New ride... place your bets!

Jeff's avatar
I usually don't even like to hear speculation, but now that I'm more sure than ever about what the park is building, I'd like to hear what you think it's going to be. Someone has made a post with the correct answer, sort of.

Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen!

Watch my grass grow:

Since I assume you're talking about the ride being correctly guessed in the "Capital Improvements..." thread, my bet is placed on either a B&M on Millennium Island (many inversions???), a CCI on the Oceana Midway or both...:)
I have heard bringing back the cyclone in the front of the park.  So one guess would be wood in the front.  Second guess would be Intamin or B&M steel. 
This second hill is my favorite part of the ride. It is so Cool!
Gemini 100
Its Dan K's fault

Please. please either be a CCI woodie or some sort of launch coaster.  As for the launch coaster, I would prefer a hypersonic type coaster, but I understand that the technology and capacity may not be up to C's standards.  I'm not expecting anything in the way of breaking records.

Something I'd like to see in the rumored boardwalk section is not not make it part of the pay area.  Let it lead to Challenge park and put in some boutiques and restaurants.  It would be cool if C could build a year round section to the park.

*** This post was edited by PointMan on 10/8/2001. ***

I know I'd LIKE it to be a good CCI woodie.

My Home
MF count: 52

*** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 10/8/2001. ***

I hope turns out exactly like logan said
I am sticking with my original prediction of a B&M Flyer going in where the Oceana Stadium is and some sort of impulse coaster going over by dodgem, where the dodgem, troika, and chaos are being removed.  Choas and Troika being relocated somewhere in the park and the dedgem going to Michigan's Adventures!

Even if I am wrong, whatever Cedar Point will get next year will be world class!

Intamin launch.. with a little twist... ;)

I always said there was no wood.. hehehe

Opps, can you get some napkins please???
MF total - 471 laps
VertiGo Launches - 79
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

*** This post was edited by Red Garter Rob on 10/8/2001. ***

I am thinking something in the lagoon area near Iron daragon.
 Jeff you tease….

You know don't you?  You don't have to tell us what, but just admit it so we can smirk at you for the right reasons! 

You have both noted it is an improvement, singular, and that somebody guessed it, but only “sort of.”   

A park like CP would not pull back on capital improvements unless their bottom line were at serious risk.  It is often said that times like this, are actually the best times to build, as you have a chance to take full advantage of the recovery once it starts.

 Sadly, this was the first summer since 1989 that I did not go to CP, due in part to having started a new job, and being engaged to be married this past August 4th.  (to a woman who won’t ride coasters, darn the cursed luck of it all.)  So I don’t know if much was improved in terms of the Oceana Park area.

 But I think the moves being made of the last few years, clearly point to a larger plan related to that area, particularly knowing they plan ahead five years or so.  And given that I think this part of the park needs the most attention, I would say something related to the hypothetical Boardwalk project makes sense to me.

 The move of the Giant Wheel to the lake side is the first clue.  Such giant Ferris Wheels are often seen or associated with Boardwalk like areas.

 The entire lake-side part of CP, from DT to the convention center, is poorly focused, and underutilized.

 The construction of Camp Snoopy makes the play-area north of the coliseum seem out of place.

 Any desire to spread the parks foot traffic out more, makes such a move obvious.  I long ago said that they could draw a lot of people through that area but connecting the main entrance, to the dead end near DT.  Even if they don’t, with all the money-making games, kiddie space, and such between DT and the convention center, pulling people in that direction only helps make you money, and best utilize your park space.  Anything on the Gemini or Frontier trail area, would only serve to further congest that section of the park, and draw people away from older rides and areas.

 Dismantling the play area north of the Coliseum, tearing down the stadium and old aquarium, all the way down to the Giant Wheel, etc, would give you ample space to build something.

 Of course, as Jeff noted in his CoasterBuzz newsletter not 20 seconds ago, CP finds a way to hit you from left field often enough. 

 Someday, something will get done on that side of the park.  It really is just an issue of when.

 If they do build towards the front of the park, I’ll be happy.  It will help keep the back part empty longer.


when is the announcement???
I'm with logan on this one - CCI Woodie on the new boardwalk, or multi-inversion B&M floorless or flying.
Jeff's avatar
It's good to see someone putting it all together Nathan (though I hope you got a pre-nup that your wife will learn to like coasters in a few years or you're outta there ;)).

I'm not entirely sold on a boardwalk "theme" anymore, unless such a theme involves being able to see the lake and the beach as a part of the park, which in this case would be true.

It surprised the hell out of me. Let's just hope I don't feel stupid a month from now. :) Take photos of Oceana and the old aquarium while you can.

Watch my grass grow:

They are getting an Intamin coaster if  you want to call it that and something else.  It's that simple.  This isn't a big secret among park ops employees, especially those that turn keys in everynight.  Just wait and see.  2003 will be the shocker though.   
a whole month!!!! AHHH!!! They're gonna have to announce it soon if they want to start building it!  I'm surprised they haven't started yet.
.. it's not a matter of when you start.. it's how well construction actualyl goes.. just ask SFMM

Opps, can you get some napkins please???
MF total - 471 laps
VertiGo Launches - 79
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

ok, here's my guess now that I've been educated with all these posts....From what Jeff has told us, it is a ride (see the subject heading) and it surprised the hell out of him.  From what I've gathered, it seems the only ride that was metioned that would surprise Jeff would be an Intamin Impulse (capacity issues) or an Arrow 4-D. (too new)

I don't think they're getting a b&m or a woodie considering those have been repeatedly mentioned.  Those wouldn't be a surprise.

MF...taking thrills to new heights!

i would be ever-so-slightly disappointed if CP puts an impulse in without any special addressing of the obvious capacity issues.  However, if they put two of them side-by-side, then we might be talking...

if Rob knows, then it's probably an impulse...

"intamin launch.. with a little twist... ;)"

*** This post was edited by Logan on 10/8/2001. ***

hehehe...  Boy will this be a fun winter season or what? What defines a coaster? Here we go again...

          ...this time with a twist.

I beginning to think it's an Impulse with a twist, but why would you build a ride that another park has within an 11/2 drive?  If CP's doing it expect the unexpected it will be unlike anything else ever built.

Closed topic.

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