New ride... place your bets!

Also, CP probably finalizes the plans of what they will build at least one year before they build it. Otherwise, it makes sense.

Actually, this was confirmed through marketing..JEFF. I am sorry that I am not perfectly in the know like you, but, you were not an employee this past season..were you?? NO. I am just repeating what I said...not to prove anyone wrong, or allow some smartass on this site another bad comment directed torwards me. I merely am repeating something I know of that was told to me about a month ago..notice...I didn't say that was the ONLY excuse me, I do know what we're getting..I will post about it, put my opinions up here..and ignore any cynical remarks..which, technically, are just wasting space...
--says Floridaguy, who, magically attracts smart remarks, and, those who write REALLY stupid posts don't--
Cedar Fair's Third Quarter results conference call , which will be broadcast on the web, is scheduled for November 9.  Could that be the day.  If someone else in the 600 or so posts above mentioned this I'm sorry. 

Michigan Adventure press release mentions a bunch of standard Cedar Fair type ride additions besides the Dodgem.

I don't know this for sure, but I thought Kinzel rode Shivering Timebers long before they bought the park.  This would mean that he knew how good CCI is.  I don't know for sure, but that is what I thought.
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...
All I know is that he just loved Ghostrider...

MF count: 23

I'm curious why so many of you think that CP is afraid of making a ride manufacturer "mad" by not purchasing one of their rides. These companies must go to great lengths to keep the parks happy; they're selling the rides, and without the parks, they're out of bussiness.

I'm sure that CP bids out these deals, and the best bid gets the contract - just like the rest of the world does it. 

Without upstops, airtime would have a whole new meaning!

Jeff's avatar
The comment someone made about the conference call is a good one. I can't see them having that call without having 2002 capital all laid out first, before the call. They announced Michigan's Adventure today... which park will be next?

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"


I would like to remind you that you are not the only seasonal employee in this forum.  I too did work park ops this summer.  I worked more specifically in Services, but I saw a lot of Mr. Spehn and others close to his position in Park Ops.  In defense of the other department seasonal employees on this site probably a lot in this thread itself.   I would say park op doesn't matter when it comes to information.  Mr. Kinzel could walk past a food stand talking with Mr. Keller. (I doubt they would be talking about 2002 plans in public) maybe someone broadcasted a message on a radio intended for someone and thought they had the right person but it someone on a different frequency responding or listening(highly doubtful too) maybe someones manager heard in a meeting someplace.  The point is just because your seasonal and you worked park ops doesn't mean anything. Everybody no matter what department they worked for had an equal chance of getting  the same news by mysterious means.  Nobody, I'm sure not even Jeff knows everything about next year.  You might have been told something but it might have been part of the plans...  I don't care what you say on here just remember you're not the only employee at Cedar Point.  you've got about 5000 or so coworkers...

I hope they don't make CP last.  ALthough that would be a great suspense builder.  Have a park someplace have this really great ride to maybe help throw ascew any ideas of what they might be building and then BAM a big suprise. It is an impulse or something.
I posted a response on Coasterbuzz and someone responded back by saying that "what if the new coaster was a launched, continuous circuit, looping, Intamin coaster...especially since the aquarium is being torn down. Sounds great to me. Ohhh, just announce it already.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
flisk deserves a golden taco for his post!! Another One of the seasonals who understands and has the right perspective!!

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

Thank you, Flsik, for clearing that up for me. I feel much better...I know that, but I heard that, not on a radio or anything. From now on, I won't post anything I heard or know, apparently, its against the law. A golden taco, eh? how about a pan and broom. Anyways, the conference call on the site, which, omg, I might post about....that sounds like a good time to announce 2002...
---says Floridaguy, who wants to name his deranged 13 lb. cat "itty bitty"---
I feel CP's announcement is more imminent than ever with MIA's plans being unveiled yesterday...

Not too much longer...:)

I'm hoping we get the Knott's announcement in the interim here... (and that what they build will miraculously be ready by mid-March...)

*** This post was edited by VorTeX on 10/25/2001. ***

Do I sense tension in the air?
All I know is that I'll have full attention to all the CP/Theme Park web sites I know over the next week....

Tommy Penner - The Cause Of All Confusion
MY Indy Coaster Company @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

MiLLeNNiuMRiDeR said:
"All I know is that I'll have full attention to all the CP/Theme Park web sites I know over the next week..."

Well i wouldnt hold your breath for next week because i just called the CP info line and the lady on there told me November 17.. But then again she could have been just telling me that because she is prob. tired of people like me calling and asking the same question over and over..


--says Floridaguy, who, magically attracts smart remarks, and, those who write REALLY stupid posts don't--

World's of fun has an icon on their website for THUNDERHAWK NEW for 2002.  Can anyone shed some light on the subject?
CPcyclone -
On Worlds of Fun's website, on the 2002 Season pass page, it says:
"In 2002, you'll be sure to FLIP over our newest attraction as you soar through 3 minutes of six-story flight."
Anyone have any ideas of what this sounds like? Sounds a bit like a Huss Top Spin possibly. Don't know if it is tall enough to be a Giant Top Spin?

*** This post was edited by Eric Leslie on 10/25/2001. ***

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