New ride... place your bets!

The continuing problem with the "Thrust Air" technology consists of the fact that, no matter how fast you try to launch, you have limitations because of the physical contact and friction by the catapault system (see problems with the Thrust Air in Japan).

Using a LIM or even a LSM system, there is no "launch system" friction and higher speeds are obtainable by longer launch runs or increasing the magnetic fields (which will only cause an increase of speed to a set point) strength.

Without having to deal with a catapult cable, and only have to deal with friction created by the wheels of the coaster, your window for speed is alot easier to open.

One of us.. One of us..
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

*** This post was edited by Red Garter Rob on 11/7/2001. ***

I think it's good that they are delaying the announcement. Sure everyone knows what this thing is (if you don't go back and read 900+ pages ), but they probably don't want to give the specifics away to the competition. By not announcing the specifics, the only thing it effects is a handful of people (us) who care. Its not like we are going to stop going now!
I wonder if they announced MF to early and have learned from this. On making of the coasters, they said the specific height and dimensions of SD2K were not concrete until less than a year before its completion, well after MF was announced. Now if MF was not announced till like November of 1999, we would have a 1500 page thread on what is Intamin tack doing in the park and a bunch of anxious people to see what CP is getting. Would SD2K be as tall as it is if the specifics of MF wasn't announced till they started final construction? Maybe, but it dose not hurt to hold the specific's of the ride till later.
2001 Force-333   Magnum-510
Watch out, the Space Pirates pinch.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 11/7/2001. ***

Actually Joe.. that's a pretty good point.

One of us.. One of us..
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

Joe E, I had always wondered if planned hieght for SD2K was raised just a little after the CP announcement of MF.
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...
That is a good point,Joe. If this is record breaking.
 But what would be the point of holding back specifics of the ride unless...those specifics were record breaking. If CP is not afraid of some park "stealing" the record like last year, then I would think they would want some publicity on a new coaster. Maybe that's just wishfull thinking on my part. 
~~Steven.~ ~

*** This post was edited by ToofastGM3 on 11/7/2001. ***

Well another reason CP might be wanting to wait until after IAAPA is it tends to be a time of finalizing deals or making new ones for 2003.  Although it is way late in the game for anything to be started for the upcoming season, why take the chance.  Besides, someone with an existing project in construction somewhere could try to one-up it...seen stranger things happen.

I really should be working...

Just a question, how could have they added height to Steel Dragon 2K when it was probably in development for years and years and that the parts were probably being manufactured at the time MF was announced?

Wouldn't one little change in height cause the whole first half of the ride's engineering?

Well like Joe said it was both the height and dimensions that were finalized late, not just the height.

I'm paying VERY close attention to IAAPA...

VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 30

As I said, on the making of the coaster show, the initial concept and design was all there, but the exact height and spec of SD2K were not finalized till after MF was announced. Morgan probably took this into account and left plenty of room to make changes in the pull out, lift height, drop, ect. I'm sure there plan was to make a "giga" coaster but the exact were not all laid out. They had over a year to change it after all.

If your customer is paying 50 million to have a record breaking ride and If you got a year to change a little bit of the design and rework a couple sections of track, I think I would do it.

Now if the chance was too drastic, like adding 20 feet and dropping it at an 85 degree angle they probably would not risk it because it could mess up thaw whole ride. Look at the Rattler at SFFT. Don't mess with CP!

2001 Force-333   Magnum-510
Watch out, the Space Pirates pinch.

Hehe, I'm always a minute late.

Here is info the Rattler, courtesy of Amusement Rde Accident's and reports.

I don't think that they could have done that.  Everything was built very precise and had to be earthquake and typhoon proof on it.  The height wouldn't have been moved up a little just because of MF.  Also, don't you think that both companies knew about the other coasters (ie. Intamin knowing that SD2K was being built too)?  Just a thought...
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
How would Intamin know what Morgan is building years before it is announced?
Not that long before, but I'm sure before any of us did.  My point is just that I don't think the companies would alter their plans because of what the other was doing.
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
The new coaster could possibly use the intamin box track and have raptor style trains on the bottom and millennium force style trains on the top. Launch them different directions to balance out the weight maybe. It needs a spiral about 500 feet tall!!
Didn't Arrow adjust their plans on Magnum? Wasn't the lift only sopossed to be like 180' tall? I think they changed it from that to 205'.
But, I don't think they changed it because what other maufacturers were doing. I think they changed it because CP wanted it higher. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

*** This post was edited by VertiGo535 on 11/7/2001. ***

force312 said:
My point is just that I don't think the companies would alter their plans because of what the other was doing.

That has happened in the past though,. In response to Mean Streaks stats, SFFT and The Rollercoaster Corporation of Texas decided to change the Rattler's layout in response to Mean Streak and have the tallest fastest wooden rollercoaster (Note that the rattler uses Morgan trains!) However, the change was far to Drastic as noted on the main page.

As for steel coasters I'm sure its more difficult, but if Nagashima wanted to have the record, and they would be willing to pay a little bit more dough for a redesign and perhaps delay the opening a bit.

I'm not saying they did alter or even could alter there plans slightly, I'm just relaying what Morgan said on The Making of a Coaster that the specific height and demotions were finalized after MF was announced. I'm not sure where in the show they said that, (i hope to watch it again) but I believe it was a year before it opened this took place. SD2K opened in August 2001. MF was announced July 1999.



Great... my name hath been stolen.

When Cedar Point released their information about Millennium Force, they probably weren't betting on another company changing their coaster to be taller and faster. They probably thought that with a coaster of that magnitude, it would be difficult for any company to change their coaster in that short amount of time.

However, with an Impulse coaster, it could very easily be able to have a competetor build a bigger and taller one. Just look at the design of an impulse... all you would have to do is toss some extra track on the tops and increase the speed of the LIMs (I think, feel free to correct.)

EDIT: After a little thought here, does any other company besides Intamin build Impulse-type coasters?

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

*** This post was edited by MiLLeNNiuMRiDeR on 11/7/2001. ***

Whatever the specifics of "Number 15" are, I'm sure I'm safe to assume that this will be a one-of-kind, thrilling, mind-boggling, exciting lauched coaster that will blow the socks off any other lauched ride and show the amusement park world how to build a lauched coaster. :)
CP always has the best" target=_blank
New For 2002:  Giant Intamin Impulse (Twin) :)
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."/P

*** This post was edited by force312 on 11/7/2001. ***

Closed topic.

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