New ride... place your bets!

Ride of Steel's avatar
Intamin would have to tweak their wheels though, or make a double track.  That's what I was saying before. 

I don't think this is gonna happen :oP

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

The trains wouldn't be connected.  That would be almost impossible to make work.  They wouldn't even have to be launched or moving on the track together either.  Alll the cross bracing would stay there.
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
Didn't Setpoint have a prototype that was similar to what you are talking about?
I know patience is virtue but this is getting ridiculous. Are they going to announce the new ride at all or am I just being silly.

Rooster said:
Didn't Setpoint have a prototype that was similar to what you are talking about?

Yes.  There was a model of it at IAAPA last year...


Patience is a virtue..whoever said that should be shot...I know what the coaster is, I want to know how tall and fast....we need an annoucement..this is slightly rediculous...
okay, i am going up tp sandusky this weekend, i'll see if i can't get some pictures of some track or something. we'll have to see what i can muster up. (Don't doubt me, i have my ways) by boat, by plane, whatever!!!
They have waited so long I no longer care.  I will just wait till next spring or if they dont make an announcement, maybe later.......
very well put putergeek. They are having this go on too long. You can only change your opinion about what the ride is and want to change everyone else's for so long
Jeff's avatar
Don't get too excited about an announcement until after IAAPA... sorry.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Has time just seemed to slow down to a crawl to everyone ever scence we found out about the new ride and started to wait for the announcement?

Joey Ciborek FLCC Member

*** This post was edited by Alantis104 on 11/6/2001. ***

CP's got their logic behind waiting this long... either way you can't ride it till next season, so just relax and wait for May (or April?)...
Anybody know what kind of new technologies are going to be previewed at IAAPA? CP seems to not buy the first kind of a new ride (X, et al), but could we see some kind of big announcement from a manufacturer at IAAPA and then see CP say "Oh yeah, we're getting that."?

[edit: post 900!]

*** This post was edited by Ken Kogler on 11/7/2001. ***

When is IAAPA?
"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
Well, nothing like putting it off further and further down the road. At this point, the instant track can be seen, everyone will know most everything about the ride minus the height and speed. But the height probably could be figured out somehow too. But, Jeff, when is IAAPA, January maybe??
---says Floridaguy, who wants to name his deranged 13 lb. cat "itty bitty"---
Off-topic observation of the day:

Shouldn't a 13 lb. cat already have a name?

Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

Jeff's avatar
IAAPA is next week. The announcement won't be before then.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

All of this IAAPA talk has got me thinking a little bit.  If CP is waiting until IAAPA or after to announce, that leads me to believe that our impulse will harness a new technology of some sort. 

Maybe CP's impulse will utilize Intamin's rumored new launch technology (the launch system that KBF is supposedly getting for their new coaster).  I've heard a couple of variations, one claiming the new system is hydraulic and the other claiming that the system is Intamin's "Thrust-Air" technology. 

Then again, maybe our impulse will use LIM's just like the others.  I'm just thinking out loud here...:)

It's a florida panther, Duane. Pictures are hard to get right now but I'm working on it . LOL

( all in fun floridaguy)  ;)


Ohhhhh yesss, this is making myself think very very much now about what is up CP's sleve. Why would they wait until after IAAPA if what they're building is just a larger version of something already in existance? My guess is, is that Cedar Point is diverging from the standard "wait until it's perfected and build it larger" theory, and are going to do something never been done before. Perhaps Cedar Point will have the prototype of this certain ride...we shall see won't we...

Michael McCormack CP '01: 38
Millennium Force: 49
Raptor: 58
Magnum: 124
Lifetime CP Count: 410 (374 total laps in '01)

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