New Water Ride?

For me, the fact that Tony and Tyler haven't mentioned this development actually lends more credibility to the rumor. If they were to blog about it -- maybe some hint about CP still being the Queen of Watering Holes -- I'd just assume it was merely new low-flush toilets being installed in the Frontier Trail restrooms. ;)

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The flags could have been something to due with terror island. As far as I heard through the grapevine in June, the new attraction they had planned for 09 was pushed back to 2010 because of the low revenue we had around that time. Now since we had a busier season after June, anything can happen I suppose. But just like the digging by scrambler, I wouldn't get too excited.......

Last edited by JoshBrown,

Ride On!

08- Arcade Mechanic

TT2 laps - 4

realmadrid311's avatar

I'm pretty sure Kinzel let slip in a pre-Maverick interview that they had plans for a new water ride but decided to postpone those and go with Maverick. I for one have not been on a water ride in at least 5 years and don't plan on it in the near future so I hope they go with something else.

Pilgrim's Plunge kind of looks like a p.o.s. The idea is cool but it has kind of a carvnival ride/challance park look to it and looks like another Intamin disaster waiting to happen.

Last edited by realmadrid311,

the ffej man said:
I was there the second last weekend of the year. I noticed some flags by srf and also some flags in the center of mine ride. They seemed to lead from the water. I believe there may be an announcement soon.

A new flume ride would be a great news in my opinion. But removing CCMR would be a shame: it is a great coaster for family and those who are interested to ride other things than record-breaking coasters. And don't forget that SkyHawk is between SRF and CCMR.

Ensign Smith said:
For me, the fact that Tony and Tyler haven't mentioned this development actually lends more credibility to the rumor.

Wood is usually used to build the supports of a flume ride. Wood you believe it?

Last edited by DemonUp2005,

Yeah, but the obly thing I saw interesting thus far is the pile of said wood...nothing anywhere else on CP property (at least as of right now) and in my opinion there isnt enough wood there for anything like that (at least not as of right now)

If there is more to the picture, it isnt on park property yet or they are hiding it VERY VERY well...

Ride On!

08- Arcade Mechanic

TT2 laps - 4

I would really hate to see them get rid of the mine ride since i have 3 kids that love it. Yes skyhawk is there but it is a flat that can be moved rather easily. In the latest blog they say stay in the upright position possibly meaning a coaster. So with hints of water and a coaster easy to assume a water coaster?

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

AqUaTrAcKs!!!!!!!11111!!! WOOHOO!

Let's Get Weird.

JoshBrown said:
Yeah, but the obly thing I saw interesting thus far is the pile of said wood...nothing anywhere else on CP property (at least as of right now) and in my opinion there isnt enough wood there for anything like that (at least not as of right now)

If there is more to the picture, it isnt on park property yet or they are hiding it VERY VERY well...

Don't forget this from T&T (Oct 21):

"Now, even though this wood has been used for refurbishment on coasters like Blue Streak, Mean Streak, Gemini and Mine Ride, that doesn't mean that all future deliveries like this are for the same purpose."

dsloban's avatar

I would be excited with a new water ride! I miss the two that were taken out! How sweet it would be to have any new coaster! I love surprises! I was so exited when they put in the Raptor and Maverick! I am happy to know that there is something brewing at the point!

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

The latest blog is probably talking about the wood that will be used to refurbish Mean streak and its track. Or another ride with wood on it, possibly. Sorry, but I highly doubt that it is for that 500 ft tall, super-giga, hydro-blast launched, looping, twisitng intamin wooden coaster you all are hoping for.....:)

In the blog, they are probably talking about the wood that will be used for mean streaks tracking, or for another ride with wood. Sorry, but it is most likely not for that 500ft tall, super-giga, hydro-launched, looping, intamin wooden coaster that you were hoping for....:)

Kevinj's avatar

I for one learned my lesson by foolishly letting myself read too much into T and T's blog last time around. Very, very vague rumors to say the least.

I do agree, though, that Pilgrim's Plunge is just....well....ugly as sin.

They already failed to integrate SRF by half-assing the proposed theming that was originally designed for it, I can only imagine what would be done with something like that.

Promoter of fog.

Jesz's avatar

I would not miss Snake River Falls. It scares the crap out of me! I don't like the fact that all you have is this giant lap bar to hold you in. When I ride SRF, especially with bigger passengers, it doesn't even really get close to me. So I hang on to that bar as tight as possible. I know that it is safe. It just doesn't feel that way.

So I say tear it down and bring in something new! :)

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

The point has never really gone all out on themeing; What themeing did they not go with on Snake River Falls?

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

Dvo's avatar

The Getaway Guide the year that SRF debuted showed it having a giant cliff/mountain I believe, so it would have appeared that you were actually riding on a waterfall. But needless to say that idea never took form.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

DemonUp2005 said:

the ffej man said:
I was there the second last weekend of the year. I noticed some flags by srf and also some flags in the center of mine ride. They seemed to lead from the water. I believe there may be an announcement soon.

A new flume ride would be a great news in my opinion. But removing CCMR would be a shame: it is a great coaster for family and those who are interested to ride other things than record-breaking coasters. And don't forget that SkyHawk is between SRF and CCMR.

As far as the mine ride goes, the third train was taken completely off the track before Halloweekends i think. It has defiantly been at least the entire month of October and November. I realize that maybe they were going to take it off early since they don't really need it, but you all know on busy days they use all three, and on weekdays and Sundays Halloweekends they use 2 out of 3 or maybe 1. Just a though, not like a missing train on CCMR can tell anyone that a new water ride is going in, but maybe a little hind. That would be weird just closing a ride like that without a year's notice or at the minimum before Halloweekends. Many people that grew up with it would want one last ride on it before it closet, and that would be bad for the park.

Wow a full blown mountain, that would be a major undertaking to build, look how long it takes Disney to build a mountain. I would love to see a photo of this concept art. I am still kind of dissapointed some of the water elments in the Maverick POV promo never came to be.
I don't think The Mine ride is going anywhere, I could be wrong. The one thing I dislike about that ride, is i am just a little over 6 foot and I am not fat at 190lbs and I have to ride in a seat alone with my legs crossed to get the lap restraint to close.

Last edited by Matt D,

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

If anyone can get a photo of SRF that would be great.

Cedar Creek mine ride is hard to get into depending on who and where you ride, but i think it needs to stay. All signs are pointing towards a new water ride. Hopefully we don't get our hopes shot down.

You know, a flume can easily float underneath the mine ride in most places. At this point why is everyone assuming that taking out the mine ride is a prereq for putting a flume in there? If its slated to go where SRF is, I can see that might be a sign that is on the way out, but the mine ride is mostly high enough a flume could snake through there without problem.

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