do not think Mccain/Palin will touch abortion. Did Bush? It is rare to change anything which is mostly ideological.

People get wrapped up on the ideological issues but these things rarely change unless it is something that has recently been accepted like gay marriage which they could challenge.

I think most of the focus will be on things you wont be as interested in. Boring bills no one ever discusses because they are not controversial enough.

I'm going out to get some air.

Yup, definitely a B&M Floorless....

It'd be nice if they'd put in a little old school cyclone type woodie and go to work on that boardwalk idea someone had a while ago, but with their track-record on maintaining theming I doubt they'd retheme a big chunk of waterfront, no matter how cool a throwback like that would be, and if they did the odds are against them maintaining it.

mermaidsair said:

I think most of the focus will be on things you wont be as interested in. Boring bills no one ever discusses because they are not controversial enough.

True. No one cares about health care reform, balancing the national budget, or pulling the country out of a recession. That stuff is just too boring. Who cares about that anyway?

Last edited by Tennessee_CP_Fan,


Know what I haven't had in a while? Big Leage Chew.

djDaemon's avatar

mermaidsair said:

I do not think Mccain/Palin will touch abortion. Did Bush?

Did Bush believe that humans and dinosaurs coexisted 5,000 years ago?

SoEffen - Get over yourself. Don't like the thread? Don't read it.

Last edited by djDaemon,


I really doubt we'll see another log plume as some have suggested, though. I can't imagine why they'd get rid of one then put another in 2 years later. It's about as unlikely as another pirate-themed dark ride, nice as that would be. What'd be really sweet is a pirate themed dark plume ride ala pirates of the Caribbean, but I don't see why they'd go so close to a Disney institution.

JuggaLotus's avatar

^ - why not another log flume? WWL was removed A - to make room for a ride, B - because it was old and becoming harder to maintain.

By putting a new one in, they can get a state of the art log flume and maintenance will be cheaper than it was on WWL.

Goodbye MrScott


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