What are they thinking ?!

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

To echo what some other people have mentioned, clearly the company is not concerned about what kinds of workers they are getting for the wages they pay. It's clearly been that way for years. As long as they have positions filled, that seems to be all that matters. Same goes for food service and the hotels. If they are making money and filling rooms, they technically have no financial incentive to do better. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just pointing out what their position seems to be.

Of course, I have the firm belief that all these things are bad in the long term, but clearly the company doesn't seem to care about that. Every year it seems guest satisfaction with the experience goes down (yet most customers keep returning) and I've personally noticed more and more people packing lunches or leaving point rather than eating in the park. If you've ever looked at Trip Advisor or similar websites, most of the CP "resorts" have terrible terrible reviews, but they still manage to fill the rooms for the time being. These things may not be hurting the company now, but probably will in the future. But again, they are still making money, so they don't seem to mind. In my mind some of these things may already be hurting them. 10 years ago I'd never heard of anyone who had such a bad experience at the park they vowed to never return, but it seems to be a pretty common story these days. But what do I know?

And I believe someone mentioned earlier about the BUNAC program (I think that's what it is called) and how many employees are coming from that. I remember reading an article two summers ago that said (as of summer 2007) approximately 30% of the employees at CP are from foreign countries. I have no doubt that the number has gone up even more since then.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Jeff, I see where you are coming from on all of this. But, even if you don't care whether or not employees deserve $X/hour isn't the really the point now. More imporant: What of the PR mess this is about to beome?

I mean Kinzel did the same stupid kind of thing when they bought Geauga Lake and determined they weren't going to honor the reading program coupons. It was just Kinzel being Kinzel but then it became about little kids who were getting screwed out of their free tickets, the press got wind of it and it spiraled out of control. (NOT using local unions for work at GL also blew up in their face with the picnic crowd.)

Arguing whether or not a CP employees DESERVES the minimum wage based on the complexity (or lack thereof) is one thing. But, making a corporate decision that you won't pay the minimum wage and then possibly fighting it through legal or political means in the court of public opinion is just stupid leadership and yet another sign that his time has well passed by.

Last edited by Chief Wahoo,

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

99er's avatar

A couple of things. Nothing big:)

MeanStreak'07 said:I never thought I would be the employee that cared about what the pay was.

I never did either. My first couple of summers were care free. Then I grew up and realized it IS a job. The longer you work for a company like Cedar Point, the more time you have to see what its really about.

I swear, I would love to see the day that HE actually comes outside from the A/C and works a day in our shoes... I know HE has in the past..but, im talking about now.

Actually this summer I was asked to direct traffic on a busy day. They put me way out on the Chaussee with Kinzel and Mr. Hildebrant. The 3 of us directed traffic for a while. Dick was out there for a good 2 hours after I had gotten there. That's all:)

Last edited by 99er,
Loopy's avatar

Well now that all the touchy feely stuff's out of the way, can we please get back to the fact that getting kicked in the metaphoric nuts is painful and you should all find jobs elsewhere if you don't like it?

Seriously, we're talking about something that equates out to less than $300 if you AVERAGE 50 hours a week all season. If that's a problem then you have more to worry about than $.35 an hour. As for it being illegal, again, it's not illegal until they cut a check at that rate.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Hey, three or more seasons of working summers at an amusment park is probably too much. I worked five summers at Geauga Lake which was at least one and maybe two too many. Yes at some point the "kids" need to enter the real world. But, to be fair, as I said before some of them are strung along with the carrot of a potential full time job that...in most cases...will never come about.

If you think you are going to get through to the "man himself" MeanStreak you are going to be disappointed. People with 20+ years of experience as full time, dedicated employees have tried to reason with the guy only to be punished for it.

There is a reason there has been an exodus of the full time staff/talent and that reason isn't early retirement. Those folks who bled Cedar Point colors, didn't care that they were overworked and underpaid and did so for decades have finally grown tired of it.

