New Water Ride?

Well wait a minute I am a platinum pass holder so I think i am important to cedar point!! do me a favor look at the title of this topic. Do you see the question mark at the end? Ok that is not stating that something is coming but a way to start a conversation of what would be great to see at the park. However if I were a betting man I would think that cp is getting something new for 2009. On these sites sometime rumors do come true. So why pee in our wheaties dude!!

Pee in wheaties would be nasty but this one time at band camp........

Last edited by Matt D,

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Chief Wahoo said:
But, if I can put on my "creative" hat for a minute I think it would be cool if they could put it somewhere over by Magnum or Gemini and design it in such a way that the "station" were accessible from inside the park AND from inside Soak City. Now THAT would be pretty cool.

I'm not sure how the logistics would work (with the separate gates and all) BUT, this did get me thinking. How about dual flume rides, one for each park, that are interwoven in their course. Almost like a dueling flume ride? Not sure how well it would work with a flume as opposed to coaster, but it could be interesting.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

Chief Wahoo said:
I think the water ride rumor predates Screamscape or even ACE getting in on it and I'm not certain there is no credible evidence to suggest it might be true.

There's certainly evidence suggesting CP might get a water ride, but none really that would suggest they're getting it in 2009.

There's welding happening on/around SRF, but couldn't that simply be maintenance?


Hello!!! I sugggested it!! and my powers of suggestion are strong hehehehehehe

JuggaLotus's avatar

DJ - I would imagine that if there was demolition, it would be done with plasma cutters, not welders (or just a simple wrecking ball). Unless their plan is to build up one side of the structure so much that it topples over.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

I understand that. Dave had sort of suggested that the welding could be related to the flume being built under and around SRF, which would likely require structural modifications. That is, to create a pass-thru, you'd need to reinforce the surrounding structure, presumably.

I can't imagine why they'd demolish SRF to put in a flume. Its relatively new.

Last edited by djDaemon,


Wait a minute!! there is no credible evidence that cp will even be open in 1010!! No 2010 passes, Cannot reserve a stay there in 2010, not even a mention of 2010 from t+t!!!! But t+t did say to keep tuned for something new.

Dvo said:
The Getaway Guide the year that SRF debuted showed it having a giant cliff/mountain I believe, so it would have appeared that you were actually riding on a waterfall. But needless to say that idea never took form.

I always liked the rocks/cliff/mountain theming of this ride. It didn't have the height of SRF, so I guess theming it would have been cheaper...too bad its buried somewhere under a mall right now.


It has been brought to my attention that due to my poor grammer that nobody will listen to what i have to say. I'm sorry dj that you don't approve of my poor grammer. I am a normal person that makes mistakes. However this does not mean that my opinions don't count. I also don't really care if anyone cares for what I have to say , I am happy with myself and do not have to use big words to make me feel better about myself. I am just trying to have a conversation about CP and have a little fun along the way. If you are so stuck on yourself and have absolutely have no sense of humor, than i am sorry for you. Now back to the topic of a new ride for cp, They just sold part of the geauga lake property for 8 million dollars. That should help cedar fair. The source for that was the Aurora Advocate news paper.

Last edited by the ffej man,
djDaemon's avatar

It sure is a good thing I chose to PM you, rather than whining publicly.


Ok ffej...

So someone was considerate enough to point out to you privately what most of us were thinking anyway and your answer to that was to out yourself? I have no idea what he said to you...but I suspect it would have been the exact same thing I would have said.

I too was at the point of either ignoring all of your posts or calling you out publicly. At least dj was discreet about it.

The reason I have stayed around this site now for...well...a long time is that, for the most part, the community standards have been enforced.

Opinions are a dime a dozen. Coherent opinions are worth my time to consider.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Well i'm so much with hiding ones actual thoughts! This is a forum you know,right ? Do you have any good points to make about a possible new ride for Cedar Point? This is a topic of the forementioned and not a place to make light of someone's grammer issues.

I shared a number of my thoughts on page 3. You are the one that made a public issue out of your grammAr.

Water Ride? Good idea. No construction visible prior to the end of the season? May not have been necessary if they weren't going to plan on it being open by opening day. Diamondback precludes CP from getting anything? The two rides (or the one ride and the rumored ride) and two parks have nothing to do with each other in terms of dollars being spent. Thrill ride or family ride? It better be a family ride or they have just been paying lip service to the idea that they need to reenergize the family segment.

Is that enough for ya?

Last edited by Chief Wahoo,

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

That was very nice. Thank you . I appologize for my failure to correctly spell. By the way, ya is not use of proper english. I just want to talk about the park with people that look forward to the new season. I'm not trying to start garbage, but i'm not perfect either. Mistakes happen.

If a Vice Presidential candidate can use "ya" then I can. I should have hit you with a "ya'll" since I live here in Florida but I am fond of the eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania "yuins" as well. I can't stand "yuse" or "yous" but I never did like New York and New Jersey.

The problem with grammar today is that nobody calls out offenders. So, we are raising a bunch of knuckleheads. Frankly, you should be thanking dj.

This isn't my site and I'm not even a moderator but seeing as Jeff doesn't appear to be around today we are just giving you a heads up. If we don't say something he will...and I suspect he won't be as patient with ya.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Why can you use improper english but I can't make a mistake?

The President also invaded a country on lies and propaganda. Thus i should be able to come into this forum and lie and attack everyone? Your comment about the vice president said it so I can too doesn't sound correct.

Last edited by the ffej man,
Jesz's avatar

It's funny that you say that Chief, because Jeff did mention something to ffej man about his grammar here.

Strike 2 ffej man. I'm just kidding with ya. Yes, I did say "ya". lol. But in all seriousness, we are just trying to help you out. As you have said yourself, no one is going to take you seriously if you CHOOSE to use poor grammar.

No one is saying use "big words". We are just asking you politely to use some correct punctuation. And if you don't want everyone on your back, how about you spell check a word before posting. I do that a lot, and I am sure others do to.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

Hi Jesz. Could you do me a favor? You were one of the only people who was actually nice. Take a look at this topic and read the posts I have made. Do you think that my writing skills are that bad? Take a look at my writing in the topic from the past you mentioned. I have made a attempt at conforming to what ya'll want . (ya'll was a joke) When you read the post we are currently in, this was just a difference of opinion that has turned into a lambasting. I really just want to have fun and talk to people.

Closed topic.

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