New ride... place your bets!

600 pph I think is going to cause problems...with MF getting 1600 pph and having such huge lines, especially in 2000, lines are seemingly going to be huge.
DT80: 30 and proud of it!
Member of the O.C.
Like Jeff mentioned earlier, the capacity thing has to be looked at from the right perspective. 

Consider that CP's *total* park-wide capacity will increase by 600pph or more.  Now figure in roughly the same attendance as in past years and you'll see that the lines won't be too atrocious. 

CP already has a ton of rides vying for their patrons attention, the addition of another ride won't shake things up too much.  Just like with every new addition, the new coaster will have large lines at first, but they'll die down in time. 

Think park capacity, not ride capacity...:)

  Yellow track coasters...Lockness Monster (BG)  ...Mantis (CP)...Vertical Velocity SFGAM))....Medusa (SFGA)....Nitro (SFGA). ...Double LoopSFWoF)....Chang (SFKK)...V2  Vertical Verolcity (Marine World)....Georgia Scorcher(SFOG)....Boomerang (SF Elitch Gardens).....Laser (Dorney)... Talon (Dorney)...Desperado (Buffalo Bills)...Volcano The blast coaster (PKD)....These are the ones I know of off hand, personally I dont like yellow track,  theres to many of them.  LOL   Seriously.. a burnt yellow wouldnt be bad.

*** This post was edited by tohot2se on 11/1/2001. ***

Don't Forget Python At BGT
Joey Ciborek FLCC Member
LoL its kinda funny seeing all these comments on the shade of yellow the coaster is. I hope it's an orangish-yellow color, kinda like a sunset-ish color.

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

Didn't someone mention a guess of yellow track over in the thread on guess for the colors of the 2002 coaster? :o)

The question is, will my theory prove 100% true? or only 50%? We'll find out as soon as we know the color of the supports!

And believe me...there was reasoning behind choosing the colors I did.

James Draeger
"Legend is a wooden Jesus"

*** This post was edited by ACEerCG on 11/2/2001. ***

I'd like Audi Yellow track with Tornado Red supports.  (Those are the colors of my A2 Jetta)
"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
I'd like just to know exactly what this thing is.
My guess it is some kind of attraction...probably on the beach.  (Wink)!
Hi all, I just had to add to this monstrous thread......I was thinking the other day about how someone stated that the new ride will rotate 450 degrees.  Now if it launches towards Disaster Transport and barrel rolls straight up that would leave you facing the lake, right?  Sounds pretty darn sweet if I'm right. Sorry if someone has already made this comment, but those are a whole lot of posts to read.
Kally said,

"600 pph I think is going to cause problems...with MF getting 1600 pph and having such huge lines, especially in 2000, lines are seemingly going to be huge. "

MF getting 1600 pph hour??  Yeah right, our goal was getting 1200 pph.  The most we ever got was 1290 or something like that.  I don't think they have to worry about capacity because if they do get two, then the capacity will be doubled.  Just a thought...

RanMan said:

Also, looks like another large footer is going in next to the one that is already done. This one is closer to the beach.

Can anyone confirm this?  Are there any pics floating around?  It's not that I don't believe it, I just wanna see some pictures.
Of course, it's probably hard to get new pics now with the park being closed and all...

*** This post was edited by Logan on 11/2/2001. ***

If the track is yellow and the supports are blue, I hope they name it "Wolverine".  Or "Rocket".
-- Harley
CP fan since 68.

*** This post was edited by harley on 11/2/2001. ***

Naming it Wolverine would probably conflict with a few copywrite interests.  Also, since Cedar Point has no real affiliation with a comic book atmosphere (not that any particular theme is really stressed) it might be frowned upon.
Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!
Also a certain Michigan football team.

Alantis104 said:
"Don't Forget Python At BGT
Joey Ciborek FLCC Member

Hey !! Good to see a fellow FLCC member here!!

Brian Costanza
Go Full Force

For Wade - I wasn't really thinking of the X man, but a certain #6 rated football team that I have an emotional attachment to.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

Rocket would have the UT tie in as well and tehre colors are blue and yellow hmmmmm.

They would have no problems with Wolverine, I don't see how that could be copywritable if it had nothign to do with te comic book.

I doubt that the word "Wolverine" is trademarked, but an angry mob would break into the park at night and burn down the coaster if it was named that.
Jeff's avatar
First, it's copyright and what you really want to talk about is a trademark. Either way, a mark can represent two totally different things, and that's OK. See the soft drink Millennium Force and the roller coaster Millennium Force.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

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