In my opinion, Kinzel is messing with his legacy at this point. Instead of being remembered as the guy who worked his way up, built the Magnums and Raptors of the world, turned around Dorney Park, etc he will be remebered for this kind of crap.

Last edited by Chief Wahoo,

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

*Edit: Wow, a lot of people beat me to this....

For what it's worth, "HE" spent 3-4 hours directing traffic on one of the hottest, busiest July Saturdays last season. Not that I'm defending him or anything, just pointing that out.

And I almost forgot the most important point I wanted to make in my previous post. Clearly CP knows what the minimum wage laws are, there's no denying that. The only logical reason to advertise the rate they are adverting now would be if they have found an exemption/loophole or they are confident they will get one before the first checks go out. Otherwise, there's really no logical reason to advertise a rate less than what you would pay.

Last edited by Ralph Wiggum,

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

There are pictures of him working traffic from last summer. I've seen them. :)

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

I don't need my boss to direct traffic to know he cares. It is cute (and something Disney regularly does with its staff) and puts on a nice show for the employees. But, there are better ways for a CEO to let his staff know that he is in touch with them.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

99er's avatar

^^^I had my camera with me and yes, I used it;)

Last edited by 99er,

This coming from a Ride Operator...one of the most desirable jobs in the park. If you are feeling that way it makes me wonder about the food hosts, custodians, etc.

I do agree with Jeff though...if you are unhappy don't go back. That certainly is part of the problem. But, I've been there. Working at an amusement park is addictive to a degree. Heck, I've been out of the field for 11 years and every time I'm back in a park I get the same feelings and think about the what ifs. And, geez, I am doing pretty well right now. (My wife has the same feelings.)

Save your breath on Dick. If you go back do so without regard for him. Make the most of your summer, provide a good experience to guests, be helpful to new employees and, frankly, be the better person.

There is no hope for Kinzel at this point. There is hope for you.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

I went searching the other Cedar Fair park websites to compare their hourly wages with their state minimum wages only to find that most of the other parks' sites don't post the actual hourly wages. What gets me is that CP felt it necessary to post their sub-minimum wage hourly rate on their site when all but a couple of the other parks don't post theirs... why? It's like they're bragging that they are paying under minimum wage...

This, of course, most likely won't be the case... I'm willing to bet that by the time we all get our first paychecks that we'll be compensated at least $7.30/hr. What really irks me, though, is that all of the kids out there who are visiting the site right now and see that they will be paying $7.00/hr. and think to themselves "No way am I working there then!" and never return to the site to see that it's been updated. Think of all the lost employees...

Last edited by southpuddle,

Californian in Ohio
'10 - TL Magnum XL-200
'09 - ATL Top Thrill Dragster
'08 - Magnum / Corkscrew crews
'07 - maXair / Magnum crews
'06 - Wicked Twister / Skyride / Millennium Force crews

southpuddle said:
What really irks me, though, is that all of the kids out there who are visiting the site right now and see that they will be paying $7.00/hr. and think to themselves "No way am I working there then!" and never return to the site to see that it's been updated. Think of all the lost employees...

Well, then it's Cedar Fair's loss when opening day comes rolling around and they have to consolidate employees to keep the main attractions operating and the public starts giving them havoc because not all the attractions are open and they just paid over $150 for their family.

Like it's been said in here many times before, even if contracts are issued with pay rates of $7.00/hr, 35 cent bonus, no laws are broken until payroll sends out the first batch of checks with a rate of $7.00. Pay was never an issue for me until the rate clearly was under minimum wage. I've had one job that paid $7.65/hr back when minimum wage was still $6.85/hr. I left that job for Cedar Fair because I got more hours at Cedar Fair, at least 900% more hours. One summer at that job I only made $1,500. By going to Cedar Fair with a pay rate of $6.85/hr, I was able to make $3,000 in a summer. However, unless I see a significant change this summer, I have another opportunity lined up for next summer.

