What are they thinking ?!

Jeff's avatar

If "u" (seriously, type out the other two letters) post it on the Intertubes, it's everyone else's right to question everything you say. If you're not cool with that, you shouldn't post it.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

This whole thread cracks me up. Arguing about whether people "deserve" $7.30 versus $7.00/hour. Whether the state's rate trumps the federal rate.

I just read the other day where over a thousand applicants filed for 75 retail jobs at a department store. It may have been a Dillards -- I'm not sure, I don't care, and it doesn't matter which chain it was. The rate of pay? Minimum wage.

We no longer live in an environment where people are going to quibble over that thirty cents, or if the job is seasonal, or if the dorms suck. Ohio's unemployment rate for November was 7.3%. I can most sincerely assure you that it will prove higher for December, and still higher this month. If anybody here doesn't want to work for what CP offers, don't worry. They won't have any trouble filling that spot this year.

I don't think we'll be seeing nearly as many internationals at the Point this summer. Just call it a hunch.

Last edited by Ensign Smith,

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Jeff said:

MeanStreak'07 said:
I dont know if you've ever worked there or not, but you would feel the same way as most of us do right now.

No, actually I wouldn't. I'd move on with my life and go work somewhere else.

What's funny is that this reminds me a little of how the part-timers all felt when I worked in radio. We got paid minimum wage, or at best a buck and a half over it. That's when it was $4.25 in 1990. Hell, I was on a pretty fast track and got into a significant sized market a few months out of college. Less than a year later, I left radio and never went back. Why do you suppose that is? It's because the pay sucked and sales got rich while programming had to do appearance gigs to make ends meet. I was getting kicked in the metaphoric balls, so I left.

So don't sit there and tell me about what I'd feel if I were in your shoes. I have been in them. The difference was that I had the common sense to master my own destiny.

And yeah, I've done contract work for the park. I've also lost out on contract work, probably because they didn't agree with my rate or whatever. I don't feel bad about that or entitled to anything, it's just the nature of doing business.

Good luck getting hired this year if you're here complaining. I know a number of people, senior and otherwise who read this stuff.

have you been there when times are like this??? when you CANT leave the job you have because there is no where else to go? you make it sound like today he could quit and tomorrow be doing something else... face it, thats not going to happen.

Jeff said:
If "u" (seriously, type out the other two letters) post it on the Intertubes, it's everyone else's right to question everything you say. If you're not cool with that, you shouldn't post it.

ummm...when did I ever post ANYTHING about what i make? Why am I being attacked for what my company did?

Last edited by topthrill89,


Well, I can't contain it anymore. Things are going happen, good or bad some of you will be back. To the recent employees: You've provided me with a great deal of entertainment over the last few days. Making your complaints on here do you no good. In some cases you are just further proving the point of others. I want to work with you all this summer, but lets be smart about our posts.

Mean Streak and all of Zone 4 '04
TTD '06
Disaster Transport TL '07
Power Tower TL '08
Top Thrill Dragster TL '09
Shoot The Rapids TL 2010

But, Dickie K sure as hell doesnt want his staff to know he cares. Everytime I walk past the man, I never even get a "hi" or anything. No common courtesy at all. Not to mention, when you walk by his office, he's asleep most of the time. [snip]. Bleeding blue and red..yeah, ive done that for 3 seasons now...along with sweat, tears, bruises...you name it...and, im tired. A summer job shouldnt be like this. I guess it took me this long to fnally figure out. Theres no way I can take up for that place in the least.

That's a lot of angst to project on the workplace. I work at the headquarters of an international company with 36K employees (though that number is shrinking). I see my CEO at least a couple of times a week in the cafeteria and the elevator. He never says hello or acknowledges me. I don't feel offended by that at all, he's a CEO not a guidence counselor. I don't need warm and fuzzies from my CEO, he needs to be worried about keeping the company profitable, not about my feelings. I don't bleed my company logo colors, because I am in a symbiotic relationship with the company; my skills suit them, thier paycheck suits me, that's it. I just seems strange to me to have such an emotional attachment to a workplace, it isn't healthy or self-interested.

In this economy- two of my best friends' husbands lost thier very good jobs this week- I think we've lost all right to bitch. My company has, in the past, cut payrate 10% across the board to avoid layoffs. Know what I said? Thank you, happy to be here.

That said- obviously CP should be paying minimum wage. But geez, the whining I really don't get.

Last edited by Fussy Monkey,
Jeff's avatar

cpfanatic066 said:
when you CANT leave the job you have because there is no where else to go? you make it sound like today he could quit and tomorrow be doing something else... face it, thats not going to happen.

Please. I've been laid-off twice since July, for a career count of six. I've gone as long as six months without a job. Then there were other times where I voluntarily quit jobs without anything else. And guess what... I have a mortgage, a car payment, used to have student loans, a former wife in grad school at various times. Don't tell me about what you can and can't do.

Buck up and live your life instead of acting like a victim.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Jeff said:

cpfanatic066 said:
when you CANT leave the job you have because there is no where else to go? you make it sound like today he could quit and tomorrow be doing something else... face it, thats not going to happen.

Please. I've been laid-off twice since July, for a career count of six. I've gone as long as six months without a job. Then there were other times where I voluntarily quit jobs without anything else. And guess what... I have a mortgage, a car payment, used to have student loans, a former wife in grad school at various times. Don't tell me about what you can and can't do.

Buck up and live your life instead of acting like a victim.

For being a webmaster you would think you would be a little more respectful of peoples opinions...now watch him delete this people.


