New ride... place your bets!

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

Post 607! i didn't get to be a part of this yet, i dont think, but i hope that the ride is worth all the announcement wait. that is all. . .


MF Laps - 15

The reason why the press release has been "pushed back" is because they had trouble deciding on a name for the new coaster(s). This has been verified through several Park Op. employees and other departments throughout the park. 'nough said.
---says Floridaguy, who wants to name his deranged 13 lb. cat "itty bitty"---
Ride of Steel's avatar

I love how seasonals are experts. :)

gg ghost & floridaguy k thx

btw ghost who are you?

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

Jeff's avatar
Yeah... anything "verified" or "confirmed" is usually crap unless it comes from the mouths of the people who work in marketing.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

A hyper crazy mouse ride ??? That's what they are building I saw the footers. 

Gemini 100 - 35
Gemini 100 cheering section coordinator

That is hilarious. Like a Mouse who forgot it's ritilin........


But on another note...who says that they are done with the footers. Everone is "sure" of what it is because of the footers.but this cedar point for crying out loud. They love suspense. Maybe the built those at once Purposly! just a guess

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
nough said hey Floridaguy?...Thanks for clearing that up for me! I was frantically waiting for your post! Man do I feel better now that you've given us the lowdown!


mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

Actually I've heard they haven't decided on a name yet, which means that a October announcment is unlikely. Looks like maybe that October 31st date will get pushed back. Sigh...

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz"

And where did you hear they haven't chosen a name? Here. I can guarantee that's where you heard it.

Jeff said:
Yeah... anything "verified" or "confirmed" is usually crap unless it comes from the mouths of the people who work in marketing....

....or the Dippin' Dot guy.  Never, EVER rule out anything he says.
When you eat anough of the Ice Cream of the Future, you can start to see things a week or so in advance....
-CPlaya (look what you people made me do!)

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 10/24/2001. ***

Since Cedar Point already knows what they are building 2 years in advanced, it would be impossible and illogical to wait for the reactions from X.
500' - 130MPH - 24 Pax per side.
No OTSRs.  Pure air time.
Another lurker comes out of hiding.... I think CP may be buying time by installing the impulse (if you're not convinced by now, slap yourself!). Here's a logical order of what I think (NOT KNOW!!!) happened to bring us to the impulse.
-Early 2002- CF is pretty sure they're getting a CCI for the point next year...but then they start recieving complaints about GhostRider's noise, and later, they get a look at Colossus. Seeing as how they've got an amiacable (sp) relationship with Intamin right now, they get their hearts set on a woodie from them.
-Mid-2002- Now, they're not so sure. They buy Michigan's Adventure and see first hand what a CCI can do to Nowheresville Park, and they wake up and realize that Colussus is Intamin's first woodie. So, now they have to make a decision between the two companies and upset one, right? WRONG!! They decide to compensate Intamin with a impulse at CP and CCI should get to build something like Cornball Express at WoF to give them a desperately needed jumpstart soon.

And now they sit back and watch. Does the impulse cause a buttload of problems? Does Intamin follow up Collosus with anything? Does CCI continue their success? Once CP gets the answers, they will build thier much-needed wooden wonder without disappointing the GP in the meantime. Even if it takes a while, they can add a wild mouse for more filler. Once again, I didn't hear this from the lemon chill guy, I made it up myself.
wesleyg, nice work... I am guessing you meant 2001 rather than 2002 but I got your point.  I don't see CP being all that concerned about upsetting one of the companies -- thats just business.  I do think it is plausible that CP was unsure with whether or not to go with CCI or Intamin, but I don't think that had any effect on getting an impulse this year (if that is really what we are getting).  All that being said, I appreciate your post for thinking outside the box.
Millennium Michael, I was thinking the same thing about a 4D style Impulse coaster.  It would explain the names.
This could be a long shot, but it might be worth saying...

What would be cool is two Impulse coasters, but not racing. Instead they're lined up, having each coaster facing each other, that way when they are being launched, it appears to the riders that you are going to collide with the other.

Doubtful, but hey, it'd be cool wouldn't it?

Tommy Penner - The Cause Of All Confusion
MY Indy Coaster Company @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

-Early 2002[sic]- CF is pretty sure they're getting a CCI for the point next year...but then they start recieving complaints about GhostRider's noise, <snip>

I don't see where the noise complaints from Ghostrider would affect Cedar Point's decision.  Knott's is in a residential neighborhood and the residents were complaining.  Cedar Point is on a penninsula far away from any residential area (Dick Kinzel's house nonwithstanding) where a woodie would cause noise complaints.  I beleive the noise complaints pertained to people screaming, not the physical noise of the ride itself and if the ride is thrilling enough, people are going to scream no matter what.  Furthermore, the roof on the first drop makes it even scarier (IMO) which may be integrated on more rides in the future.  Your argument is very good overall, except for this one point.


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