New ride... place your bets!

Well, I just got the announcement today..I am really excited for CP, (I get to work there again..) I think y'all will enjoy it too..Hmmm..Matt D., I loved seeing Victoria sweep through Oceana...too was great.
anyone got pics of the orange marks, tear down???
---Are YOU unbreakable??---
CP 2002
Very well said, Petree...:)


In my heart, I didn't think the floorless would come...but it would be a great welcome to the park :)


Whatever happened to the S&S thrust air.....Everyone was so sure of it. I did some searching and some comments from some more trusted people on GTTP seem to not be holding up anymore....... here is the thread to them..... 

Magnum Dan said -

Why do I think CP will get a Thrust Air? I like to call it common sense.

A. Cedar Fair and S&S seem to have a great working relationship.

B. Thrust Air can fit in a very small footprint, so it leads to any number of places it could be put in the park.

C. I think it is very economical, they could go as tall as MF at a fraction of the cost.

D. Its not what you know, its who you know.
Jeff Spartan said-

"Lets just say "stan" the man ;)

I know nothing I'm always the last one to know.
MF: 188
Magnum: 2101

You Just Have To Love The Excitement And Drama That The Wait Brings....:)


I've spent the last half hour reading this thread, and studying the other thread where Jeff said that someone mentioned the ride.

I'm speechless, all that I've ever suspected for 2002 has been thrown out the window. I thought that it could be a CCI or a I don't know what the hell is going on!

Jeff said that it had been mentioned in the other thread, but the comment about the Intamin impulse was only for one...not a dueling.

Yet, several people here that are close to the park are making puns and hints about the Intamin. What bugs me is that almost everybody in this thread is leaning towards a launched coaster, and it seems too logical. What better to show up you competition in Cleveland with the same type of ride, only bigger and more exciting.

It's too early for me to make my educated guess even though the announcement is approaching, so I'll wait a little while.

Oh, and did I mention how I love the anxiety and anticipation of a parks big announcement. ;)

Jeff's avatar

forcedude04 said:
"I learned today it's probably not the only new floorless in the chain, either." Jeff said this in the SFNE Post at Coasterbuzz when he was referring to their new Coaster.
Any significance?

Is Cedar Point in the Six Flags chain?
Watch my grass grow:

I missed that but I've given this a lot more thought and studied the Capital Improvements Post and found some interesting information...
The Intamin Impulse is only mentioned once, and Jeff refers in the beginning to "someone" and "post."
Yet many of Jeff's clues in other posts talk about capacity playing a key roll in the 2002 addition, which means that something would change with the Intamin Impulse.
Also, this wasn't a very "verbal" speculation until today, so that could make it very uncommon and shocking.
In my opinion, I've never been to found of the looks of an Impulse, seeing that I'm more for full-curcuit rides, they can be lauched, but still full-circuit.  I don't know what to expect, but I'm leaning towards the Impulse. 

*** This post was edited by forcedude04 on 10/8/2001. ***

Jeff said
forcedude04 said:
"I learned today it's probably not the only new floorless in the chain, either." Jeff said this in the SFNE Post at Coasterbuzz when he was referring to their new Coaster.
Any significance?

Is Cedar Point in the Six Flags chain?

Maybe it will be, SF buys CP and puts in a floorless called Medusa Midwest or Batman Knight Flight!  . (weak, I know)

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 10/8/2001. ***

I posted this in the otgher topic in which Jeff said that someone had guessed correctly.  Jusdging by the posts before Jeff's, my guess is either the multi-track impulse or the B&M flying.  I believe Jeff said something about poor loading times somehwere, be it on here or CB.  Both the impulse and a 1 or even a 2 station flying meet the description of poor loading times.  Granted, we don't know yet how fast the B&M flyings load, but he might be making his guess based upon the Vekoma Model.  Either of these would add a lot to the park, and I am looking forward to the official announcement
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
Hey Jeff please confirm at least this! Can you at least shoot down a possibility of a  low capacity shuttle ride? Some of those rides may be fun but they are more suitable for smaller parks like Valleyfair or Holiday World. If I have to wait a very long 1+ hour wait for MF on a SLOW day like a monday which MF has a very high capacity with three trains runing I could see wait 2-3 hours for a Daja Vu(Super Boomerang) or an Intamin Impulse shuttle coaster! CP needs to stick to very very thrilling high quality rides that moves people and the next best thing to MF would be a "clone" (not an exact clone)of  Heide's Park's Colossos(yes that is the correct spelling of the ride's name).
Basically if you go check the SFMM vs CP thread over on Coasterbuzz Jeff almost gives it away.   It sounds like it is going to be some type of impulse shuttle ride as Jeff mentioned he wondered whether CP would own up to the fact that Superman at SFMM was a coaster next year.  He did state it was not a reverse free fall ride though.  But that to me indicates some type of impulse shuttle ride.    I just wonder if the rumors about CP wanting to take the speed record are going to materialize on this attraction?  Despite the capacity issues (which I think CP will address) I think a launched ride or impulse would be a great fit in the park as they have nothing like it currently.   The only thing they really need more IMO is a good wooden coaster but I dont think that is coming anytime soon to CP.    I'am just glad that it appears that there will be a major "coaster-type" attraction to look forward to next year!

*** This post was edited by CP Twister on 10/9/2001. ***

Well, I think Cedar Point gives away one thing on their own web site....

check out their page

look at the number of coasters listed...

Yeah? It says 14, that is their current number.  Are you looking at something else?
God I love that pic of the guys from Rock Pop and Soul.. They really loved their jobs.. you could tell..

Not to mention there's a pic of "fiddleboy" too... ;)
Opps, can you get some napkins please???
MF total - 471 laps
VertiGo Launches - 79
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

*** This post was edited by Red Garter Rob on 10/9/2001. ***

Here's what Jeff said in threads at CB:

1. He wonders if CP will recognize S:TE as a coaster from now on.

2. From there I act like a giddy schoolboy because I was guessing something like S:TE but bigger for months now.

3. Jeff assures me that I'm a moron :) and that it is not an Intamin reverse freefall but that it is a ride that will be a bit controversial in being called a coaster.

An exact quote: "They aren't getting a reverse freefall, but if you call another ride type a coaster then you pretty much have to call S:TE a coaster as well."

What kind of ride other than the reverse freefall fits the mold of one that some may consider a coaster while others would argue that it's not?

There's your answer!Now just tell me when you figure it out  :)
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they'll be when you kill them.

I think it's pretty much a given at this point that we're dealing with (an) Intamin Impulse(s).  Now I'm just hoping that a)there will be more than one impulse, effectively taking care of the capacity issue, and b)the impulses will dwarf the current versions in both height and top speed...

*** This post was edited by Logan on 10/9/2001. ***

If everyone is talking launched... anyone think it could be a ride somewhat like Volcano at PKD?

Just a guess?!?



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