New ride... place your bets!

I'll place a bet on something along the beach... Bye Bye Aquatic Stadium and Stadium Games... Heck there is some "construction"(ripping out of paths behind Oceana) going on over there...

As cool as a wooden coaster would be by the beach it won't happen... Like Jeff said "I'm not entirely sold on a boardwalk "theme" anymore, unless such a theme involves being able to see the lake and the beach as a part of the park, which in this case would be true." and a there are so many supports on a wooden coaster... thus blocking the view.

But who wants to place bets on how long after the announcement until we hear the first 2003 rumor... :)

Andrew Hyde(Who spent about a hour on the Oceana Midway this weekend taking pictures and videos)

Jeez!! When will we know?!?!?!?
It's not that I really care what it is (as long as it's good), it's the curiosity that's killing me!!

Whatever happened to "I was told the 8th" and "my educated guess is the 8th"????

*** This post was edited by CP4LIFE on 10/8/2001. ***

c'mon people when is the announcement???
What if a few of those flat rides by Magnum were given to MIA or moved around in the park...
Jeff!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just give a couple more hints!
The one off the wall rumor I heard was the new ride is supposed to be over 500' and be like Superman at SFMM.  Hopefully a two track version with each train able to carry 36 passengers each. 

Of course there is that super super rumor that Cedar Point is designing a rollercoaster where the train does not ride on the track, kind of like the magnetic monorail in Japan, giving you the smoothest ride imaginable.

The only thing that MIA is getting from CP, for this season anyway, is the bumper cars, which are already out of CP (the ones by the Marina Gate). I am also wondering when the announcement will be, I heard this Wednesday, but what's the official word?

Ok, so I have 403 laps on ST, but I would give it all to have CP as my home park.

I think a  TA2K is unreasonable if they are going for some sort of tera coaster. They have had there fair share of problems with capacity and mechanical issue's. Also compressed air cannot work if the temperature is under a certain point.

Intamin LIMS we know can get things up that high :).

2001 Force- 275  Magnum-454
I rode Gemini more than once during a day.

Jeff when will we get the official announcement from CP of next years plan. And what is an Arrow 4-D
Jeff's avatar

Vitaminized on Gemini said:
"Rob & Jeff,
You two should make nice and share a round of drinks at the garter on closing weekend. You both will be there, right?

I am the mediator-- kew kew katchoo"

Don't people have to be fighting to need a mediator? Am I missing something?

I hear the folks at the park love to read this kind of stuff. I bet they laugh and laugh reading through this kind of stuff. I wonder what they think when they see the right guess.

I'm not giving more hints. I've dropped enough of them...

Watch my grass grow:

Pete's avatar
Well, the two Intamin Impulse coasters would fit in with the two coaster rumor we've always heard about. An Impulse at CP would almost have to be dual, the capacity of the rides just isn't great enough for CP crowds. Also, an Impulse has a fairly small footprint, so it would fit very well where the stadium and old aquarium are. They also can be put up fairly quickly, which may be another clue, since contruction hasn't started yet. The beachfront would make a spectacular setting for such a ride. I don't believe that Chaos and Troika are going anywhere, though I can see Dodgem One being replaced with a sitdown restaurant.

Someone made a comment that CP wouldn't put an Impulse in, since Six Flags has one just down the road. I don't see the logic behind that. If someone wants to ride that particular ride, why would CP send them to Six Flags? CP may as well build their own version and say "come to ride our Impulse, and you can also do everything else CP has to offer". It's always good to match the competition where they are strongest, and exceed them where they are weakest.

Pete's avatar
To ST_Kara:

The bumper cars are not in the Dodgem Two building because it is being used for a children's haunted house. I've heard MA is getting one of CP's Dodgem rides, but I've been told it will be Dodgem One, located across from Magnum.

Well I have a feeling from reading these posts that my dream of a CCI along the beach won't be happening...there is nothing more that CP needs in my opinion, but I will definitely balance my whining with the excitement that will come whenever the park decides to announce whatever they're building next year.

And Jeff is really safe in saying that somebody correctly guessed what it will be in the "Capital Improvements" thread.  Posts in that thread guess just about every kind of coaster imaginable!

At least we know we don't have too long to wait!


Here's to wood in 2002!

Yeah, it seems like CP's chances of getting a good wood coaster are pretty slim.

The Giant Impulse rumor was floating around KBF for a long time, it looks like it is CP's turn for that rumor. It sounds like a good addition, since CP has no launched coaster OR a coaster that goes backwards.

I just hope CP does not just try to break some cheezy height record... again.

Only 2290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt




if it's not the 10th, i'm gonna explode!

counter_rebel said (in that thread) Or... even a Twisted Impulse from Intamin (you can tell I'm a SFWoA fan as well.)

mehehe.Thats not what I wanted, but oh well. I wanted the legal gambling!
Man, this is wide variety of things!

I want the announcement to come fast so we can stop all of this mess!

Force Laps: 387
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

As I noted to someone over the weekend, they could send all the cars from Dodgem I to Michigan's Adventure, then split up the cars from Dodgem II between the two bumper car pavilions...there are more than enough cars in there for both rides, and both rides would be significantly improved as a result...!

(Does Dodgem I have as many cars as Dodgem II? I know II has something like 48 cars, but I don't think I has quite that many...)

In any case, I am reasonably certain that the resorts gate is being redesigned and set at an angle to point towards Schwabinchen instead of towards Sky Ride. A fairly simple change, really, and I don't have any idea why they might do that. But I'm only going to speculate based on what I already know...and I don't know what they're planning for next year. Not yet, anyway!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

For ages I've been saying that it's gonna be launched, but what I was told surprised the hell outta me!

Thank you Cedar Point, thank you.


It’s amazing what a steel plate in your skull and six or seven liters of warm beer can do to a man’s ability to remember the conductive properties of a metal hook. -Dr. Bactine,

Ya know, it would be really cool if CP came out with two coasters next year.  Give Dodgem 1 away to MIA and move Troika and Chaos (this gives a considerable amount of space) then put an out-and-back hyper B&M sitdown/floorless there.  I could go out to Millennium island too.

Remove things between DT and Ocean Motion and put in a 235 ft Thrust Air, 0-110 in 2 seconds.  It could be themed as a classic beachside woodie, with fake supports such as on California Screemin'.  Or (like that awesome idea from someone here), a bomb shelter.  But with whats happening in the world now that's a bit more unlikely.

Either way, whatever they add has to have some good themeing!

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