What are they thinking ?!

Where else do you suggest college students work to pay the bills? Have you looked around lately at the economy?? Are you living under a rock? My mother and aunt have two degrees each to themselves and they dont have jobs any more at no fault of their own. Once again, ridiculous to poke fun at some ones job.

Haha... Right. Oh the stories I know....

You have fun kiddo.

Vince982's avatar

Cedar Fair officials aren't going out in black vans into the counties surrounding Cedar Point kidnapping people telling them that they have to work for $7/hour up to 70 hours a week. If you read the information on the website and it sounds good to you, you apply. If you want to look elsewhere for a better opportunity so be it. End of story.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Walt's avatar

topthrill89 said:

And how does your experience on Gemini pinpoint back to me? Was it me? I think not because i have not worked that ride a day in my life. This is an example of you attacking me for something another ride host did.

No, it's an example of poor reading comprehension. I related an example of something that happened to me as a result of being associated with PointBuzz. I never said it had anything to do with you. I merely jumped off your comment on how unfair this site is.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
PointBuzz on Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

JuggaLotus's avatar

Vince982 said:
Cedar Fair officials aren't going out in black vans

They do still have a black helicopter though....

Goodbye MrScott


Kevinj's avatar

Read this article:


A summarizing quote near the end reads as follows:

None of these exempted individuals are employed in agriculture, home health care or amusement park work. Thus, the Department of Commerce will not exempt those individuals from Ohio's minimum wage.

The Commerce Department's decision is significant for two reasons.
First, as the enforcement agency for the new minimum wage, Commerce will investigate and recover minimum wages for any employee except those listed above. Second, the Commerce Department's interpretation of the Ohio minimum wage exemptions are generally presumed to be correct, unless overturned by a court. As a result, every employee in Ohio will be entitled to the new Ohio minimum wage except for those listed above, unless and until an employer proves otherwise through a final appeal.

If you dont feel like reading, it says that amusement park workers can be exempted from the federal minimum wage law, but not Ohio's. But, like any law, there is language that is open to interpretation and debate.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Getting back to the original issue of below minimum wage pay:

As CW mentioned on the first page, CP is actually paying more than minimum wage once the bonus is factored in. I don't know if this was mentioned, but it could be that they hold that their "bonus" is actually part of their hourly wage, but that it is simply contingent upon employees fulfilling their agreed-upon contract.

Regardless of the specifics of the law, folks seem to be arguing that CP should simply pay more if they wish to retain and hold a higher caliber of employee. But this does not really consider the "fun" factor. CP knows that they offer a unique employment opportunity that is generally an added incentive to the pay they offer. Because working in an amusement park is somewhat fun and intriguing, I'm sure that plenty of people will apply for a job - even if it may pay only slightly above minimum wage (bonus included). They will probably also lose a few dissatisfied employees, and a few disinterested prospects, but that probably won't hurt their overall cost-to-benefit ratio.

So far as retaining people from season to season, they probably don't gain a whole lot more experience from someone who's been there for 5 years vesus 2 years (for most positions). So, they probably expect enough people to return to provide the desired level of experience, but they are not going to gear their wage structure toward seasonal employee retention.

I am sure that some of the longer-term seasonal workers become frustrated with this approach to pay after a while, but the nature of the business doesn't lend itself toward long-term continual advancement. So, if someone feels that they are worth more than they are being paid, then it is probably time for them to move on, since they probably have outgrown the job. Not that it isn't difficult to do so, but again, that's just the nature of the business.

Jeff noted that he has heard lots of griping about CP's HR methods. My guess is that, because a disproportionate number of "hard-core" fans and employees frequent this site (and take the time to post), he is bound to hear from some of those longer-term ("harder-core") seasonals who are struggling with the notion of moving on.

Last edited by TomT,

^I dont know if its just me but thats the first thing that has made any sense in this thread.

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

Makes total sense to me too.
I wish I would have had the pleasure of working at CP for one season.
I would have been happy to work for 5 bucks an hour.
I think it would be a fun interesting job.

MaVeRiCk AnD MaGnUm-XL200
Higher +
Steeper +
Faster =
The Better!

YeeHaw said:

Maybe it is the alcohol in me tonight, but what the hell are you talking about on a class-action lawsuit? Are you trying to create one and get a few buddy's on board? How hard is it to accept the fact that you do not have to work there if you can not agree with the conditions?

I'm going to suggest you stop drinking. I don't work at the park. Never have. But the fact is that Cedar Fair is a major company and every bloodsucking lawyer within 50 miles of Sandusky has already heard about this and is planning on finding some employees to put together a class action. Even if Cedar Fair WINS any lawsuits, they will still have likely spent hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of dollars to do it.

Yep, another reason why you may see more internationals in the future. I have also never worked for CF. I have although been in some crappy work situations while in college. I dealt with it and moved on. I am pretty sour with union labor because of this. I was the student worker that was paid a cool $4.25 an hour to cut the grass in the heat while the union members were sitting on their A$$ in the shade. This was because their contract said they did not have to work out doors in 90 degree plus heat. They were paid 3 times what I was and pointed and laughed at me while cutting the grass. However, I did not complain, find a lawyer, etc... Instead , I got my degree and now have many people working for me and sit in a nice air conditioned office making more than five times what they do now. Karma is a great...

If CF gets into this situation then as Kinzel stated before, he will pass the cost to the customer. Look for lower grade dog food and higher costs.

Also, two beers is what I had. I was being sarcastic there. I stand by my posts tonight with no beers.

Last edited by Bill2,

Eh, Cider is better, but Wine is my choice tonight. A good Cabernet helps put me to sleep :-)

Jay, I am not much of a wine guy. However, please forward me info on the cider. I have always wondered about this and never tried it. At least never tried it with a little extra... I drink straight cider all the time though..

Anyways, I better quit before the anti-drinking people start posting...

JuggaLotus's avatar

Welcome to BeerBuzz....oh wait.

Actually Bill, a hard cider is just a fermented cider, not (as you seem to imply) a cider with some liquor mixed in. For easy to find, Woodchuck actually makes a pretty good cider.

Goodbye MrScott


Wood chuck is ok... but I prefer StrongBow - which is only avail as an import from the UK I believe... I travel to England a lot for work so I try to enjoy it when I'm there. It can be very EVIL in the morning off the next day, so be warned.

Jeff's avatar

Strongbow is available on tap at Melt.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Wow I thought this was supposed to be a family oriented website. So much for that...

99er's avatar

What here is not "family oriented"?

Last edited by 99er,

I'm pretty sure that millions of babies worldwide have been created because of alcohol. So you could say an alcohol related chat could help lead to the formation of families, therefore making it family oriented.

Pete's avatar

adidas said:
Wow I thought this was supposed to be a family oriented website. So much for that...

What do you mean? Are you saying you can't talk about beer if you have a family?

Last edited by Pete,

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Wow, the only thing this thread is missing is Lesbians on Merry-Go-Rounds (tm).

Goodbye MrScott


Closed topic.

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