New ride... place your bets!

Anybody have any clues as to the height of this thing? An interesting theory that I just though of, (and if anyone else has posted this already, I apologize for over looking you), is this. Based on Jeff's comments over at CoasterBuzz about  "maybe CP claiming S:TE to be a coaster next year", makes me think that Cedar Point will try to make this new ride TALLER Than S:TE and then claim S:TE to be a coaster after all...but then CP will have one taller. Just a theory...

-Mikey :)

I thought i read somewhere that someone said that jeff said ,, that it wasnt a reverse freefall?! Unless..CP does do it..but just dont claim it as a coaster...But holds the record for the fasest,,tallest..reverse freefall.  Now im really confused!
Jeff has said on several occasions that it will not be a reverse free-fall.
Maybe it could be 2 seperate coasters with one loading area, useing the same footers, power source, and ect.  One side a Superman taller then the one at magic mountain, and the other one taller that the one superman at Six Flags Ohio. Just a thought
They should add a barrel roll on the flat section of track. It would be cool to go through one backwards.
A lap bar is all you need!
If you're traveling 70+ mph while going throught a barrel roll, I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be safe.
Isn't a roll just a change in roll, with no change in pitch or yaw? If so, speed shouldn't matter (as long as the roll was long enough!)
Well, I just got back form CP. I left at 7:00 p.m. I made my final lap on MF then headed for the exit. On the way I took my 9yo son through the snoopy area by the arcade (forget the 'proper' name) for a goodie bag. Then we went over to inspect oceana and aquarium for some memories. After staring at the aquarium for a few minutes and remembering the penguins, sharks, and lion fish, my wife and I started walking towards the beach to check out the footers. We looked behind and didn't see my son. He popped right up after we called, & came running over. He handed me a kid-sized peice of concrete from the Aquarium that was next to the construction fence. He said "Here, you can remember it with this". What a great kid!

We headed for the Arcade and looked over at the Scwebention (sorry, spelling is wrong). As she might not be here next year, we all decided that the lady deserved the last ride of the season. I asked the ride op where it was going. His reply was "This is my baby, and I have no idea". He truely seemed kinda sad.

Anyway, to bring this back on topic. I ran into "someone with knowledge" outside the park. With casusal conversation, this person revealed some great facts. Some are just conformation, others really suprised me. As it wouldn't be proper to throw everything out here, I'll summarize some things.

Cedar Point currently has 3 main electrical feeder lines. It is pulling a fourth for the new attraction. Without quoting exactly, her figure given is enough to power 4 High Schools. (I work in the field, I ran the comparison) This person said that its power will make other major attractions "look like a 30 watt light bulb".

This person also confirmed that Oceana is staying. The dive show is renewed.

Finally, there is additional construction currently going on over there that is independent of the new attraction.

Anyways, it was quite a night for a closer. My family had fun, and thats what CP is all about.

I did have the pleasure of saying hello to both Natalie and RaptorJo. Perhaps we'll meet again next year.

In anticipation,


Thanks, Dan! Sounds like a lot of juice for this baby. I wonder how fast this thing's gonna go!



Wow that's exciting.....some more info..I love this time of year on GTTP.

Is this new feed line dedicated to the new ride?  It HAS to be launched now.....what other ride would take that much power?

Id say over 100 mph....I dont think this coaster will break any records other then speed..but I could be wrong
Jeff's avatar

Logan said:
"If that submitted design is accurate, and the trains end up being 16 cars long, I'm thinking that it will definitely be a dual track design.  Jeff has hinted at a cure for the capacity issues and a 32-passenger train ain't it."
Or the Register is just wrong...

Yeah, that's it.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Heck the Register spelled "Oceania" wrong.

The footers by DISpatch mASTER TRANSPORT are big and whatever they will be supporting will be very tall. And it looks like just south of the jet ski place building there will be a footer almost the size of the other big ones.

Andrew Hyde

*** This post was edited by Andrew on 10/28/2001. ***

Does anyone know where I can find pictures of the constuction (particually the footers) of S:UE or Vertical Velocity? I'm trying to compare the footers to get an idea of how tall it is going to be.

Those footers are getting interesting. I wonder what is going to happen in the next few weeks (besides the announcement.)

Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100
10/28/01: Gemini 100 Reunion put up a new banner this morning.... it hints at the announcement coming soon.
I would like to see it but, these computers at my school don't work right so the banner doesn't work here. I guess I have to wait until I get home. :(

Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100
10/28/01: Gemini 100 Reunion

I wonder if the fact that the words spiral in on the new banner on the official cedar point website is a hint?  Looking forward to the announcement!
The word spiral is one of the most overused Flash effects... I doubt it's meant to be a hint
And all the customary "Yay I started page 30" nonsense.

*** This post was edited by VorTeX on 10/29/2001. ***

Jeff's avatar
I posted a few new photos in the news section. Anyone ever see the footer pattern before? Look a little to the east in the park formerly known as Geauga Lake if you still doubt this thing is an Impulse.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Does the image of Millennium Force in that banner hint to a possible giga-impulse (300ft+)?

Tommy Penner - I really should be doing my US History work...
MY Indy Coaster Company @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

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