New ride... place your bets!

Coasterfreak, I don't blame you for not reading all 34 previous pages of the thread, but a few pages back, someone said that yellow Intamin track was seen on its way to the park.

At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.

*** This post was edited by eggs on 11/4/2001. ***

Yeah, now that I look at Medusa's track it does look yellow...On America's Greatest RC Videos, it looked greener to me...oh well.
I have a feeling that the coaster or whatever it is is going to be huge. It has to be. I know the footers are strategically placed in an odd direction. I wonder what it is.

But I have a feeling that it is big but it is going to be fun to ride. I'll keep my ballcap in the car, ;-)

--> 4 season veteran going to 5, stop by to see me.

With track confirmed in the park, could we be seeing pictures of the ride rising above the Cedar Point skyline anytime soon?

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

Probably not too soon...  I have a feeling that they are not done with the footers (well I know that they are not completely finished with the existing ones), then they have to put in supports, then probably track, then station.  But who knows with all the unanswered questions.  
VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 30
For those of you that have ridden an impulse or seen one in person, check out this pic.

Do any of you have an idea why the second footer from the left is significantly longer that the 5 others lined up beside it? It really stands out...the only ones bigger and the giant footers on the end presumably used to support the towers.

MF count: 23

That page isn't working for me.

Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

VertiGo, he wrote the link incorrectly.  Here is the correct one. , it is the second footer from the left side of the photo.  And it does stick out. :) I don't know why, though.

I need a new computer!

Two words people... Tower supports...

Every Intamin Impulse has the same set of larger footers...

One of us.. One of us..
Supreme Commander of "Rich's Smurf Army"
Revenge is a dish, best served cold, or by those who are cold at heart..
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

*** This post was edited by Red Garter Rob on 11/4/2001. ***

The second one from the left is larger than the other smaller footers, but not nearly as large as the 2 near disaster transport, which as Rob said, support the towers, but I haven't a clue on that particular one. 
any announce ment date set yet

welcome to millennium force please step into the train please secur all loose articals cedar point is not responsible for anything lost or damaged thank you and enjoy your record breaking ride on millennium force *clear*

Someone was running that time clock a little wrong...

Just wait until we bring the hockey game to the Big House.;)

"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."

Any word about the wood for the boardwalk? What do you think will make this coaster better than the rest? I hope they do the boardwalk it will be a great addition.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his Son (CHRIST), so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

*** This post was edited by newt on 11/4/2001. ***

Hey...we've known of yellow track for  while now :)
We'll find out later.......................but howcome every person here knows that there is yellow track there?  I still would love to see that in a nice photo!  I think that it would be sweet if it had the spiral (300-400 feet tall), then did a 90 degree drop and continued to be a full circuit coaster. 36 is just around the corner!
No one dies a virgin; life screws us all- someone

*** This post was edited by garik_law on 11/4/2001. ***

Jeff just posted that "there's nothing to see", so could this be no yellow track? I wonder where RanMan's friend gets his info.
If memory serves me correctly, arn't all the computers that run pulse coasters underneath the platform?  Eitherway on S:UE the ride platform is pretty high off of the ground.  On one side of the platform is the line (which travels underground and wraps around) and on the other side is some doors and a large grid of metal grating.  Do you think CP is going to build up like this or put the computers somewhere else?  I havn't seen pictures of the S:UE footers but it seems like the footer for the loading/unloading platform should be more like a basement foundation.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."

Jeff's avatar
The V2 rides have the equipment rooms next to the ride, I believe.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

FORGET THE RIDE IT'S OLD NEWS. WHY HAS MAINT. BEEN HANGING OUT BEHIND IMAX?if my sources are right its going to get very cold for snoopy next season. or maybe i just have a brain freeze going on.
I think as long as Snoopy has some ice skates he will be fine.
Daniel "PING" Haverlock
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