New ride... place your bets!

Maybe the new version won't be inverted???? that would be rather boring though. but that's the only thing...............o wait.........maybe backwards!!!!! that would be awsome
Maybe backwards?

Half the ride is backwards.

All I have to say is if they hold us 90 degrees at the top of one of those spikes like S:UE, with only LAPBARS...that's gonna be one freaky ride!
Its obvious by Jeff's "hints" that it is probebly an inverted Intamin impulse that will be larger than the others in existence.  I think CP will probebly get a few other flat rides and a few new improvements, probebly in the area around the new impulse.  The major question is how high and fast.   Jeff basically said that someone has extrapulated that data as well based on the size of the footers.  Without looking through all 32 pages does anyone know which extrapulation he is referring to?   No matter what, I cant wait to ride it. 
I think 2 coasters is just to much wishful thinking.  IF they did build a 2nd coaster my guess is that it would be some type of wild mouse. 

*** This post was edited by CP Twister on 10/29/2001. ***

Actually, I think that the footers are fake, planted at great expense to make everybody THINK that CP is getting an impulse :)
Very, very, very long shot here... Intamin Impulse, however with flying cars where you lay down?

Nah. Probably not. What a wild goose chase...

Tommy Penner - The Cause Of All Confusion
MY Indy Coaster Company @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."


"Cedar Point is expected to make an announcement in the upcoming weeks. Brian Edwards, marketing spokesperson, would confirm that there is preliminary construction going on that is part of the 2002 plan. "

Part of????? I think there will be some surprises in this announcement beyond the obvious, even if it is just some flat rides.

*** This post was edited by net on 10/30/2001. ***

Without looking through all 32 pages does anyone know which extrapulation he is referring to?

Not to toot my own horn too loudly, but Jeff may have been referring to my quick and crude extrapolation: (As seen on page 23 of this glorious thread...:))

According to RCDB, S:UE is 704 feet in length. Doing some really crude math we can assume that the base is around 704ft-360ft (2 180 feet towers) tall, which is about 344ft. Again, this is really crude, but we can at least compare and get an idea. If I were to extrapolate the height of CP's impulse from just the base length, I'd guess CP's would come in around 240-250ft tall. This is, of course, assuming that a direct relationship exists between the length of the base and the total height of the ride (I frankly don't know...). Food for thought...

The smaller footers threw me off at first, but all the pictures helped me see it now. It looked to me at first like footers of a dual track , but now I see that they are the footers for the supports that the track will hang from. The overall footprint still looks longer than  S UE to me though.  Even if  its just a little taller and faster than S UE , that would still make it the tallest,  fastest,  and more than likely, the best overall  LIM powered coaster in the north east region. As long as it's not a clone, I'll be happy.

I think your on it logan.

*** This post was edited by ToofastGM3 on 10/30/2001. ***

270 feet is my guess.  How about a pool?  Winner gets all the honor they can eat.
-- Harley
CP fan since 68.

*** This post was edited by harley on 10/30/2001. ***

At 270 feet it wouldn't be the tallest ride in the park and I thought it was stated earlier that it would become the tallest ride.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
CP never stated that but hey ya just never know...

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

One problem with your logic, Wade, Cedar Point isn't even open for Easter.

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
v2.0 of coolFORCE @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!
Somewhere, I think it was on this thread, about the ride possibly not being inverted.  I think that might make the ride even better.  I say this because not having an OTR restraint makes the ride feel a LOT more open a "free."  But this is just my opinion.
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...
Regarding the "450 degrees of rotation" statement:

Someone mentioned that (Sorry, not gonna dig back thru for the quote) making the train rotate 450 degrees, would not add much height to the spiraling tower.  Not for the front car to complete the maneuver.

On the other hand, if the back car of the train completes a full 450 degree rotation, we're talking some serious height addition here... look at S:UE now, does that last car on the train even make a 10 degree rotation?  I've never been on one of these babies, but it sure doesn't look like it.  If that last car of the train is going to rotate, expect this thing to be a lot taller.

And I'm still trying to figure out why the hell you'd need 6 operator's booths.... what kind of station configuration would require that...?

Just a thought,


If both spikes are twisted, both the front & back get the full effect.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

In case no one has seen, on the point online webite, they drew out a diagram of the footers so far. What do ya'll make of that? If it's dueling, where will the other track go? Further inland? Or would it go head to head, going the other direction on the beach?

Go Full Force

thrillman said:
"In case no one has seen, on the point online webite, they drew out a diagram of the footers so far. What do ya'll make of that? If it's dueling, where will the other track go? Further inland? Or would it go head to head, going the other direction on the beach?

here's the link.

Go Full Force

6 operator booths? I still say it's 6 operator stations. If this is a launched coaster, it comes through the station at high speed, and contrary to the way Cedar Point normally does ride operations, that usually means a safety zone for each operator, possibly behind a latched gate. If the train has 16 rows, it is probably an 8-car train, which means there are six spaces between cars. My guess: The doghouse at the downtrack end of the station includes the safety zone for the dispatcher at the front of the train, and the six operator booths refer to the safety zones for the rest of the train, located between the cars.

Just a guess, mind you, but there is some sense to it...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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