New Water Ride?

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

[url][url]Wow. I see that this topic has become more of a fight between
the ffej man[url][url]
Chief Wahoo
who will win?

Will we ever know? The fight of the centry!

Only on!

Last edited by MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL,

Well but at least I got top billing!! I don't want to fight, lets be friends.Did I hear something about a 500 ft underground cavern coaster? ( Hows that for a subject change?)

I was never in a "fight". ffej called out a long time member and contributor of this site and his offense appears to have been that he handled an oft-discussed issue here in a discreet and fair manner.

I take the internet about as seriously as I take today's media. (Which is to say...not seriously.) I certainly would never get in a fight over something said/written here.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Dems be fightin words!! lol I didn't call out anybody, or at least i didn't mean too. So I'm not a long term contributor. Do you guys ever wonder why only about 10-15 of you post on here? I will tell you why. Poeple lurk here and read how alot of you treat people differently than you. I know several people on other sites that just don't want to post due to they are not part of the "click". I really like the way this site is set up. Jeff does a great job and should be commended. I really wish you would respect people, even if they make some mistakes.

Jeff's avatar

the ffej man said:
It has been brought to my attention that due to my poor grammer that nobody will listen to what i have to say.

That kind of irony never gets old. Well, it sorta gets old.

Seriously dude, you post a lot and you're not really saying anything. Dial it back. Capitalize your "I" please. That's the expectation we have here, and if you want to be a part of the community, I don't think we're asking for much.

What not to do is make every other post with comments about how you want to guide and lead the discussion.

Watch this and this. It'll help.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Show me a post in the past least...where I have treated someone poorly. In fact, go back as far as you can.

There is a "click" here? That is news to me and I've been here a long time. I've never attended a Buzz event and don't think I've ever met someone from here in person. Add to that the fact that I don't know the first names of anyone unless their name happens to be in their screen name and that really decreases the chance of a clique.

How about this? I'll leave the thread and you can express your opinions, coherent or otherwise, without concern.

Oh...and I do hope they build a new flume...that is family friendly.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

JuggaLotus's avatar

Chief, don't go.
We wouldn't give you up.
We're sorry we let you down.
We won't run around or desert you.
I won't make you cry.
And I won't say goodbye.
And I'll never tell a lie or hurt you.

Goodbye MrScott


I was hoping for another lemon chill stand. When I am at the point I want to be knee deep in lemon chill....ya hear?

e x i t english's avatar

How about I arrange it so you're knee-deep in concrete? At the bottom of Lake Erie, nonetheless?


Well, sorry to try to be on topic but...

Sure is a lot of land around that area, eh?

And don't know if this is true or not, but I have heard rumors that SRF is getting kinda rusty...

You know I am down as long as there is lemon and chill around.

Irrelevant observations:

Jugga loses! He who invokes Rick first dies by Rick. (Although I award personal bonus points for dedicating lyrics to the apparently departed Chief.)

Wow, that is a lot of space for a new ride. Who knew Cedar Point still had such huge . . . tracts of land?

When life hands you factory81 and he keeps making wit' da lemon chill jokes, I say we beat him to a bloody pulp! ;)

I really liked "Click". Christopher Walken made that movie -- which is sort of a redundant thing to say, since CW makes every movie he's in. Not to mention the occasional Fat Boy Slim video.

Lotta land. A lot. All I'm sayin'.

My author website:

e x i t english's avatar

John, I'm gonna beat you up with a pipe wrench.

Vince982's avatar

^^^^There is a lot of space back there without removing SRF. There are a lot of trees though, as well as the train tracks. With some swift positioning of a station, I believe they could fit something back there. They have the boneyard which would probably be the best location for a station, they just need to get the entrance/exit across the tracks. The space parallel to CCMR's lift on the other side of the tracks could be utilized perhaps for a lift., although that would be a distance from the station. That corner of Millennium Island with the trees could be used too, but unfortunately that would probably require massive amounts of land clearing. Just look at Skyhawk, they fit that into a spot that really wasn't on anyones' radar. I'm sure they will fit in a ride in a way that impresses everyone.

Edited to add carets.

Last edited by Vince982,

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

And also, train track is movable...they did it for Maverick,

Jeff's avatar

Vince982 said:
Edited to add carets.

Which add nothing of value. Seriously, they served no purpose. They rarely do.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

To put an end to this thread, atleast, hopefully; Snake River Falls is not leaving Cedar Point.

There would have many more signs if it were to happen, and they would not be doing the seasonal work on the boats as they have already started, and they would not have ordered supplies to fix the ride up.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

And PS, the land by the lagoon and behind SRF is used by Cedar Point. It's mostly storage for random things from the maintenance department.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

Only on PointBuzz can an argument about something COMPLETELY unrelated to the thread topic last for almost 2 pages. Gotta love it.

I think they're removing Millennium Force to build this log flume. It creates the most space, and MF isn't that family friendly anyway. I bet they could sell MF to Japan for a decent profit. I just hope they earthquake proof it once they rebuild it.

Jeff's avatar

If you think that topics only get sidetracked on PB, you don't go to very many Internet forums. Heck, you don't go to any.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Closed topic.

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