Water Main Break

Jeff seems to have built in picture posting but he doesn't want to share that just yet. ;)

Jeff's avatar

ThePointGuru said:
Just a few silly assertions that seem to keep being ignored by several other posters...

Fixed that for you.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

ThePointGuru said:3) The water main break was a foreseeable circumstance. If the park had any sort of disaster recovery plan to accommodate a lack of water to insure the park could still operate, it obviously wasn't followed. Well managed companies have policies that address similar situations. It may have been Sandusky's responsibility to maintain the water supply; but, it is the parks problem when it doesn't have water.

Ah but the plan was followed. The plan was to close the park.

^ Don't feed the troll. I repeat.. Do not feed the troll.

TheEternalQuestioner said:

ThePointGuru said:3) The water main break was a foreseeable circumstance. If the park had any sort of disaster recovery plan to accommodate a lack of water to insure the park could still operate, it obviously wasn't followed. Well managed companies have policies that address similar situations. It may have been Sandusky's responsibility to maintain the water supply; but, it is the parks problem when it doesn't have water.

Ah but the plan was followed. The plan was to close the park.

Agreed. Yes, it will be inconvenient, yes people are going to loose money over this, yes there are many people who are going to be angry, but all of that is in the best interest of their customers. A few couple hundred dollars is a lot less money than medical bills for health issues that could of came about this, not to mention lawyer fees. I was there the day this happened and was directly impacted. Of course I was bummed I drove 3 hours and stayed at Breakers the night before, but I was refunded my money, given free tickets, and other freebees as well.

Cedar Point did its best, they aren't running from the issue. They protected themselves from lawsuits as well as protected their guests.

ThePointGuru said:
Just a few undeniable truths that seem to keep being ignored by several other posters:

1) No one forced the park to close. Management made that decision on their own. The National Guard wasn't called in and SWAT teams did not storm the Cedar Fair offices and order the park closed.

How do you know that the Fire Marshall and/or Health Dept "did not storm the Cedar Fair offices and order the park closed?"

2) Other businesses and even entire cities have still continued to function for days without a drinkable water supply.

Cite an example. I cited a whole page of links of schools being closed due to water main breaks

Yes, some businesses and schools have chose to close in similar circumstances but that is a choice.

Yes, b/c there are NO health or fire codes anywhere. Again, CITE SOME EXAMPL:ES instead of spewing unsupported claims time and time again. In God I trust, YOU MUST PROVIDE THE DATA.

3) The water main break was a foreseeable circumstance. If the park had any sort of disaster recovery plan to accommodate a lack of water to insure the park could still operate, it obviously wasn't followed. Well managed companies have policies that address similar situations. It may have been Sandusky's responsibility to maintain the water supply; but, it is the parks problem when it doesn't have water.

Unless the health & fire departments have policies that say no water, no open.

4) Turning away 10's of thousands of unhappy guest for 2 days during a busy weekend when you already have a limited operating schedule is not good for business no matter what kind of business you are in. Just because you were not effected; because you where not at the park that day, or you are satisfied by what the park has offered, or you are a platinum pass holder so you can go whenever you want, doesn't mean you are the center of the world and other people don't have a right to be upset over a poor management decision.

unless it wasn't a management decision, but was required by law.

PS: Until you cite some real world examples how facilities with 30,000 people are permitted by laws to operate without potable water, how you have a second house b/c you are prepared for every foreseeable problem, and you can prove that CP and not Ohio law made the decision, you must yield to FACTS, LAWS & THE REAL WORLD. So, please start citing some examples of schools staying open, "Other businesses and even entire cities have still continued to function for days without a drinkable water supply," etc.

This Isn't A Hospital--It's An Insane Asylum!

Why is it that nobody can correctly use "ensure" vs "insure", or "affect" vs "effect"?

How can we take your thoughts seriously when you lack the ability (or desire) to use the English language correctly?

Kevinj's avatar

I think it's fairly easy to deduce which thoughts should be taken seriously and which are either 1) delusional, or 2) purposefully belligerent.

And I'm also fairly certain I used "insure" instead of "ensure" in my post above. That said, I'm confident what I said was taken seriously.

Unless you're delusional. If that's the case, as luck would have it I can actually help you with that as well.


Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Captain Hawkeye said:

PS: Until you cite some real world examples how facilities with 30,000 people are permitted by laws to operate without potable water, how you have a second house b/c you are prepared for every foreseeable problem, and you can prove that CP and not Ohio law made the decision, you must yield to FACTS, LAWS & THE REAL WORLD. So, please start citing some examples of schools staying open, "Other businesses and even entire cities have still continued to function for days without a drinkable water supply," etc.

