New ride... place your bets!

That diagram is kind of wack, because the station will more than likely be in the middle of the ride. Unless they think it is going to be a reverse freefall, which would put the station right there.
Let's Go Pens!

beltzies64 said:
"That diagram is kind of wack, because the station will more than likely be in the middle of the ride. Unless they think it is going to be a reverse freefall, which would put the station right there.
Let's Go Pens!"

that's what I thought. That may be the footer for the other spike. The station may sit on the same footers as the track does ?
Go Full Force

I thought it had to be taller than The Space Spiral at 330 feet to be the tallest ride in the park??


Remember, construction is not even close to being done.  There could be plans for more footers.  I think it's way too early to make assumptions on the location of the station, or the location of anything, for that matter.
At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.
I seem to remember 3 ops on the impulses, though, so the comment regarding a racer may be correct.
So basically we know that it's an impluse.  What will make this one stand-out from the one down the road?  Sheer height?!  I am sure, but anything else?!

And also, who else thinks this isn't it?  Perhaps the fountains that were supposed to placed last year will make it there this year.

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"

Ride of Steel's avatar
Bill, 3 ops on the SIX FLAGS Impulses = 6 ops on the CEDAR POINT Impulse, easily, hehe. We love capacity at CP. :o)

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

I hope Petree, that's its both speed and height! As for the height, I can only hope that it will be much bigger than the one down the road. I'd like to see something close to 300 feet...kind of like a S:UE on steroids! :)


Superman on steroids? I thought he was trying to promote a positive image...

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

Bill - 3 ops on an impulse at Six Flags does not mean CP would use only 3.  I'd say you'd have two on each side, plus spiels and controls at minimum.  Then of course someone would be at entrance and turnstiles.  I agree with Dave that the "operator booths" are probably a spot for the ops to stand after the train has been checked and is cleared for dispatch.  Each one might even have a dispatch enable button.  This makes sense since the train will be coming through the station at a speed probably greater than 70 mph.  I'm still pulling for the dual track version, but with the footers so far, I don't see it.  That's not to say there isn't going to be another row along side the current footers in the near future.

Edit: Oops - forgot to read the last page.  Natalie beat me to it. :)

2001 Magnum Crew

*** This post was edited by MDOmnis on 10/30/2001. ***

Ride of Steel's avatar
tr0wned j00 Matt!!


Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

Could also see the use of pressure mats being used so that someone doesn't have to hold a dispatch enable button the whole time.

Doesn't S:UE use and electronic eye bar on both sides of the train to establish a safety zone?

One of us.. One of us..
MF total - 480 laps
VertiGo Launches - 82
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

Yes Rob they do !

"So bride of Frank, do you know why your here ? Yeh I guess so Frank can moan to me how much he loooooooovvveeeessssss me !"
I'm one of them, i'm one of them.
Raptor Crew 01
Blue Streak Crew 00
Wildcat Crew 99

Jeff's avatar
Yeah, there's a light curtain on SUE that goes between the queue and the ride's "action" zone. I've always been curious to see what happens when someone interrupts it. (I assume it stops the ride, duh.)

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

When I was in line somebody on the ride threw their hat just before launch and a loud buzzer sounded (sort of like at a basketball game).  The ride then sat there for like 5 minutes before it got going again.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."

-John Gilman; Proud Participant of the DT 80 and member of the O.C.!
5 mins shutdown.. sounds like it triggers an automatic E-Stop. Even at CP, these cause a rather long delay in the re-opening of the ride.

One of us.. One of us..
MF total - 480 laps
VertiGo Launches - 82
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

I'm actually not sure breaking the light curtain automatically triggers an immediate E-Stop.  I've seen ops stick their hands into the curtain while the train was up a spike, which caused an alarm to sound, but didn't cause the train to come to a stop when it got back to the station.  Perhaps it WOULD if the train were somewhere "in" the station, with the op at the controls having the option to E-Stop it right away when the train's elsewhere and the alarm sounds.

Sheer speculation on my part, based on the fact that I HAVE seen the curtain go off without causing an E-Stop...

My Home
MF count: 52

To those who shot down my idea about an impulse backwards.............claming half the ride is. Yes half the ride is...but what if that half wasnt and the other half was? going up that twist backwards and going down it forwards............that would be one hell of a ride..........and backwards down the staright drop? that would be awsome....and a new type of an existing ride

*** This post was edited by Cp_Rider on 10/31/2001. ***

I think it would be intense enough, where you're facing straight down to the ground on the vertical spike. But hey, ya never know.

We could twist the idea, and have face-off cars. Some would be facing up, others facing down. That's intense there.

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

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