Loopy's avatar

Seriously man, if you disagree with something in life then either change it or get away from it. If you can't change it that only leaves one other option. Here's your sign.

Yet another thread that just makes me say......


That's all.

Last edited by Loopy,

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

bholcomb's avatar

Just because he's a webmaster doesn't mean he has to be nice. I hate agreeing with Jeff, but how can you not? If you don't like something, either change it or deal with it. Stop being a victim is right.

bholcomb said:
Just because he's a webmaster doesn't mean he has to be nice. I hate agreeing with Jeff, but how can you not? If you don't like something, either change it or deal with it. Stop being a victim is right.

its not that at all...i have posted some good points on the topic that he deletes less then a min. after i post them...because he does not agree with them...how is that fair?


Loopy's avatar

Your signature says it all.

Man, this site sucks. Goodbye Pointbuzz

Go visit screamscape or something. You'll fit in nicely over there.

Last edited by Loopy,

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Loopy said:
Your signature says it all.

Man, this site sucks. Goodbye Pointbuzz

Go visit screamscape or something. You'll fit in nicely over there.

all im saying is if your going to let one side talk...let the other talk as well.


bholcomb's avatar

I've said some pretty vile and otherwise inappropriate/mean spirited/rude things that have been left up, so you really must have stepped over a line to get them to delete it.

bholcomb said:
I've said some pretty vile and otherwise inappropriate/mean spirited/rude things that have been left up, so you really must have stepped over a line to get them to delete it.

no i pm'ed him and he said it was because he dident "like where it was going". well where i was going was the real truth...not the bull everyone on here is fed


im not complaining, i have a job. and i get paid plenty of money doing what i do. what im saying is that YOU make it sound so simple when in reality, it is not. Many people try daily to find better paying jobs to improve their quality of living. you aren't any different than most of these people on this site, with your car payment and mortgage. dont make yourself sound like the hero in this situation.

Walt's avatar

topthrill89 said:
its not that at all...i have posted some good points on the topic that he deletes less then a min. after i post them...because he does not agree with them...how is that fair?

This is why I love having the ability to see what gets deleted and who deletes them.

You had all of two posts in this thread deleted. The first one I deleted because of profanity. The second one was deleted by Jeff. I can only assume it was because of the trolling nature of the post:

Megan, Don't you have something better to do with your life then be on this site? All these post are ridiculous! GET A LIFE!!!!

But what happens is people spin it whichever way they want. Someone gets pissed, goes off to another web site, or to their job at the park, and tells everyone how rude/ignorant/smelly/stupid/blah/blah/blah PointBuzz is.

You know, I actually had a ride op on Gemini tell me that he hated me. It happened back in 2007 and I was with my 5-year old son (who was taking his first ride). The ride op leaned over to check the lap bar and said something to the effect of, "I just wanted to let you know I hate you." Luckily my son didn't hear him.

I mean, seriously, what kind of mental patient does that? Who gets that bent out of shape because of a web site?

So, please, don't let reality stand in your way. Go on and preach it to the world how horrible this site is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go dropkick my cats out into the arctic weather.

Last edited by Walt,

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

I know I said I was gonna stay out of this from now on, but...

What Chris Penley said. Seriously, folks. I'm as upset about the new wage as everyone else. I am looking for a new job, partly because I know quite well that I can't live forever on a summer seasonal wage, no matter how much I enjoy the work. If I find a new, great, I'm out and will chalk it up to an interesting few summers. If not, I'll be back, at whatever pay rate there is. I strongly believe it WILL end up being minimum wage, but, as has been well established, it is what it is. I answer the phones, work a radio, and try to make angry people marginally less upset. As much as I like to pretend otherwise, it really ain't rocket science.

Never thought I'd say this, either, but some employees on here really need to shut it. Seriously, y'all. I've already addressed how I've felt about some of the comments made towards us previously, and I hope I did so in a reasonable and respectful way. Some (not all) of you are being incredibly immature. I don't know what you hope to gain by fighting (not 'arguing with', there's a difference, friends) the person who OWNS the freakin' website, but not only are you not getting anywhere, you're jeopardizing your future with the park, and, quite frankly, making the rest of us look bad.

Yes, I'm upset about the wages, but at this point it's out of our hands. The State is looking at it, and it'll come down to whatever the State and the company wrangle out. Then it will be up to everyone, as has been quite accurately stated, to either accept it and come back or don't and move on. Carry on in this way, and you're as likely as not gonna find that someone else is will make that decision for you. Just fair warning, friends, I've seen it happen.

2005: Cash Control/TTD
2006: TTD/PWE
2007: TL Demon Drop
2008: TL Millennium Force/ParkOp Office

First off, I just want to appologize for some of my posts. I know that it was just way of venting, but, I should have kept it to myself. I hadnt posted on here for a long time, because I knew how it was going to be. I'll be a good sport and delete most of my posts on this thread, I should have just stayed out of this one. We all agree that nothing we say on here is helping anything. So, why bicker and argue? Steven, I read the post you put toward me last night. I didnt appreciate it and im glad it was deleted. Coming in here with drama isnt the smartest thing. And to think, I considered you a friend...well, things have changed. I love coming to this site to see what everyone says. But, when you post....watch what you say. Like what I believe Jeff brought up earlier; people from the company come on here all the time and read what is said.

MeanStreak'07 said:
But, when you post....watch what you say. Like what I believe Jeff brought up earlier; people from the company come on here all the time and read what is said.

Practice what you preach. You came on here saying how the CEO of the company you wish to work for, has no common courtesy, sleeps on the job, and could not do what you do in the workplace.

Closed topic.

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