New ride... place your bets!

Sounds like a B&M Inverted coaster to me... especially with the bird name (all CF B&M inverteds have it... think Raptor, Talon, etc...).  I thought that it was almost finalized that Valleyfair was getting a B&M inverted (rumored to be named Falcon) too.  So maybe they are putting in 2 inverteds.
VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 28

*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 10/25/2001. ***

Could CF experiment with a B&M flyer before it would add one to Cedar Point?...just a thought.
 This thread has got so long that it has invaded my dreams.  Last night I dreamt I was riding CP’s new triple track, giant boomerang coaster.  The twist was that the seats where like those on VertiGo (it was a dream, it doesn’t have to make sense).  It was a quite an exciting ride.  Maybe I’m receiving subliminal messages from the Lemon Chill guy :)
Bob M.

*** This post was edited by RPMGuitar on 10/26/2001. ***

Ride of Steel's avatar
Hey flisk, great post, but AFAIAC, most seasonals know next-to-nothing (this is ESPECIALLY true for the ones who post what they DO know), and I've been one for three years.

PLUS have you ever thought of the fact that if someone tells you something in confidence (say a manager DOES tell you what we're getting) and you relay this information via a message board on the Internet with a bunch of obsessed freaks like here (love you guys!), that said manager is not going to be very happy with you after doing that, and will in the BEST case scenario not tell you anymore, ever.  And in the WORST case scenario you can lose your job over it.  So I'd think twice about posting anything you hear, not trying to preach, just trying to tell you from someone who's been an employee for three years and on this site since the beginning.

k thx gg

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

Natalie knows best..don't you! ;)
---says Floridaguy, who wants to name his deranged 13 lb. cat "itty bitty"---
As stated in a thread over at Coasterbuzz pertaining to having a dual-spiked impulse...

Jeff said:

Ask and you shall receive... just think 450 degrees of total rotation.

I don't know if this means on just the front spike, or both spikes or what...just thought I'd let you guys know.

CP should get the first pipeline...
well since nobody else posted it here is story that was in The Morning Journal it talks about how much the foundation and stuff costs... =
Wow, 400 to 600 feet!!  I can see why there could be a debate if it's a coaster or not.
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
Jeff's avatar
Of course... the bastards can't come over here and read what's up. Where do you think Screamscape gets its best info from?

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Yeah, 90 mph would make it way up a 400-600ft. tower...please!
That's not profanity...Jeff just believes that the people over at The Morning Journal don't know their fathers...:)

Besides why are you telling the webmaster what to do. It's very stupid for the paper to consult all the sites that have incredible rumors than consult the site that is actually dedicated to the park.

MF count: 23

$560,000 for a structure isn't to outrageous, but over $400,000 buys ALOT of concrete!  Is historical data for the MF permits still available? I'd love to compare.....

*** This post was edited by seasonpass on 10/26/2001. ***

A 4,560 sq ft station.  I think that is a key bit of information.  That would make the station roughly 100 ft by 50 ft.

Does anyone know the dimensions of the Gemini station?

That Morning Journal story is a cute little read but I got to question the credibility of any article that quotes a website that quotes "sources" who supply admitted rumors. Aside from the info on the permits, there's nothing in that article that isn't the same ridiculous speculation we've all been enganging in for months now.

This is journalism? Yikes!

A small station doesn't mean too much.  They can just do the same "first come first serve" thing, like on the force. 
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...
A small station doesn't mean too much.  They can just do the same "first come first serve" thing, like on the force.  
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...
A 50 ft. wide station is rather wide for just one train...Does anyone know roughly how long S:UE's station is...or take a guess.
That doesn't mean it's 50 ft wide.  All it said was the area of the staion, not the width and length.  It could be say 20 ft wide.
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
Ride of Steel's avatar
Um actually floridaguy one certain ride ops manager at CP who knows my involvement in this site cautioned me LAST SEASON, when I was ATL of a sweep zone in the very beginning, about what I should and shouldn't post on here.    SO I'm inclined to think that YES I do know what I'm talking about.

k thx gtfo

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

Closed topic.

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