New ride... place your bets!

My only concern with a late announcement is the possibility that it MAY get lost with all of the holiday shopping/ holiday discussion. I'd hate to see that happen, with what sounds like a kick a** ride on the way...


Jeff's avatar
CoasterForce is worthless... and generally speaking, wrong.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

All these blown date ranges are frustrating to say the least, but I understand why. "Well if we do it on that date, it's close to that date [event] so let's push it back a little longer..."

Grrr. Yet another reason not to blab everything you hear: Things get changed and I don't work there to note the changes.

Yea that's right I was the one who said the 31st with such confidence. Will I ever learn? Geeze.
Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz"

I think they're just waiting to give it to me for a birthday preseant on Sunday.;)
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
Number 15 will be announced on the 15th..??

Just a Guess..

Only a week away..

they may wait until the start of the next season.  Or in december when millennium force was announced(correct me if im wrong) But i know that they are driving me crazy!
Does anyone have new pictures of the ride?

If so what are the links?

MF was announced on July 22, 1999...a long way from December.
so shoot me

never mind the december thing

whenever its announced im sure itll be the biggest damn thing ever built
...or not.
I'm a bit curious if at this point the various media have been informed of an announcement date. 

The convention runs from the 10th to the 17th so I'm thinking the longest we'll have to wait is another two weeks...:)

im pretty sure,, cedar point usually has the best coasters.Gemini and MF were the tallest in the world when they were built.  This coaster will be big so they reclaim the tallest coaster from Nagashima spaland. Hopefully itll be announced at the convention.
i wish i knew someone who worked at the point.
Well I might as well post something to get this form to 1000!!!!
Hey Force312... It would be a sweet birthday gift! My birthday is Sunday too. I'll be 16... :)
Hey, that other MiLlEnNiUm guy... try consolidating your posts to just one post? I understand if you want #1000 but hey, cut down on the noise?

I put this earlier, but it was the last on that page, so I'll put it again:

When Cedar Point released their information about Millennium Force, they probably weren't betting on another company changing their coaster to be taller and faster. They probably thought that with a coaster of that magnitude, it would be difficult for any company to change their coaster in that short amount of time.

However, with an Impulse coaster, it could very easily be able to have a competetor build a bigger and taller one. Just look at the design of an impulse... all you would have to do is toss some extra track on the tops and increase the speed of the LIMs (I think, feel free to correct.)

So the later they set the press conference date, the less time other companies have to edit and modify their rides. If this is so, I'd say it's a smart thing on Cedar Point's part.
Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
MF count: 1, going for 2000

Yeah, that's a good point.  The only problem is that Intamin is the only company that builds impulses (right?).  Well, anyway, I catch your drift.  I am wondering if there would ever be an IAAPA convention in Columbus, Ohio.  It would make sense- Ohio is a coaster king and the Columbus Convention Center is one of the largest in the US.  It's too bad that the park is closed; no more pictures (I think, but it would be nice to have some!).  Come next year the CP banner on their page will have new life.........   
No one dies a virgin; life screws us all- some dude

garik_law said:
"The only problem is that Intamin is the only company that builds"

Ahhh once again my logic has been screwed over.

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
MF count: 1, going for 2000

Even with the recent additions, the Greater Columbus Convention Center is not nearly large enough to hold IAAPA. Besides, why would the amusement industry want to hold a gathering in a place that can be so cold and miserable in November? Particularly on the weekend of the OSU/Michigan football game (not this season, but most years)?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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