Last edited by thunderop,

2010 - Geauga Lake's Wildwater Kingdom Security Officer
2009 - Giant Wheel Triangle ATL
2008 - Raptor Crew
2007 - Geauga Lake Thunderhawk Crew

I don't know how early the other parks start recruiting. But, Cedar Point should be starting their college tour anytime now (if they haven't already) and so it stands to reason potential employees will be looking for the facts and figures. Plus, when they get to campus the returning employees are sure to ask the question.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

I'm sure someon here knows this. At the end of each day, on average, and without a myrid of economic terms I probably won't understand, what does CP clear, meaning total clear profit for an average operating day?

southpuddle said:
This, of course, most likely won't be the case... I'm willing to bet that by the time we all get our first paychecks that we'll be compensated at least $7.30/hr. What really irks me, though, is that all of the kids out there who are visiting the site right now and see that they will be paying $7.00/hr. and think to themselves "No way am I working there then!" and never return to the site to see that it's been updated. Think of all the lost employees...

True, we'll get the $7.30/hr by the first paycheck...no doubt. But, this is what I was trying to get at...people applying for the first time, go to the website and see that. Not all of them will really care, especially if its their first job. But, its true...when they see that big $7.00/hr, they are going to think working there is a huge joke. Im sure there are MANY people that thought about coming to the park this summer to work, but once they read that..just changed their minds. Not to mention, all the people that get on here and read things. Especially people thinking about working there. Wonder what they are thinking about that place right now??

MeanStreak'07 said:

Well looks like it will be you and the internationals this year.

I'm escaping the CP black hole this year. Almost got sucked back in, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

Jeff's avatar

MeanStreak'07 said:
I dont know if you've ever worked there or not, but you would feel the same way as most of us do right now.

No, actually I wouldn't. I'd move on with my life and go work somewhere else.

What's funny is that this reminds me a little of how the part-timers all felt when I worked in radio. We got paid minimum wage, or at best a buck and a half over it. That's when it was $4.25 in 1990. Hell, I was on a pretty fast track and got into a significant sized market a few months out of college. Less than a year later, I left radio and never went back. Why do you suppose that is? It's because the pay sucked and sales got rich while programming had to do appearance gigs to make ends meet. I was getting kicked in the metaphoric balls, so I left.

So don't sit there and tell me about what I'd feel if I were in your shoes. I have been in them. The difference was that I had the common sense to master my own destiny.

And yeah, I've done contract work for the park. I've also lost out on contract work, probably because they didn't agree with my rate or whatever. I don't feel bad about that or entitled to anything, it's just the nature of doing business.

Good luck getting hired this year if you're here complaining. I know a number of people, senior and otherwise who read this stuff.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

MeanStreak'07 said:

Exactly, there are better ways. But, Dickie K sure as hell doesnt want his staff to know he cares. Everytime I walk past the man, I never even get a "hi" or anything. No common courtesy at all. Not to mention, when you walk by his office, he's asleep most of the time. Chief, I may get disappointed and I may get punished...but, it'll all be worth it I guess...for me, anyway. Bleeding blue and red..yeah, ive done that for 3 seasons now...along with sweat, tears, bruises...you name it...and, im tired. A summer job shouldnt be like this. I guess it took me this long to fnally figure out. Theres no way I can take up for that place in the least.

Well you obviously hate it enough to where you are bashing the owner of the company that YOU <b>plan</b> to work for. If you hate it this much, work somewhere else and stop complaining about it.

Yes employees should be getting paid more, but you are taking it to a completely different level.

i do not understand why this is anyones business...it is a personal decision where i work. If i want to work for under min. wage thats my business, no one else. If you dont like what A company offers, DONT WORK FOR THEM!!!But dont criticize me when i do, Maybe its the only job i can get in this economy... maybe not...either way my decision, and who are u to judge me?

This is ridiculous!

Last edited by topthrill89,


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