New ride... place your bets!

All I know is that if they name it after a comic superhero i'm never riding it ! :):)
Do they realize what they're doing to us!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
I'm going crazy, trying to figure out all the details!!!
Welcome back Raptor riders, how was your flight?!

*** This post was edited by MILLENIUMFORCERULES on 10/27/2001. ***

Gemini said:

"The floor plan sketch, designed by architect Terry Ross of the planning and design department at Cedar Point, shows a station design with a control room, a queuing area, loading and unloading areas, tracks traveling from both sides of the loading area and six operator booths.

SIX operator booths?  Uhm... why would you need SIX operator booths?  And "track*S* traveling from both sides of the station"...  I think we're dealing with more than a single track here.   Here's to hopin'

*** This post was edited by Gravity on 10/28/2001. ***

After seeing the footers for ourselves today..I dont see how it can be a "superman UE" being where the loading station seems to be right next to DT ( unless DT would come down) im really confused!  And..I dont see them doing a superman escape..because its already noted by cedar point that they dont consider that a I doubt they would go that route.  The way the footers look...the ride appears to be at least twice the length of superman UE, so Im saying they are going for a speed record here..more then a height record. I still think this will be a dual coaster what sense..Im not for sure..but I dont see how this can be a U shaped track..with  the loading station (if thats the loading station) next to DT.  But one thing I am hoping for is..that this is not 'racing' dual..but more of a 'fly by' dual!

*** This post was edited by tohot2se on 10/28/2001. ***

No, Cedar Point does not consider Superman: The Escape a coaster.  An Jeff has already said it isn't going to be a reverse freefall.  S:UE is a coaster, and that's what we are expecting.
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
And as I stated....with what appears to be the loading dock by DT...I dont see how they can put a U shapped track there without removing DT. 
The huge pair of footers that "appears to be the loading dock by DT" is actually just for the support(s) that hold up the vertical part of the track (assuming it's an impulse).  Here's a pic to show what I'm talking about:
Notice that the giant blue supports for the vertical section need a bigger foundation than the small u-shaped supports for the straight section.

You must have gotten them mixed up because right now they only have the huge footers built on one side (by DT), but you should notice that on the other side, by the Stadium, they have dug out the holes for another pair of the huge footers.  The holes look the same from the Giant Wheel, so I'm assuming that they will build those footers next.  Then you will see the symmetry.  At least, I hope.

VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 28

here's my theory, assuming it is an impulse......  After reading that there will be six operator booths I came up with the idea that would have a dueling/racing track and on each of the station there woukd be a load and unload area, leaving you with what could be six operator booths, one for each piece of track.  IF this is the way it works, this ride could have a HUGE capacity, if you think about it you could actually have a SIX train operation.  That is if you have four sections for load and unload, each being able to hold a train, plus the two trains that are on the track. 

It has to be something along these lined because most racing/dueling coasters only have TWO operator booths, one for each track.  On this ride there will be six, most likely meaning six pieces of track where trains can be.

Just a thought!

I noticed this picture from CP webcam, it had a lot of dust coming from where the "boneyard" is.This is where it was, of course.  Sadly it might not be there when you get to look at the page.  Just a paranoia of mine (the shipment of track and supports).
"Do you understand the words that are comin' out of my mouf'?"-Rush Hour
I think thats from the fog machines, they really have them going.

2001 MF Count: 10

That "dust" is from the fog machines in place for Halloweekends.  Its purpose is not to hide track.

2001 Magnum Crew

Okay, thanks ( I got really confused!).
"Do you understand the words that are comin' out of my mouf'?"-Rush Hour
Here's hoping the ride has a headchopper or two!'s avatar
I'm number 700 and this ride is gonna kick arse!
crap... I mean 701... :(

*** This post was edited by on 10/28/2001. ***

Did any one suggest a wild mouse type ride? (I would look but don't have the time to read 29 pages of guesses!)  It is similar to wild cat and wild cat has a low rider capacity! Just a guess!
jOHN 3:16

*** This post was edited by newt on 10/28/2001. ***

Any possibility of both dual tracks "twisting" around eachother so to speak?

Being its a superman type S:ue..i really hope they dont clone it..other then the dual track affect..hoping its alot more to it then that!


I don't quite know how they could make that happen, but it would be unbelievably awesome...:)
My question is does anyone know if there is going to be another ride?  I was talking with a double blue in park op yesterday who mentioned something about getting rid of troika and chaos.  Anyone know if a coaster could fit there? Especially if a sit down restauraunt is going where dodgem is, like is suspected?


Maybe they are keeping the Dodgems and putting in the sitdown restaurant where Chaos/Troika are.  Or maybe they are trying to make room for a future ride... 2003?  I don't even want to speculate...
The one thing I have to say is can you imagine how long this thread would take to load if there weren't page dividers on it?  I can remember the TTR thread taking forever when it was only 200 posts....yeah I know that there is a faster server now, but it'd still take a while  :) 

Anyway, I am liking the idea of an Impulse...But I'm not really worried about what CP gets, because evern if it wasn't a record breaker of some kind, it would still be the best ride of its kind at the time...CP doesn't put in "mediocre" coasters, they go for the best.  Enough said.

Jeff Young

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