New Water Ride?

I don't see Cedar Creek Mine Ride going anywhere any time soon. I was there the last weekend of operation and rode the ride. I noticed that a lot of the old, splintering bents had been replaced with new, fresh wood. Why would they invest in replacing the rides bents and then demolish it a month or two later?

^Because if some of those old pieces of support wood failed during a ride, CP would have a lot to answer for as to why they didn't replace them when they were unfit structurally.

That being said, CCMR isn't going anywhere this year. Like I said before, I hope you guys enjoyed your last plunges on Snake River Falls and loved all of the "splash cam" pics on the website.

Aaronosmer's avatar

TopThrillChris said:
If anyone can get a photo of SRF that would be great.

here's one

djDaemon's avatar


Last edited by djDaemon,


John Taylor is a one-man Imagineering Department. If half of his ideas over the years would have come to fruition the park would look completely different. But, Kinzel is not in the "theme" business so once the purse strings start getting pulled tighter then Taylor's work is the first to get the redline.

I think a new generation flume is a great long as they DO NOT go for major records. This should be a FAMILY ride. Not a Maverick "family" ride that isn't appropriate for much of the family. This new ride should appeal to a large cross section of the age spectrum.

I think the obvious location is over in Frontiertown/the Trail since their are other water rides there already. But, if I can put on my "creative" hat for a minute I think it would be cool if they could put it somewhere over by Magnum or Gemini and design it in such a way that the "station" were accessible from inside the park AND from inside Soak City. Now THAT would be pretty cool.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

CP08's avatar

Also what about the idea that Cedar Point is going to be opening at their latest in the season??? does that give them time to build this water ride (AQUATRAX!!!!!!!) ;)

quote from Mean Streak operator, "Welcome to Mean Streak. It's so mean it'll rip the heads off your Barbie dolls and steal your lunch money!!!"

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

A new ride at cedar point would be nice news BUT cedar fair has already put in allot of money for Diamondback i doubt they are going to do anything besides re tracking Meanstreak. So lets not get our hopes up and once again be disappointed next year when everything is just the way we left it on November 2nd.

Pete's avatar

DemonUp2005 said:

Wood is usually used to build the supports of a flume ride. Wood you believe it?

As far as I know, only the very early flume rides used wood supports, like Mill Race and Shoot-The-Rapids. I can't think of one flume ride built in the 70s or 80s that used wood supports.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

I'm thinking the Geauga Lake flume was wood supports. My memory is getting weaker with age but the picture I have in my head is of wood.

It was built in '72.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Well isn't this interesting news.....

At least we get something for 2009 right?

I do not think SRF is going anywhere.

I think CP wants to keep the ride count as high as possible. I guess this log flume could be an eventual replacement for SRF though.

As far as people saying that cedar fair is spending money at ki so they won't spend it at cp, all of the parks are run individually to a large extent. To this point if one of the parks makes enough money or have the potential to make money they will get a new addition without having to think about what the other parks are doing. Also if the wanted to get the plunge from knotts they would have to purchase it from knotts. All the parks that recieved things from geauga lake had to pay for them even if a severely discounted price.

djDaemon's avatar

Who says CP is getting a new ride in 2009?


i did geeezzzzzeeeee

djDaemon's avatar

And you're basing that on...?


I had a premanision from the other side!!

I was too young to have visited Disneyland pre-mansion.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Um Michigan Adventure did a Booming record breaking business for the park with the addition of thunderhawk, but it's not getting anything new for 2009 or at least nothing has been announced.

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

Ok I'll be a little serious here. We got a rumor out of screamscape. Here we are a forum of people that like the point and now the park is closed. So with not much to do except anticipate the next season we get a hold of a rumor and hope it is true and talk with people that have the same interests and hope.

djDaemon's avatar

Hoping for something to happen isn't remotely the same as stating that something is going to happen.

No one of any relevance or importance has said that CP is getting a new ride in 2009. In fact, there's not any credible evidence suggesting that.


I think the water ride rumor predates Screamscape or even ACE getting in on it and I'm not certain there is no credible evidence to suggest it might be true.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

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