I will humor you although I can't get the link to work. Try SHRM website. HR Q&A dated 12/6/12, addresses the question of water main breaks. "There are no federal or state laws that specifically address this issue". The answer continues and states some municipalities may have fire codes that address buildings but they do not apply to open air / outdoor venues such as Cedar Point. I have already said the hotels and indoor venues should have closed. I am sure you are capable of a Google search which will give you dozens of examples where sometimes businesses closed and sometimes the chose to remain open. Sorry, it was solely the parks decision. They can't duck the blame this time and I have given the park credit for admitting their mistake and making minimal efforts to make up for it.

Last edited by ThePointGuru,
TTD 120mph's avatar

Oh how I love the "I can't cite the examples, but you can if you try." fall back. You know, it's easier to say "I don't have facts" than to pretend you do.......but PLEASE prove us wrong.

(no, seriously.....please do)

Jeff said:

ThePointGuru said:
Just a few silly assertions that seem to keep being ignored by everyone except for one other person...

Fixed that for you.

Fixed that fix for you. :)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Pete's avatar

Guru, the stupidity, misinformation and idiotic ideas in your post has set the bar for a new low on this forum. Congratulations.

TV 5 in Cleveland had some interesting information. The water main was installed in 1959 and this is the forth break it has had since 2003, the previous three happening when the park was closed. Sandusky really needs to address this as the present pipe seems to have some serious issues.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Super Stew's avatar

Walt said:
The true fanboy, where the park is unconditionally praised, is few and far between here.

Walt, I'm inclined to agree with almost everything you have to say, but let's not kid ourselves here ... The ever present and proverbial "CP can do NOTHING wrong" mentality is ALIVE and very well represented on this site ! Has been for years.

And to illustrate ... I wonder just how many posters/members who are singing the praises of the parks brilliant decision to close, coupled with what a tremendous safety conscience idea it was to send everyone home - would have also - had CP made the call to remain open - been consistent, stepped up to the plate, and publicly ridiculed the park, boisterously exclaiming, "Nope, these clowns at Cedar Fair completely dropped the ball and totally F'd this one up ! They should have shut everything down and been a lot more worried about the consumers well being and far less concerned with their own selfish wants and how much they could pad their bank account!" ??

My guess is not very many.

In fact, a half jug of Uncle Jessie's finest says that most of the aforementioned "fanboys" would undoubtedly be belting out the exact same tunes of admiration and amazement for CP HAD they decided to give it a go; all the while, of course, showering them with richly deserved accolades and kudos for the fantastic job they did under extenuating circumstances and how awesome it was that they went the extra mile for all us no-account slobs !

Last edited by Super Stew,

I was super before Super Stew was cool !

Oh, and add a "+1" feature to the next software update!


Last edited by SteveH,
Jeff's avatar

Coming up with straw man arguments in hypothetical alternate realities seems to be trendy right now.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Super Stew said:

Walt said:
The true fanboy, where the park is unconditionally praised, is few and far between here.

Walt, I'm inclined to agree with almost everything you have to say, but let's not kid ourselves here ... The ever present and proverbial "CP can do NOTHING wrong" mentality is ALIVE and very well represented on this site ! Has been for years.

And to illustrate ... most of the aforementioned "fanboys" would undoubtedly be belting out the exact same tunes of admiration and amazement for CP HAD they decided to give it a go...

and again, much more eloquently put.

Last edited by ThePointGuru,
rollerdog11's avatar


Leave the hypercoaster alone

MaverickLaunch said:
Why is it that nobody can correctly use "ensure" vs "insure", or "affect" vs "effect"?

How can we take your thoughts seriously when you lack the ability (or desire) to use the English language correctly?

Always bothers me when people can not use the correct:

Add the proper use of: am, is, are, was, and were to that list.

djDaemon's avatar

Super Stew said:
...I wonder just how many posters/members who are singing the praises of the parks brilliant decision to close, coupled with what a tremendous safety conscience idea it was to send everyone home - would have also - had CP made the call to remain open - been consistent, stepped up to the plate, and publicly ridiculed the park, boisterously exclaiming, "Nope, these clowns at Cedar Fair completely dropped the ball and totally F'd this one up ! They should have shut everything down and been a lot more worried about the consumers well being and far less concerned with their own selfish wants and how much they could pad their bank account!"

In that fantastical scenario you're using to make your flimsy point, does the lack of water result in a hazardous mess?

Since that is obviously the likely outcome, I think if the park stayed open in such circumstances, many here would be complaining about the park being more concerned with profit than their guests' health.

The trolling in this thread has reached epic scale.


There are some people who wake up each day, and their sole mission is to complain about everything. This thread is proof positive of that.

Cedar Point could have given Platinum passes to everyone, and you trolls still would have found something to complain about.

I'm too sexy for my harness!

Closed topic.

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